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by LakeCharles
January 27th, 2025, 3:00 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - North, Northeast, and Southeast / University of Minnesota
Topic: University of Minnesota - News & General Topics
Replies: 623
Views: 1247674

Re: University of Minnesota - News & General Topics

Yeah that Tier 1 segment is bordered by Oak St on the west, Williams on the east, Franklin on the south, and University on the north. It certainly contains a decent amount of college students, but all the big dorms are not in that section.
by LakeCharles
November 16th, 2023, 1:01 pm
Forum: Saint Paul
Topic: Xcel Energy Center
Replies: 61
Views: 133080

Re: Xcel Energy Center

How does someone in Medina that never goes downtown and never watches baseball benefit from the stadium?

I mean I assume the reason anyone lives in Medina instead of, say, Walnut Grove is because they derive some value from being in a metro area. It might not be directly by being a Twins fan ...
by LakeCharles
November 5th, 2023, 8:33 pm
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Amtrak: Empire Builder and Borealis (TCMC)
Replies: 729
Views: 469738

Re: Amtrak: Empire Builder and Great River (TCMC)

I definitely agree that Union Depot does not feel like an Amtrak station. 95% of the hall is always used for something else and so you're shunted off to the side behind some black fabric, sitting on the floor because there aren't enough seats. Compared to any other city I've ridden in, we definitely ...
by LakeCharles
August 10th, 2023, 3:54 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - North, Northeast, and Southeast / University of Minnesota
Topic: Northeast and Southeast Minneapolis - General Topics
Replies: 967
Views: 416678

Re: Northeast and Southeast Minneapolis - General Topics

The Park Board should buy it and incorporate it into the park, a la Sandcastle, Lola, etc.
by LakeCharles
June 28th, 2023, 3:14 pm
Forum: Local Politics and Governance
Topic: Minneapolis City Politics General Discussion
Replies: 428
Views: 181926

Re: Minneapolis City Politics General Discussion

I agree the council majority screwed up, but moving the vote to next meeting would have pushed the timeline back enough such that it wouldn't be able to be placed on the ballot, so it would have died anyway. Once the meeting started, the only way would have been advancing the motion.

I don't really ...
by LakeCharles
April 13th, 2023, 5:08 pm
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Gold Line BRT - Woodbury to St. Paul (3/22/2025) and Minneapolis (2027)
Replies: 516
Views: 203810

Re: Gold Line BRT (Gateway Corridor)

I don't know that anything except maybe Snelling should be included. With the Green Line a quarter mile north and the B Line a quarter mile south, it's fine to have the third line in the corridor be express service. Huron I'm ambivalent about - the U is a transit powerhouse, for sure, but it's a ...
by LakeCharles
March 24th, 2023, 9:27 am
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Purple Line BRT
Replies: 759
Views: 408486

Re: Purple Line BRT (Rush Line Corridor)

Kind of amazing that one of the reasons for this line was "regional equity", because Ramsey County wanted fancy buses too. But it looks like all the cities within Ramsey County are pretty clearly saying they don't actually want any transit investments!
by LakeCharles
February 22nd, 2023, 10:21 am
Forum: Local Politics and Governance
Topic: Bill to limit corporate ownership of SFH for rental
Replies: 6
Views: 13025

Re: MN House drafting bill to ban corporate buying of SFH for rental

Also, the apartment that I rented in Dinkytown was owned by a business that managed dozens of properties (most of which were SFHs and all were in Dinkytown). They were very good to work with and charged a fair rate for their housing. They would almost certainly be impacted by this as well.

This ...
by LakeCharles
January 2nd, 2023, 2:58 pm
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Public Transit News / Current Events (MN only)
Replies: 3108
Views: 880443

Re: Public Transit News / Current Events (MN only)

It's been a few years since there was discussion on the topic, but I've been curious - has the tech in our go-to cards changed at all? Now that we have a DFL Trifecta, it would be nice to have a universal public transportation fare payment card in MN.

Tap your card and hop on the light rail to ...
by LakeCharles
December 14th, 2022, 7:56 am
Forum: Saint Paul
Topic: Saint Paul - General Topics
Replies: 699
Views: 472699

Re: Saint Paul - General Topics

St Paul has selected a developer for the Hamm's Brewery site. 269 affordable apartments, plus commercial and community space. ... 600235540/
by LakeCharles
November 17th, 2022, 12:15 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - South, Southwest, and Uptown
Topic: Southwest Minneapolis (Linden Hills, Fulton, et al) - General Topics
Replies: 160
Views: 133579

Re: Southside - News & General Topics

New Snow Kreileich infill planned for Linden Hills next to Settegren's hardware. Looks fantastic.

The address is wrong, right? It says 4303 Upton, but that's the wrong side of the street, and this ...
by LakeCharles
November 2nd, 2022, 2:19 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - General Topics and Citywide Issues
Topic: Affordable Housing
Replies: 13
Views: 20360

Re: Affordable Housing

Ultimately the CPC voted 5-4 (with the four I quoted above in opposition) on a motion made by Commissioner Rainville to continue this project one cycle to November 14th in order to ensure that the Marcy Holmes neighborhood (which had not submitted a letter) was consulted. On Twitter, the Marcy ...
by LakeCharles
August 18th, 2022, 7:50 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - South, Southwest, and Uptown
Topic: Southwest Minneapolis (Linden Hills, Fulton, et al) - General Topics
Replies: 160
Views: 133579

Re: Southwest - General Topics (Linden Hills, Fulton, et al)

The Abbott
3401 W 44th Street
PXL_20220818_222421691 Small.jpeg
PXL_20220818_222312809 Small.jpeg
by LakeCharles
August 11th, 2022, 1:17 pm
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Bicycle Infrastructure
Replies: 1822
Views: 1153168

Re: Bicycle Infrastructure

Yeah, they clearly planned these two projects in isolation and didn't communicate.

It's not a big deal, but it doesn't reflect super well that they built those ramps on the north side, including separate colored concrete, etc. and now they are immediately made obsolete.
by LakeCharles
June 12th, 2022, 6:54 pm
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Hennepin Avenue Reconstruction (Douglas to Lake St)
Replies: 433
Views: 226326

Re: Hennepin Avenue Reconstruction (Douglas to Lake St)

Again, I too support 24 hour bus lanes, but the physical design of Hennepin will become so much improved with MAK's involvement.

MAK did nothing to make any of this happen. The plans were created before her, the only thing she did was remove the bus lanes.

So it's fine to say that even ...
by LakeCharles
May 19th, 2022, 1:03 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - Downtown
Topic: 900 Marquette - Hines Office Tower - 29 stories / 440'
Replies: 20
Views: 10170

Re: 900 Marquette - Hines Office Tower - 29 stories / 440'

Based on how people are reacting to a building being built within 30 feet of this music mural, people are for sure going to whine when a building goes up next to the Dylan mural.
by LakeCharles
March 24th, 2022, 9:45 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Census / Met Council Population Estimates & Projections
Replies: 233
Views: 116857

Re: Latest Census Estimates and Met Council Projections

The U of M has (or had) thousands of international students pre-pandemic.

They claim to have had ~2,500 international undergrads. Another ~3,500 graduate students, but they were far more likely to stay. So yes, if 2,500 undergrads all returned home, that's a little bit, but they represent <0.2 ...
by LakeCharles
March 24th, 2022, 9:22 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Census / Met Council Population Estimates & Projections
Replies: 233
Views: 116857

Re: Latest Census Estimates and Met Council Projections

I don't know that I buy the college students angle, at least for Hennepin County. Hennepin County doesn't have many colleges/universities that draw people from outstate. I doubt many people moved far away from home to attend Hennepin Tech.
Yes, there were certainly some students at the U of M ...