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by BikesOnFilm
February 3rd, 2025, 9:46 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - Downtown
Topic: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market
Replies: 1357
Views: 935801

Re: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market

Even if the buyers were looking to build a housing project from scratch in Downtown Minneapolis, I sincerely doubt they would start by looking for an existing tower to tear down when there are surface parking lots, 1-3 story buildings, and even entirely empty lots still available.

As it stands, I ...
by BikesOnFilm
February 3rd, 2025, 11:33 am
Forum: Minneapolis - Downtown
Topic: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market
Replies: 1357
Views: 935801

Re: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market

So Hennepin County offers a benefit to their employees that costs them virtually nothing, improves morale, and is a carrot they can use to attract qualified private sector workers to their employ, and they're supposed to give that up? For the benefit of REIT companies? To save skyway restaurants ...
by BikesOnFilm
February 3rd, 2025, 11:04 am
Forum: Minneapolis - Downtown
Topic: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market
Replies: 1357
Views: 935801

Re: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market

There are examples of sales like this in other US metros - just try a search for "tower sells for 90% below" and you'll find examples in NYC, SF, Chicago, etc.

I tried adding cities like 'Toronto' and 'London' to the search and it doesn't seem like it's happening in other places.

I guess it comes ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 30th, 2025, 10:05 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - Downtown
Topic: Washington Square - 20, 100, 111 Washington Avenue S
Replies: 61
Views: 23258

Re: Washington Square - 20, 100, 111 Washington Avenue S

My vote would be for either a MIA satellite or for the Cycling Museum of Minnesota to get a permanent space to display their collection.
by BikesOnFilm
January 30th, 2025, 9:55 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - Downtown
Topic: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market
Replies: 1357
Views: 935801

Re: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market

I mean...

The deal closed Thursday. Onward said it still exploring options for the future of the property, whether to convert all or some of the building to another use other than office.

"The purchase of the Ameriprise Financial Center is another demonstration of our desire to be an active ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 28th, 2025, 10:05 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - Downtown
Topic: Nicollet Mall
Replies: 1488
Views: 648863

Re: Nicollet Mall

In this case the statement implies that rich people are entirely at fault for being uncomfortable without spending a second to ask why they might are. Is it a person experiencing homelessness keeping to themselves or is it someone doing hard drugs in the open or somewhere in between, I think most ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 28th, 2025, 9:57 am
Forum: Minneapolis - Downtown
Topic: Nicollet Mall
Replies: 1488
Views: 648863

Re: Nicollet Mall

My guess is that a perfect storm of factors seem to be making this a priority now:

- A mayor up for reelection struggling to find things he can point at to show he's actually able to affect positive change, despite being the most powerful Minneapolis mayor ever.
- That same mayor's favorite ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 24th, 2025, 4:08 pm
Forum: Local Politics and Governance
Topic: 2025-2026 Minnesota Legislature
Replies: 22
Views: 706

Re: 2025-2026 Minnesota Legislature

Well, would you look at that.

Turns out words like "quorum" actually have a definition and it isn't subject to being changed to "Whatever grants the GOP the maximum amount of power."
by BikesOnFilm
January 17th, 2025, 1:24 pm
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Interstate 94
Replies: 415
Views: 192000

Re: Interstate 94

At this point I wouldn't even be mad if the new administration decides to abolish the DOT and give no-strings attached block grants to the states. It would suck for people in red states, but at least Minnesota and other reasonable places might be able to make decisions based on actual sensible ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 15th, 2025, 8:09 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: State Capacity
Replies: 2
Views: 388

Re: State Capacity

I tried to overlook some of the "both sides" isms because I thought the thesis was sound. But the biggest red flag for me was how one of their proposed remedies was to "rightsize AI guardrails," while providing no explanation or justification as to why. Or even what guardrails they think the Biden ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 14th, 2025, 7:07 pm
Forum: Suburbs
Topic: Suburbs - General Topics
Replies: 1145
Views: 429313

Re: Suburbs - General Topics

Is a freeway armpit apartment building with a surface parking lot and water retention pond 30 miles from downtown better than five houses?

That's the problem with the Met Council being super lenient on -how- a community reaches the level of density. Cities can reduce minimum lot sizes and meet ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 14th, 2025, 12:01 pm
Forum: Local Politics and Governance
Topic: 2025-2026 Minnesota Legislature
Replies: 22
Views: 706

Re: 2025-2026 Minnesota Legislature

I guess we'll see what happens after the special election in Roseville. Once the balance of power returns to 50/50, it would be the Republicans turn to decide whether to take their ball and go home, as they wouldn't be in a position to deny Tabke his seat any longer.

Like I don't care for a return ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 14th, 2025, 11:12 am
Forum: Local Politics and Governance
Topic: 2025-2026 Minnesota Legislature
Replies: 22
Views: 706

Re: 2025-2026 Minnesota Legislature

I've never seen a more stark example of the kid gloves our local media use when dealing with the MNGOP than this.

MNGOP - "Regardless of whether Rep. Tabke's election stands in the courts, we will choose not to seat a duly elected state rep because it benefits us politically."

DFL - "Okay, so we ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 10th, 2025, 2:23 pm
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Interstate 94
Replies: 415
Views: 192000

Re: Interstate 94

Funds for continuing the environmental and planning work, to be clear. A significant and an important milestone, but there likely won't be federal funding available when it comes time to actually build it.
by BikesOnFilm
January 8th, 2025, 8:07 am
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Interstate 94
Replies: 415
Views: 192000

Re: Interstate 94

I'm curious if there's a budget version of this as well, but one thing is clear to me: As long as we're spending hundreds of billions to indiscriminately expand roads, I never want to hear "the debt" used as a reason not to do something to fix or remove the blight of those roads.

Can't have it both ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 4th, 2025, 1:37 am
Forum: Minneapolis - Downtown
Topic: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market
Replies: 1357
Views: 935801

Re: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market

The article doesn't mention anything about that being an issue. I guess we'll have to see how it plays out.
by BikesOnFilm
January 3rd, 2025, 5:05 pm
Forum: Minneapolis - Downtown
Topic: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market
Replies: 1357
Views: 935801

Re: Downtown Minneapolis Office Market

Looks like the next office-to-residential conversion will be the Flour Exchange Building.

Trellis, an affordable housing developer, is buying the building. It's on the National Register of Historic Places, which will help unlock more funds for renovation as well.
by BikesOnFilm
January 2nd, 2025, 8:07 pm
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Interstate 94
Replies: 415
Views: 192000

Re: Interstate 94

So for absolute clarity, I had said "the funding source that would be most viable" and not "the funding source that would be used." Yes, it's a Metro Transit fund, but compared to highway funds, which have stringent purpose and need requirements, it's a more flexible pool of funds. However, you're ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 2nd, 2025, 9:25 am
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Blue Line Extension - Bottineau LRT
Replies: 1848
Views: 1110480

Re: Blue Line Extension - Bottineau LRT

That might matter less than you think. Rural constituents are more likely to be defensive of Amtrak, and the Met Council has been proud of pointing out that the Southwest Light Rail hired contractors from almost every one of Minnesota's counties.

And there's also the vast difference between how ...
by BikesOnFilm
January 1st, 2025, 12:01 pm
Forum: Transportation
Topic: Blue Line Extension - Bottineau LRT
Replies: 1848
Views: 1110480

Re: Blue Line Extension - Bottineau LRT

Some reasons not to worry:

- IIRC, the funds the Blue Line Extension is applying for are authorized through 2026.
- Just like the last four years, there isn't a 60 vote majority in the Senate and so there'll only be one hyper partisan bill that can be forced through by reconciliation. It'll be tax ...