Vote NO! & NO!

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby nasa35 » November 9th, 2012, 8:27 pm

^^^Obama basically saved the whole US capitalist sytem from collapse with his bailout of the banking and auto industry in his first term. That's hardly the work of a radical left wing politician. I agree, he is similar in many ways to a moderate Republican of 30 years ago.

and youthink bachmann is crazy???????????????

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby John » November 10th, 2012, 12:37 am

^^^Obama basically saved the whole US capitalist sytem from collapse with his bailout of the banking and auto industry in his first term. That's hardly the work of a radical left wing politician. I agree, he is similar in many ways to a moderate Republican of 30 years ago.

and youthink bachmann is crazy???????????????
Actually, I think her husband is worse. What a closeted democrat! ;)
Last edited by John on November 10th, 2012, 4:58 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby Lancestar2 » November 10th, 2012, 2:56 am

Does anybody else think the Presidential Elections mostly pointless and it dosen't matter what we as a state have to say? With the electoral college deciding the election instead of popular vote why bother to vote? If you are a republican then I guess you were out of luck because MN hasn't voted for a republican candidate since 1978 I think. Me personally I voted for Gary Johnson to show support for a 3rd party. Yet if your voting for a republican your voting for an already established political party why bother? Same question to citizen who live in the 40 states that are solid red/blue. I'm sure when they set up the electoral college it was a good idea but based on what is has become it just seems like one's states voters have much more power than another states which seems unfair. I personally always vote for every single election on the ballet and yes, I waste half a day looking online deciding which one to vote for on names I have never heard of and probably will never hear again lol.

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby mplsjaromir » November 10th, 2012, 10:12 am

I think the big problem for the GOP in MN is that it tries to emulate its southern cousins. Their message I do not think resonates with Minnesotans. States with high levels poverty and low educational attainment is where the GOP tends to do best. Harping about big gummit and scaring people into thinking
Obummer is gonna take your guns works in Mississippi, not so much up here. The MN GOP needs to look at what the actual population in MN wants and not just try and copy what works elsewhere.

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby FISHMANPET » November 10th, 2012, 10:33 am

The MN GOP is terrible, we need a better opposition party (and I say that as a Democrat).

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby dmdhashw » November 10th, 2012, 10:46 am

I think the big problem for the GOP in MN is that it tries to emulate its southern cousins. Their message I do not think resonates with Minnesotans. States with high levels poverty and low educational attainment is where the GOP tends to do best. Harping about big gummit and scaring people into thinking
Obummer is gonna take your guns works in Mississippi, not so much up here. The MN GOP needs to look at what the actual population in MN wants and not just try and copy what works elsewhere.
But then that means they'd have to write their own legislation, instead of having it handed to them by ALEC.

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby woofner » November 10th, 2012, 11:55 am

I personally always vote for every single election on the ballet and yes, I waste half a day looking online deciding which one to vote for on names I have never heard of and probably will never hear again lol.
Makes you feel like your vote really counts and our democratic exercise is really vital huh? Except that there is never really any difference between soil and water supervisors, except of course for the batshit completely unqualified ones that wouldn't have a chance if it weren't an elected position. Meanwhile, at the top of the ticket, the only difference is one is willing to throw a few crumbs to the rest of us after doling out all the money to the super-rich, while the other is fine with letting em die.
I think the big problem for the GOP in MN is that it tries to emulate its southern cousins.
It's funny because I just met someone from New York who just started working at Target, and she mentioned being shocked that some of her new coworkers will admit to seriously, unironically liking country. The GOP will do fine here as long as they keep running people like Paul Ryan who wrap their corporate handout policies in a distortion of prairie populist rhetoric, appealing to all those fat idiots who work in insurance in the suburbs but like to pretend they're good ole boys. That is the secret to the success of candidates like Kurt Zellers, and the only reason they lost this year is that Obama was able to get the wives of those insurance rednecks to turn out. While the DFL has a slight advantage thanks to the Iron Range, I think we're going to see the State House flip back and forth for the next decade or so as this pattern repeats itself.

Edit: Looking again at the maps, it looks like the suburban wives turned out not for Obama but to vote against the anti-marriage amendment - the suburbs voted no at a greater margin than they voted for Obama - which is both deliciously ironic and not that great for the DFL.
Last edited by woofner on November 10th, 2012, 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby John » November 10th, 2012, 12:08 pm

The MN GOP is terrible, we need a better opposition party (and I say that as a Democrat).
The MN GOP used to have some great moderate politicians like Arne Carlson and Dave Durenberger. I actually voted for both of them. They were leaders who were able to work with people with different viewpoints to create a balanced compromise. The big problem with many members of the contemporary GOP is their extreme stridency and rigid ideology. It's a very dysfunctional attitude to have when governing in a democracy.

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby NickP » November 10th, 2012, 12:37 pm

I agree with you John. I miss the days of people like Arne Carlson, etc. The problem I have with the GOP is not that they are republicans, it's that they seem so set in there way, and refuse to compromise. The tragedy is, I think the people doing this are only a vocal minority and are unfortunately making it difficult for the rest of the Republicans out there.

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby mulad » November 10th, 2012, 2:33 pm

I thought Armed Carlson had dropped his affiliation with the Republicans, but maybe that was just an attempt to pull the party away from the abyss.

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby Wedgeguy » November 11th, 2012, 1:20 pm

I thought Armed Carlson had dropped his affiliation with the Republicans, but maybe that was just an attempt to pull the party away from the abyss.
I think in the last 4 years The Republican party pretty much threw out Arnie Carlson when he backed the 3rd party candidate instead of the TEA PARTY Emmers for governor. They did that to other moderate Republicans in the party. Now you know the rest of the story why the Republicans lost both houses to the Dem.

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby stock345 » November 12th, 2012, 12:51 am

helsinki, I love your sarcastic truths! I mean come on, the most fabulous neighborhoods to live downtown right now have a decently large gay population. The Gateway district was historically Minneapolis' first highly gay populated district, followed by Loring Park, and obviously other areas of town. Which districts in town do you see the kind of development all of us on this site drool over? ...I don't think that I need to explain much further. 222, the Carlyle, Loring Park Apartments, Loring Vue, 430 Oak Grove, Nicollet Residences. These developments have been some of the most dynamic we have seen over the last ten years when you include all aspects of design and architecture.

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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Postby mulad » November 12th, 2012, 11:28 am

[Eep. For the record, "Armed" was an auto-correct from my phone.]

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