Sports: Pro & Con

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby Sacrelicio » December 15th, 2015, 11:34 am

I'll repeat the claims here in Anything Goes: People into prosports, particularly NFL, seem to be more ignorant and racist than America as a whole. That's not to say that humanity as a whole is insulated from ignorance and racism. Clearly a large portion of America is racist and ignorant. But anyone who has been to a Vikings game knows it goes beyond average. And that the batting average for racist comments online with NFL jerseys/imagery in a profile pic/cover photo is above .350 whereas the batting average for BLM/justice allies displaying the same imagery is approximately .000.

I'm saddened to see how people are so eager to dismiss the connection between prosports and Trumpish thinking, especially in light of today's headline regarding a man being accosted at a prosports game because he "looked like a refugee." Way to not stand up for what is right just because you like a certain sport, folks.
I know this is me just feeding the troll, but you're hook, line, and sinker committing the "correlation does not equal causation" fallacy.

The comparison of who's more racist, football watchers or BLM is funny. Color me shocked that a group fighting racism is less racist than a collection of people who are gathering to watch sports. Can we assume, based on this analogy, that urbanists are more ableist than groups fighting ableism?
A racist commenter is more likely to have a football avatar as opposed to a BLM/BLM ally commenter...yeah I'd anecdotally agree.

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