Allianz Field and Snelling-Midway Development

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby RailBaronYarr » February 24th, 2016, 3:53 pm

I hope there's more to the grassy lawns between the stadium and University Ave. I know this is conceptual, but... I also am hoping they build the smaller "shops on the green" as part of the phase 1 buildout to frame the space, but I'm not sure if that conflicts with property leases, etc. The stadium looks nice, especially from I-94!!!

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby JT$ » February 24th, 2016, 3:59 pm

Next important question is who will the naming rights be purchased by? Which corporation's name will be prominently displayed as you drive by on 94? :mrgreen:

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby Mikey » February 24th, 2016, 4:09 pm

I'm just happy the lower bowl is an actual seating bowl, and not a suites only level like that sample section showed.
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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby acs » February 24th, 2016, 4:27 pm

It's funny that everyone is comparing this to Alianz arena, not because that's not true, but because Alianz has their North American headquarters in golden valley.

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby Nathan » February 24th, 2016, 4:34 pm

Acs, that's exactly what I was thinking about. Imagine if Allianz sponsors the stadium and moves their headquarters to the site. THAT would be amazing and a total game changer.

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby acs » February 24th, 2016, 4:39 pm

I've never been in their tower, but from the outside it looks really nice and new. Sadly they are way down on the list of companies I would expect to move their HQ. Regardless, they are starting the NW corner of the development first, which is the office component, and already have a developer-United- lined up. Plus we've been hearing rumors of a corporate HQ here for a while, so it really wouldn't surprise me if those talks are far along.

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby macgrove15 » February 24th, 2016, 4:45 pm

This is just phenomenal. Although I no longer live in stp; its just hard to believe how much this area will be changing with this project. I was already impressed by the speed of change over the four years I did live in the neighborhood (Green Line, new Whole Foods, A-line) but this project is just the icing on the cake. Can't wait to see the ripple effects...

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby matthew5080 » February 24th, 2016, 5:09 pm

It's really a beautiful stadium... I actually like the looks of it over US Bank Stadium. Have they said what those towers next to it will be? Or are those more just for show and size comparison?

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby Nathan » February 24th, 2016, 6:21 pm

I'd imagine those are just place holders. Massing might be similar, but not the end result.

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby MNdible » February 24th, 2016, 6:25 pm

Floors will probably be less translucent in the end result.

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby SteveXC500 » February 24th, 2016, 8:33 pm

Really happy I have season tickets. Can't wait for 2018.
I like the renderings as they were presented today. Will be interesting to see if they end up that way.
Naming: 3M?

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby Wedgeguy » February 24th, 2016, 8:58 pm

Eco-LAb, 3M, maybe a new HQ from out state like Artic Cat and Jack's were. But this just adds to the upgrade of both Snelling, (Vintage and the new bank building), and University which has been seeing a lot of new and upgraded structures since the green line opened.

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby mamundsen » February 24th, 2016, 9:13 pm

The stadium looks great. The basic design of the surrounding development looks great. A++ all around.

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby Anondson » February 24th, 2016, 9:58 pm

If the team must change names, maybe the stadium name gets the moniker. United Stadium (United Healthcare).

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby Azel » February 25th, 2016, 1:20 am

Development surrounding St. Paul soccer stadium could total $450M ... adium.html

I think we ought to pay very close attention to what kind of city subsidies are requested for the parking ramps and when those ramps will get built so it doesn't end up like the MSFA ramp situation next to US Bank stadium.

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby tomhomas » February 25th, 2016, 8:24 am

Seems light a lot of light pollution, and a 5-10 year development timeline? I don't like it. I am hopeful that a "last minute" deal will be struck and the project will move to Minneapolis (as originally intended).

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby talindsay » February 25th, 2016, 9:17 am

I'm very supportive of this project, and of MN United being close to my house so we can go to games, but I guess I'm disappointed at how stadium-y it looks. What do I mean? Well, we already have two massive stadia (TCF, US Bank) that look like big, massive stadia. Target Field is a little better but just because of sheer size also feels like a massive stadium in its impacts to the surrounding area. CHS Field is a pleasant exception: its scale is small, its visual impact on its surroundings is minimal. You can walk around its surrounding area in Lowertown and be impressed by the activity it generates without being overwhelmed by the ballpark.

I've known all along that MN United wants to build something bigger than CHS Field, but given their relatively low demand for seating I was hoping they could design something more like that, with a low visual impact on its surroundings. We have so many temples to sports that try to dazzle us, I was hoping for something that would disappear more. So sure, it looks visually interesting, but I'm tired of giant stadia and was hoping for something that was more integrated with its surroundings. What about having the retail built into the facility, so that from the street you can't even tell there's a stadium?

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby HuskyGrad » February 25th, 2016, 9:22 am

I'm very supportive of this project, and of MN United being close to my house so we can go to games, but I guess I'm disappointed at how stadium-y it looks. What do I mean? Well, we already have two massive stadia (TCF, US Bank) that look like big, massive stadia. Target Field is a little better but just because of sheer size also feels like a massive stadium in its impacts to the surrounding area. CHS Field is a pleasant exception: its scale is small, its visual impact on its surroundings is minimal. You can walk around its surrounding area in Lowertown and be impressed by the activity it generates without being overwhelmed by the ballpark.

I've known all along that MN United wants to build something bigger than CHS Field, but given their relatively low demand for seating I was hoping they could design something more like that, with a low visual impact on its surroundings. We have so many temples to sports that try to dazzle us, I was hoping for something that would disappear more. So sure, it looks visually interesting, but I'm tired of giant stadia and was hoping for something that was more integrated with its surroundings. What about having the retail built into the facility, so that from the street you can't even tell there's a stadium?
I appears the exterior structure is built to support expansion of the seating within therefore constraining the size of the stadium.

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby Nathan » February 25th, 2016, 9:34 am

They've also said there will be ground level year round uses of the stadium itself, and I understand what you say, that's a cool concept, but really sports fans want a sport experience. They want that epic feel when they walk in. The same way churches feel like churches and movie theaters have design traits that give you a specific experience. Well built well used stadiums are a part of the urban fabric everywhere you go, there's just no getting out of their size.

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Re: Major League Soccer Stadium

Postby jw138 » February 25th, 2016, 9:54 am

Now that the soccer stadium is imminent, are there any other major sports stadiums that the Twin Cities is lacking? Is this the last major sports project we'll be talking about for at least the next couple decades?

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