Presidential Election

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Presidential Election

Postby Lancestar2 » June 11th, 2012, 2:12 am

In the question Obama vs. Romney their policies seem the same and asking people who they would vote for seems like a dangerous question but I will bite :lol:

who will you vote for Obama, Romney, or Johnson? OR is their sombody else you will write in and why?

Me personally I think Gary Johnson. I had voted for Obama but he continued the wars is hinting at a Iran war and is dropping bombs on Pakastan (they have nukes! :o ) continued Bush's tax cuts, forced people to BUY PRIVATE FOR PROFIT Insurance (which the supreme court hasn't deemed 100% legal just yet) is against legalization of pot (I personally have never smoked that stuff) which could be used to increase tax revenue, decrease crime, and would cripple the gangs importing drugs as their money making business would be decreased by a huge amount. Also the corrupt policies they helped big companies but left the little banks out to dry was very damaging to small business. Also the tax loop holes that make companies like apple pay only 9% in taxes. ...and thats just of the top of my head lol

Romney with his flip flop ways is being funded by the super rich for a reason. I don't think a president that is working for big corporations would do any better, but may actually be worse. Not much of a choice this election year for president but what do you think? :?:

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Re: Presidential Election

Postby ECtransplant » June 11th, 2012, 6:01 pm

I love Gary Johnson on most larger societal and national issues. But from an urbanist perspective, it's hard to vote for anyone but Obama. I don't think many people here would like the DOT under Gary. Barry on the other hand, despite all his faults, does fund mass transit. But that's not to say that's sufficient for him to earn your vote.

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Re: Presidential Election

Postby 4-d » June 13th, 2012, 3:34 pm

I continue to plan to write-in Ron Paul. Gary Johnson would be my second choice.
^ 4-d

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Re: Presidential Election

Postby HoratioRincewind » June 16th, 2012, 8:25 pm

I appreciate that the OP included Gary Johnson-- as he actually you know... a libertarian, as opposed to Ron Paul, who is some trollish bitter old man who seems to think that the federal government isn't supreme (I of course thought that this was adjudicated before[1] and the supremacy of the federal government was confirmed, but, what do I know?).

But, I've got to ask the Paul supporter, so which 20% of the diseases investigated by the CDC should they stop investigating to come in line with Paul's proposed budget? How safe would you feel flying without the FAA to regulate, inspect, and route air planes? Without the FCC, whats to stop me from building a transmitter to block out all television and radio signals from the building I live in, because I'm tired of listening to my neighbors TV? (well aside from a long and torturous legal battle that is)

And finally, why is it you think it's moral or ethical to tie the American currency to how quickly slave labor can dig gold out of the ground in China and Russia?


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Re: Presidential Election

Postby Nick » June 17th, 2012, 11:06 am

I appreciate that the OP included Gary Johnson-- as he actually you know... a libertarian, as opposed to Ron Paul, who is some trollish bitter old man who seems to think that the federal government isn't supreme (I of course thought that this was adjudicated before[1] and the supremacy of the federal government was confirmed, but, what do I know?).

But, I've got to ask the Paul supporter, so which 20% of the diseases investigated by the CDC should they stop investigating to come in line with Paul's proposed budget? How safe would you feel flying without the FAA to regulate, inspect, and route air planes? Without the FCC, whats to stop me from building a transmitter to block out all television and radio signals from the building I live in, because I'm tired of listening to my neighbors TV? (well aside from a long and torturous legal battle that is)

And finally, why is it you think it's moral or ethical to tie the American currency to how quickly slave labor can dig gold out of the ground in China and Russia?

Pretty sure it's really just about the weed.
Nick Magrino
[email protected]


Re: Presidential Election

Postby Lancestar2 » June 17th, 2012, 9:03 pm

you do bring up some interesting points and I will try to give you a different perspective as to why I have supported Ron Paul and Gary Johnson.


Majority of the gangs that exist in the US and Mexico get a large amount of their funding from the illegal distributions of drugs. Additionally hemp could be used to increase productivity, yields, and durability of existing products if such crop was made legal. Taxing weed and even possible other harder drugs could create alot of revenue that could help pay for rehab or educational purposes to try to encourage children to stay away from drugs. From my perspective it doesn't make sense why I should be paying a portion of my paycheck to enforce a law to prevent some crackhead to stop smoking when they are already so much a lost cause they have little added value to society. Sorry may sound harsh but decreasing the productivity of a society to keep the people who are to stupid to get addicted seems counter productive. Of course additional education would be needed to help deture children who are brought up without good parents to teach them right and wrong (which could be funded through the taxes) Also I will point out I have never smoked weed or any other illegal drug nor do I plan to, just because it is illegal doesn't mean that because of only that law it is keeping me from smoking weed on the street.

2) End the wars!

America is spending billion upon billion of dollars on fixing Afganastan, Iraq, and is dropping bombs on Pakastan without their permission!! (THEY HAVE NUKES! :o ) I think much of that wasted money could have been put to good useage here at home rebuilding falling down infrastructure (of course not public transit as I don't think they agree with that but still cash in the bank is better than huge debt) Also many of the companies are given contracts to rebuild structures and end up loosing millions of miss managed funds. Again I don't think I wan't my paycheck to be sen't overseas, I think it could be better spent here in my state and my city!

3) End the Corruption!

I think most of us know by now that Bush was corrupt, Obama was corrupt and Romney is corrupt. The labor unions fund the Democrats and the large corporations fund the Republicans and the Democrats. Companies sending their profits funding elections and on lobbying to get laws created to favor their polices

For example it is illegal for a doctor or anybody to suggest anything than a DRUG can "cure, treat or prevent" a dissease, disorder, or illness. take for example heart burn (now called Acid re-flux disease) or Trouble sleeping or insomnia ( now called shift work sleep disorder) I personally take Melatonim 2 3mg pills a night to help me get to sleep, its non-habit forming and does a great job with zero dangerous side-effects! Many vitamins and supplements does a far better job at treating issues than actual medicine! Yet the law was created because any drug can be pattented and protected and controlled and much more profitable than a natural substance. Of course people may argue that salesmen were trying to sell "miracle elixir" and scamming people out of money unfairly, and to that argument I say "better watchout for thoes "paid Programs" late at night on tv. ;)

Of course their are people out their who really do benefit from the drugs these huge companies are pushing however over prescribing of drugs works in the benefit of the drug companies and decreases the middle class's disposable income. Also marketing drugs straight to consumers while restricting what doctors can legally say is a profit winning strategy! (if it wasn't they would have gone bankrupt)

Same thing in our food supply. Harmful and addictive substances such as pop and junk food trick the consumer to eat more than they need. Most junk food are designed in "test kitchens" or labs to design food that "taste good" (aka addictive) and are mostly made out of corn (which just HAPPENS to be subsidized so consumers can buy it cheaper than healthy foods!)

Finally I will say the media is corrupt in their reporting about 5 companies run the majority of the media outlits. Also there are very few different companies in your grocery store. For example Proctor and Gamble vs. Johnson and Johnson control the majority of the Health and beatuy selection (also a 3rd smaller company does have a smaller presence) same with the food industry many of the Brand names are owned by a large company ( a long time ago I actually did a youtube video about it and had a list I lost my list but I think I will re do one very soon!) with these limited food providers advertising on tv networks upsetting your advertiser can be a dangerous game and could result in Millions of dollars lost in advertising! For example I will give a link to one example.

I don't think Gary Johnson can fix everything in 4 years but I think he would do a lot better than "business as usual" Also regarding the CDC I really don't know much about them but from what I have learned about the entire system such health care being forced to buy PRIVATE health insurace from a company that is making a profit seems corrupt! I am for a government health care system that is free of for profit doctors however much of the research should be still for profit. Many of the current drugs today are about creating a continue need of more drugs (why would I if I were a for profit company want to create a drug that made you 100% healthy instead of a drug that made you healthy enough until you needed your next dosage)

Please don't believe what Fox News says about "me" I'm not against a for profit system! I'm just against the corruption and the ability for huge companies to fund campaigns of congressmen for favors in return to help their company keep it's market share seems wrong!

...and that's in a nutshell why I support Gary Johnson 2012 :mrgreen:

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Re: Presidential Election

Postby Shawn » June 17th, 2012, 9:56 pm

3) End the Corruption!

For example it is illegal for a doctor or anybody to suggest anything than a DRUG can "cure, treat or prevent" a dissease, disorder, or illness. take for example heart burn (now called Acid re-flux disease) or Trouble sleeping or insomnia ( now called shift work sleep disorder) I personally take Melatonim 2 3mg pills a night to help me get to sleep, its non-habit forming and does a great job with zero dangerous side-effects! Many vitamins and supplements does a far better job at treating issues than actual medicine! Yet the law was created because any drug can be pattented and protected and controlled and much more profitable than a natural substance. Of course people may argue that salesmen were trying to sell "miracle elixir" and scamming people out of money unfairly, and to that argument I say "better watchout for thoes "paid Programs" late at night on tv. ;)
Solely out of curiosity, can you show me where you found the support for 1. Legality of what docs can say to patients and 2. Studies on efficacy of meds vs. vitamins/supplements? Not arguing with you, just haven't read/seen much on this issue. Thanks


Re: Presidential Election

Postby Lancestar2 » June 18th, 2012, 12:13 am

1. Legality of what docs can say to patients ... 111447.htm

he manufacturer is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and truthfulness of these claims; they are not pre-approved by FDA but must be truthful and not misleading. If a dietary supplement label includes such a claim, it must state in a "disclaimer" that FDA has not evaluated the claim. The disclaimer must also state that the dietary supplement product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease," because only a drug can legally make such a claim. Further information regarding structure/function claims can be found in FDA's January 9, 2002 Structure/Function Claims Small Entity Compliance Guide.

towards the very bottom of the page is where I copy and pasted that...

I watch a lot of documentaries on a wide variate of topics, and saying a vitamin can cure, prevent or treat the common cold (which is a viral infectious disease) is illegal by that definition alone. If your a registered doctor in America subject to the American FDA and you take upon a massive amount of debt to get your position as a doctor I doubt you would risk giving out illegal advice and run the risk of getting caught and or upsetting your bosses who run the hospitable.

Of course one could argue how would they know what the doctor is saying to there patents when it is a private conversation. I would simply say look at the enforcement of fair housing, they test leasing agents to make sure they are following the rules of the Fair Housing Act. Also many places have the ability to track the amount of prescriptions each doctor gives out. As I believe the doctors name is on the record and transaction sale which through the process of data mining, and selling that information I believe that is how the drug companies can track the sales of their products.

2. Studies on efficacy of meds vs. vitamins/supplements?

I don't any studies, however I think some may exist. Being that the for profit drug companies are VERY wealthy they can fund all the studies they want! At first I thought Vitamins were pointless and a waste of money on "sugar pills" and some of that is true. yet my 1st experience was when a co-worker told me to take Vit. C 2,000 Mg and one Echinacea pill (usually 300-400Mg.) 3x times a day I was still skeptic. Yet her confidence in the advice was so convincing I had to try it for myself, and ever since I been taking it usually one Echinacea and 1,00mg when ever I start to feel a cold coming on and when I have a cold I usually take it 1-3 times a day. Since then my cold symptoms are FAR less than when I was using cough drops, and the syrups and rubs ect ect. Plus I never feel the side effects of being light headed or loopy or tired ect ect.

Since then I have expanded my Vitamin to include Acui Berry, Garlic, O Mega 3, Blueberry leaves, and a few more supplements to help during colds or when I feel like I might be a risk (when my room mate is sick I take a variety to help keep my immune system up) I would encourage you to buy a bottle of Vit. C and Echinacea and try taking them at the 1st sign of a cold and to see what is your reaction! ;) ...of course I can't give out medical advice as I am not trained :lol: even if I was it wouldn't be legal for me to say it can cure, prevent or treat the common cold anyways.

Since then in the past 6-8 years since she gave me that advice I have never taken cough medicine or any other type of drug besides ALEAVE which I do take when I have muscle or body pains or teeth pains, besides that its I'm Drugfree! :) I do understand why anyone would be a skeptic because we are conditioned to think of Vitamin popping hippies as just crazy, uneducated, sugar pill, pot smoking people. :lol: Well that is what I had thought because Cough Syrup and the drug companies pills had "scientific evidence" and were researched and proven to be the best option, however I know now I was wrong.

Don't get me wrong I still think drugs are needed for many people and they can have great benefits, however if and when I ever develop cancer I will be traveling down to Mexico for the gerson therapy

Finally sorry for it being long... I'm not the best "well spoken person" on this site lol but you should look into the Gerson Therapy it could be considered "evidence" as the "Cure for Cancer" I will post a few links

Intro to the Gerson Therapy

* a lecture from his granddaughter you will have to click the Utube page to fine the next video in the series however long but very educational ... 1AC5635257


Re: Presidential Election

Postby Lancestar2 » June 18th, 2012, 10:30 am

Found it!! ... playnext=6

about 1min in she starts talking about the laws that prevent doctors from treating patents.


Re: Presidential Election

Postby nasa35 » June 19th, 2012, 8:58 am

The truth is Obama isn't remotely qualified or competent for a job this large. Plus he's outright lying and his hypocrisy is stunning. Hanging out with the white 1% and getting millions from them and wallstreet while demi-goding them later....with a wink.

We need an adult in charge and harry reid, "I haven't proposed a budgt in three years" needs to go as well. This country is in a finacial crisis, we need an aduly. Romney.

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Re: Presidential Election

Postby mplsjaromir » June 19th, 2012, 9:20 am

The truth is Obama isn't remotely qualified or competent for a job this large. Plus he's outright lying and his hypocrisy is stunning. Hanging out with the white 1% and getting millions from them and wallstreet while demi-goding them later....with a wink.

We need an adult in charge and harry reid, "I haven't proposed a budgt in three years" needs to go as well. This country is in a finacial crisis, we need an aduly. Romney.
I believe the word you are looking for is demagogue. Although a demagogue is a person, not an action. I cannot see how you could demi-god a group.

Anywho I going for Obama. Romney's economic plan of cutting taxes for rich people and eliminating unspecified tax deductions do not make me want to vote for him. His other ideas include the GOP panacea of reduced regulation, from my personal experience and most individuals on this board should realize is that most regulations come from local governments and not the Feds.

What really needs to go is the Senate filibuster and Ben Bernanke. 2% inflation target with 8.2% unemployment is an act of a borderline sociopath. Bring in Charles Evans from the Chicago FRB and I think we would see some real change.

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