UrbanMSP By the Numbers

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UrbanMSP By the Numbers

Postby Shawn » December 11th, 2012, 2:09 am

Since launching UbranMSP on May 31st of 2012, we have had:
  • Over 17,000 Unique Visitors
  • Over 1.5 million pageviews
  • 86.000% Returning visitors (actual number of significant figures, 86.000 exactly at the moment)
  • Average time spent on UrbanMSP: 9 minutes 24 seconds per visit
  • 97.83% of visits were from within the U.S., .29% from France, and 43 visits from Pakistan
  • Of the U.S. visits, 78.98% came from MN. Then comes Illinois, California, NY, Wisconsin, and Ohio, in that order
  • 27% use Chrome, 25% IE, 22% Safari, 22% Firefox, 3% Android
  • 23% use Comcast, 13% use Qwest, 7% use a different type of Comcast, while another 4% use Comcast Business. US Internet Corp. and Clearwire make up just 5%
  • Over 10% of our visits are with mobile devices
  • iPad and iPhone make up 71% of our mobile visitors.
  • Order of our pages/forums by pageview popularity. Homepage > Minneapolis - Downtown > Homepage (other URL) > Transportation > Development (general) > Minneapolis - Uptown > Minneapolis - General > University of Minnesota > St. Paul
These statistics are used by us to streamline the website, improve search engine optimization, and work on general site and coding improvements. We do not track individual users, nor do we collect IP addresses or any identifying information for our analytics (nor do we have the ability to).

Week by week, we have been increasing in our page views, new users, and ranking in google for a number of projects. Feel free to let us know if anyone has ideas for site improvements. If this makes sense, it is good to note that those who are part of the conversation are less than 1/10th of those reading each post. There are a significant amount of users (members and guests) that read a great deal of the posts here but do not join in the conversation. I have always written on forums with the mindset of "i'm having a conversation with the 5 other people in this thread" and not thinking "this post will be read by 70+ different people and may be linked to from other sites." Interesting thing to keep in mind.

Happy Holidays!

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Le Sueur
Landmark Center
Posts: 241
Joined: June 5th, 2012, 3:30 pm

Re: UrbanMSP By the Numbers

Postby Le Sueur » December 11th, 2012, 2:37 am

Thanks for the update. As an analytical nerd I appreciate the numbers. Also, always happy to see the site is continuing to grow. Looking forward to new members joining the conversation!

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