Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby Vagueperson » April 1st, 2017, 6:47 am

I can't find a news report on this, just Twitter, but it looks like Senator Dibble added an amendment in a Senate bill that would allow CTIB counties to increase tax 1/5 cent.
"Sen. Latz moves an oral amendment to remove "special or" from the A-11 amend. Adopted. The A-11 amendment is adopted 43-23. #mnleg"
"Allows each of current CTIB counties to impose 1/5-cent sales transpo sales tax after voter approval in a general election. #mnleg" ... 2427315201

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby Vagueperson » April 1st, 2017, 6:48 am

so I think that would mean getting the tax increase AND keeping Dakota County money (for now).

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby David Greene » May 5th, 2017, 3:51 pm

This is really bad. ... 421448113/

This is HF 2628, introduced by our friendly Lakeville Republican Jon Koznick. Among other nefarious things, this bill would:

- Prevent CTIB from levying any tax at all

- Prevent counties that leave CTIB from levying the 0.5% sales tax without a referendum (no other county has this restriction)

- Prevent the 0.5% county sales tax from being used to fund LRT

- Split CTIB money among the counties with Ramsey getting NOTHING

- Give $46.8 million to Dakota from CTIB coffers.

Remember that Dakota "only" asked for $29.1 million to break up CTIB.

Apparently this is going or has gone into the omnibus transportation bill.

Tell Dayton to veto this garbage! Tell him we cannot stop funding LRT and we cannot go backward on transit.

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby twincitizen » May 8th, 2017, 3:19 pm

Dakota County claims they are owed another $29MM, while CTIB offered $13MM, mostly from Hennepin County's pot. Can we just meet Dakota halfway, as unfair and wrongheaded as they're being? That potential extra $8MM payout from Hennepin County will quickly be recouped within the first half-year of tax collection (7/1/17-12/31/17). Hennepin County is slated to collect about $30MM in new tax revenue just over that time frame, plus another $60MM in 2018. I guess I don't mind Hennepin County handing over an extra $8MM "bribe" now in order to get the remaining $82MM. This just needs to be done.
Someone please change my title to "Nostradamus", because CTIB just reached a deal nearly identical to what I suggested above. Dakota County will get $21.3MM, per Janet Moore of the Strib.

I wonder if the counties can still turn around and enact the new tax by July 1 as previously planned. In the previous attempt, CTIB voted to break up on 3/8, and Hennepin County had a public hearing scheduled two weeks later to discuss the tax increase. Hopefully Hennepin & Ramsey can get those public hearings scheduled before the end of May. Maybe July 1 is still possible...I don't know if/what state laws might hinder that timeline. Hopefully this delay hasn't pushed the start date beyond 8/1 or 9/1.

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby Qhaberl » May 8th, 2017, 3:51 pm

This is excellent. If my memory serves me right, I believe that means that we do not have to go to the legislature for it either the Southwest or Bottineau light rail.

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby BikesOnFilm » May 8th, 2017, 3:54 pm

That is, unless the current transportation bill passes that requires LRT projects to get legislative approval.

Daily reminder to call your reps.

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby Qhaberl » May 8th, 2017, 3:57 pm

If the legislature doesn't mess up any new transportation bill, would metro transit still be facing it's operating shortfall?

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby acs » May 8th, 2017, 4:26 pm

A transportation bill isn't necessary to avoid a shutdown, so Dayton is free to veto to his heart's content on that one, and I expect he will if it ever were to reach him.

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby intercomnut » May 8th, 2017, 4:33 pm

If the legislature doesn't mess up any new transportation bill, would metro transit still be facing it's operating shortfall?
Yes, it would. If CTIB breaks up, the money the counties raise can't go toward general operating funds.

The funds have to go toward building and operating a specific list of projects.

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby twincitizen » May 8th, 2017, 7:23 pm

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby jebr » May 9th, 2017, 6:26 am

Yay...a bunch of money still being dedicated from the Met Council for Red Line operations...

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby rwgopher » May 9th, 2017, 8:12 pm

Not having a transportation bill would shut down MnDOT

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby twincitizen » May 10th, 2017, 2:38 pm

It appears we may have a transportation bill after all. The anti-LRT language has been deleted in conference committee, and Linda Runbeck (R-Circle Pines) is pissed. So if she's pissed at her own party leadership, maybe that bodes well for getting a bill through.

One thing this article does not address is if the Met Council reform language is in this bill. Hopefully Dayton wins out and far-reaching policy language like that is kept out of this bill.
The amended bill eliminates language that would have prevented construction of the $1.858 billion Southwest Light Rail Transit line. The changes leave the bill with about $320 million for the biennium in general fund money for roads and $600 million in trunk highway bonds, she noted. The amended bill also adds $20 million in auto parts sales tax revenue to the Met Council for transit operations.
That $20MM is intended to plug a portion of Metro Transit's current budget gap. There is also language about setting up a Metro Mobility task force. ... tion-bill/ (locked)
Video of the conference committee. ... PkT7K6lKcb
Met Council communications director Kate Brickman said Wednesday the amended bill still leaves the council with a $17.5 million budget deficit in 2018-19 and bigger projected deficits for the following biennium, she said. Brickman said the Met Council’s base funding isn’t keeping pace with increased demand, especially for Metro Mobility.
P.S. Fun (actually shitty) fact: the conferees included a single DFLer - Senator Dan Sparks of Austin, MN. That's right, the conference committee included ZERO metro Democrats from either the house or senate. 1 outstate DFLer and 9 Republicans. I don't think that's how conference committees are supposed to work...

I'm not 100% certain, but the conference committee bill may have already passed the House today and would head to the Senate floor very soon. I can't find the full text of the current version that the conference committee agreed on.

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby gpete » May 10th, 2017, 5:31 pm

Conference committee is usually only legislators who supported the bill. Those on the conference committee are supposed to advocate for the bill that was approved by their chamber, so it wouldn't make sense for the Senate to load up the conference committee with members who hate the bill.

Sparks voted for the bill, while metro Dems did not.

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby intercomnut » May 10th, 2017, 11:03 pm

It appears we may have a transportation bill after all. The anti-LRT language has been deleted in conference committee, and Linda Runbeck (R-Circle Pines) is pissed. So if she's pissed at her own party leadership, maybe that bodes well for getting a bill through.

One thing this article does not address is if the Met Council reform language is in this bill. Hopefully Dayton wins out and far-reaching policy language like that is kept out of this bill.
The amended bill eliminates language that would have prevented construction of the $1.858 billion Southwest Light Rail Transit line. The changes leave the bill with about $320 million for the biennium in general fund money for roads and $600 million in trunk highway bonds, she noted. The amended bill also adds $20 million in auto parts sales tax revenue to the Met Council for transit operations.
That $20MM is intended to plug a portion of Metro Transit's current budget gap. There is also language about setting up a Metro Mobility task force. ... tion-bill/ (locked)
Video of the conference committee. ... PkT7K6lKcb

P.S. Fun (actually shitty) fact: the conferees included a single DFLer - Senator Dan Sparks of Austin, MN. That's right, the conference committee included ZERO metro Democrats from either the house or senate. 1 outstate DFLer and 9 Republicans. I don't think that's how conference committees are supposed to work...

I'm not 100% certain, but the conference committee bill may have already passed the House today and would head to the Senate floor very soon. I can't find the full text of the current version that the conference committee agreed on.
So we're still looking at a 10% cut to transit operations. Not pretty.

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Re: Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB)

Postby twincitizen » May 11th, 2017, 9:47 am

Clarification: The language converting the Met Council to a "Council of Governments" model, that is made up exclusively of elected county commissioners and city councilors, is still in the bill passed by the House. Per Senate Maj Ldr Gazelka, Dayton will veto the bill because of that language. The conference bill has passed in the House but not made it back to the Senate floor yet. Perhaps there will be an amendment offered in the Senate to strip the Met Council make-up language and send a clean bill to Governor Dayton.

Here's a good roundup of everything that is in the bill: ... ign=buffer

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