US Congress and MN House Elections 2018

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Re: US Congress and MN House Elections 2018

Postby Chef » August 8th, 2018, 11:12 pm

Does anyone have any thoughts on House District 62A? I imagine a lot of posters here live in it. With Karen Clark retiring it is wide open. I'm trying to figure out who I should vote for in the primary. A lot of the DFL candidates look appealing on paper but right now I am leaning towards Omar Fateh. I like the fact that he appears to have strong progressive values an also currently works in state government at an administrative level so probably has a good understanding of how to use the system to get the desired results.

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Re: US Congress and MN House Elections 2018

Postby twincitizen » August 9th, 2018, 10:55 am

My 5 second take: lots of progressive people are supporting Jen Kader, who I can confirm is great IRL and absolutely could hit the ground running. However, it does seem kinda weird to support a white candidate in one of the only "minority-majority" districts in the entire state of MN. Of the 134 house districts, there are maybe a dozen (at most?) that a person of color could reliably win. With MN's growing population of non-white people, it seems pretty reasonable to have a non-white person representing this particular district.

Unrelated, but I want to bring attention to it. There's one State Senate seat on the ballot this Nov, to finish out Michelle Fischbach's term through the end of 2020. The MN Senate is currently tied 33-33. Whichever party wins this suburban/rural St. Cloud-area district would gain control of the Senate. Former Sartell Mayor Joe Perske is the DFL candidate, running against current State Rep. Jeff Howe. More info here: ... 483966931/

P.S. I don't think the DFL is likely to gain a majority in the MN House, no matter how huge the Blue Wave turns out to be. Democrats are more likely to win the US House and Senate than the MN House this year. I don't think the DFL will have another chance at the MN House until redistricting post-2020 Census (i.e. rural population decline, urban-suburban growth, districts rearranged, etc.)

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Re: US Congress and MN House Elections 2018

Postby Chef » August 9th, 2018, 9:45 pm

Yeah, Kader was the other one I was thinking about voting for. I get the impression that either her or Fateh would be great representatives. I am having a hard time narrowing it down between the two.

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