Elan Uptown

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Elan Uptown

Postby mnmike » June 26th, 2012, 10:05 pm

It seems like they have started work on one block of this...the block between Colfax and Dupont is fenced off with a Weis trailer. Anyone know? Or perhaps it is soil remediation?

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby mnmike » June 26th, 2012, 10:07 pm

Yes, it looks like they have started.

http://www.ouruptown.com/2012/06/greyst ... t-project/
Last edited by mnmike on June 26th, 2012, 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby ECtransplant » June 26th, 2012, 10:08 pm

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby Andrew_F » June 26th, 2012, 11:31 pm

For anyone wondering, here is a massing of the full plan for all three parcels, and then a render of the East block:

Larger version: http://www.ouruptown.com/wp-content/upl ... nceptA.jpg


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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby Wedgeguy » June 27th, 2012, 8:23 pm

Was by the East site today and they have started to get the old asphalt pulled up and old foundation dug up. I think it will be a race to see if Bennett or Track comes on line first. I think track 29 will be like the Flux in that they start on one building first and then go to the other whne the foundation for the first building is done they will sart the second building foundation. This way one building will come one line and start to fill before the second on is completed. IMO This will probably hold true for the Bennett Lumber site as well Start on the west and work east so that the west side can start to be occupied before the last of the west side is completed on the inside.

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby min-chi-cbus » June 28th, 2012, 7:57 am

How many buildings is this total -- 6 or 7? Wow! Along with Track 29 we're approaching TEN (10) new mid-rises.....that's pretty damn substantial for a year or two's work!

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby nordeast homer » June 28th, 2012, 9:46 am

If you think uptown is congested now...
It's nice to see all this development, but there are going to be some growing pains for a couple of years until people adjust to this kind of a population increase in a relatively small area.

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby PhilmerPhil » June 28th, 2012, 10:18 am

If you think uptown is congested now...
It's nice to see all this development, but there are going to be some growing pains for a couple of years until people adjust to this kind of a population increase in a relatively small area.
Which is exactly why the city needs to move faster on getting projects like this done: http://www.ouruptown.com/2012/04/a-cycl ... ke-street/

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby min-chi-cbus » June 28th, 2012, 10:21 am

If you think uptown is congested now...
It's nice to see all this development, but there are going to be some growing pains for a couple of years until people adjust to this kind of a population increase in a relatively small area.
I'm not a big believer that residents drive traffic significantly higher. I think retail has the largest impact, followed by office.

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby sanchopanza » June 28th, 2012, 11:00 am

Which is exactly why the city needs to move faster on getting projects like this done: http://www.ouruptown.com/2012/04/a-cycl ... ke-street/
I totally agree Phil, this would be fantastic to have throughout the city.

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby mulad » June 28th, 2012, 12:02 pm

I'm not a big believer that residents drive traffic significantly higher. I think retail has the largest impact, followed by office.
Yeah, I think apartment traffic often gets overestimated -- certainly if you put a place in an auto-oriented zone without any walkable destinations, things can get bad, but if people are able to walk or bike to places, the traffic impacts aren't nearly as bad. And, if the additional foot traffic brings in more nearby businesses, then you can get a positive feedback loop where per-capita car usage drops over time. Well, it's a theory, anyway.

Mike Spack's company did a traffic study at six student apartment buildings around the University of Minnesota and found that they generate far less car traffic than the standard engineering manuals would suggest:

http://www.mikeontraffic.com/2012/04/st ... ation.html

They didn't make significant attempts to count bike or pedestrian traffic, so it's hard to say if there's a significant modal shift or if the manuals are just way off as well. I suppose at student housing, there'd be a lot more carpooling going on as well as people pile in to go to the grocery or to movies or whatever. So it's different than what you'd get in Uptown, but who knows by how much...

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby Chef » June 29th, 2012, 11:14 pm

The main congestion issues in Uptown are on Friday and Saturday night. It isn't neighborhood residents causing that, they are walking to places.

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby mplser » June 29th, 2012, 11:39 pm

The main congestion issues in Uptown are on Friday and Saturday night. It isn't neighborhood residents causing that, they are walking to places.
exactly. The traffic is not caused by area residents it is cause by suburbanites who drive into uptown to get drunk and drive back home (hopefully with a sober driver)

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby Nathan » June 30th, 2012, 7:33 am

I disagree, I mean there is definitely weekend traffic in Uptown, but rush hour traffic is also bad. I live in the Wedge, and no matter which way you approach it Hen, Lyn, Excelsior Blvd, They are all a mess heading in around 5 PM. I work in Plymouth and the majority of my commute time lies within uptown trying to get to and from the Interstate. I just take Glenwood and Theo Wirth and drive around the lakes now because it takes the same amount of time :)

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby Wedgeguy » July 3rd, 2012, 11:11 am

As one who live near Uptown, I avoid The Hennipen [sic] and Lagoon/ Lake areas around rush hour when ever I can. I find alternatives to miss those intersections when I can. Backed up for blocks.

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby mnmike » July 3rd, 2012, 11:42 am

I live near 34th and Henn, the only place I ever get delayed is at the bottleneck near Whole foods, which isn't really uptown. Around Henn and Lake, yeah, the stoplights get backed up a couple blocks sometimes...but it has never added more than a few minutes to my travel time. Not horrible. It's no Chicago.

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby Wedgeguy » July 11th, 2012, 2:52 pm

They are working on hauling out dirt for the lower parking areas. The support walls that they build at now almost down. The historic old walls will stay put as far as I can tell, along the greenway.

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Re: Bennett Lumber Site

Postby spectre000 » July 22nd, 2012, 12:28 pm

http://www.ouruptown.com/2012/07/bennet ... of-uptown/

"Bennet East becomes Elan of Uptown
Greystar has renamed its three-block redevelopment of the former Bennett Lumber site Elan of Uptown, bringing it in line with other projects it owns across the country with a similar name. An official ground breaking for the 203-unit east site is scheduled for Wednesday at 11:00am.

More details emerged recently about the project. The ground breaking invite confirms that the project is to achieve USGBC’s LEED Silver Certification. Notices of a public hearing at the Planning Commission for the west two sites went up last week. The notice references that the other two blocks would house 387 units and require a conditional use permit for a planned unit development, variances for minimum lot area, maximum impervious surface coverage, reduction of required setbacks, and fence heights, as well as a site plan review and preliminary and final plat.

This would make the three block site contain a total of 590 total units, slightly less than what has previously been reported and less than the ground breaking invitation cites, which was 611. The invitation said the overall project is two-phased, which if approved by the Planning Commission as two phases, would indicate that the west and central sites would be developed at one time.

In addition, the project is seeking $700,000 from the Metropolitan Council’s Transit Oriented Development funds for, in part, transit connections. The City Council’s Community Development committee is to take up a resolution to support their request and others on Tuesday, July 24th. Their request is being recommended by City staff. Presumably, these funds would be used for the public amenities that the project is proposing along the Midtown Greenway, such as a pedestrian promenade and a public staircase to the Midtown Greenway. The images OurUptown.com has viewed would likely put the pricetag of such improvements at over $1,000,000."



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Re: Elan of Uptown

Postby twincitizen » July 26th, 2012, 3:51 pm

Planning commission recommends approval of all variances for Bennett Center & West blocks (one PUD, 387 units total), same developer as Bennett East/Elan, Greystar.

http://www.minneapolismn.gov/meetings/p ... S1P-096307

July 30, 2012

4:30 p.m. - City Hall, 350 S 5th St - Room 317, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Go forth and support this project, or complain about "bulk", whatever that is...

I'm kinda bummed they didn't explore the "skinny tower" or any 8-story sections as were once mentioned.
I'm guessing they wanted to get started ASAP and not dick around with the neighborhood/greenway forever by doing anything "radical" like adding 2 stories in exchange for other concessions.

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Re: Elan of Uptown

Postby twincitizen » July 26th, 2012, 3:54 pm

Source for my comments on skinny towers and/or 8th floors, plus some older massing diagrams and fun comments: http://www.ouruptown.com/2012/04/bennet ... date-4712/

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