Street, Road and Highway Projects

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Re: Street, Road and Highway Projects

Post by MNdible »

Those Lowry options are all pretty terrible. I know it's not a landmark, but it would be a bummer to lose the old Stasiu's building and completely give up the street face here.

Also, medians serve a purpose for pedestrians, but it feels like the plan is leaning too much on them. Streets with medians lose all of their flexibility. Unexpected stuff happens (accidents, emergencies, utility work), and if you can't get around it because of a median, you've just put the street out of commission.
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Re: Street, Road and Highway Projects

Post by Silophant »

I really like the roundabout proposal at Lowry. The weird skewed intersection requires a bigger change to be made safe, and there's space to do it with minimal property takings. I wonder if it could be shifted north or east a little bit to not interfere with the gas station tanks, if that proves to be a problem.

Lowry, though... yikes. I'd be curious to know what the state is using for a design vehicle that differs from what the county (or city?) used for the rebuilt part of Broadway between Stinson and Industrial. That's only 40' curb to curb by my google maps measurement, 4' narrower than Lowry or University, and has a three-lane profile that semis seem to navigate just fine. It's just not going to work to not have left turn lanes at that intersection.

That's a good point about the medians, though I really like them at the 18th Ave trail crossing and the 22nd Ave intersection. The latter isn't even so much about pedestrian crossings for me as to block drivers from doing dumb crossing maneuvers at the one offset intersection on the corridor.
Joey Senkyr
[email protected]
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