LPM Apartments - (376' - 36 Stories)

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby aeisenberg » April 23rd, 2013, 2:15 pm

Yes, nasa is correct. There is one development that will be a wowser, for sure. Confidentiality at this point is the name of the game, however.
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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby min-chi-cbus » April 23rd, 2013, 2:46 pm

Can anyone give a loose timeline for when we may hear more concrete information?


Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby nasa35 » April 23rd, 2013, 2:51 pm

Can anyone give a loose timeline for when we may hear more concrete information?
14-18 months on one

Unknown on the strib site

I know of two projects that we will hear clear intentions before the summer is out. There are two potential projects out of the four that will impact the skyline like no other project EVER.

edit: And a few game changers within one to three years.

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby min-chi-cbus » April 23rd, 2013, 4:53 pm

Wow, that's quite a timeline for most of them....no wonder we heaven't heard anything yet!

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby mark » April 23rd, 2013, 5:18 pm

BW3 Tower. It will change everything

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby Nick » April 23rd, 2013, 5:39 pm

BW3 Tower. It will change everything
Didn't someone make a chicken wing tower rendering on Minnescraper? Am I just starving right now?
Nick Magrino
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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby TroyGBiv » April 23rd, 2013, 5:59 pm

What's BW3 Tower? I hate to be left out!

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby Minneboy » April 23rd, 2013, 6:54 pm

LOL Buffalo Wild Wings. Never heard the BW3 before until I googled it.

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby retiredbanker » April 23rd, 2013, 7:11 pm

We now live in a world where too many nearly demand "instantanous" responses & satisfaction. A person needs to realize the importance & necessity of silence & confidentiality concerning development of projects. (Only a handful of people were aware of the 4Marq project before the announcement.) Development projects are very complex, from the conceptual stage, final design, property acquisition, get an endless amount of approvals from countless public entities, financing, office & retail leases, the list could go on & on. Developers & financiers have become much smarter at building projects that are viable in this economic environment, plus make efforts to be social/environmentally conscious.

I understand the curiosity for those of us who enjoy urban planning/issues, however, having expectations to identify specifics on unannounced projects is simply inappropriate. I'm well aware of dozens of potential projects coming down the pipeline, and when the time is right for the developer to release that information. That is when it'll be appropriate to discuss specifics about it. I "highly suspect" once a major project or 2 is announced, the floodgates will open up on many of the other projects. Many are associated with each other, so that is why many projects will be announced in a relatively-short period of time.

I have never had more confidence in downtown Minneapolis development in my lifetime than the present. Be patient, sit back and watch everything unfold, because it'll be a very exciting time for Minneapolis, and all of us will take a great deal of pride in our community because of the positive direction it is taking.

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby robotlollipop » April 23rd, 2013, 10:33 pm

Stop sending shivers down my spine, ya'll!


Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby MS3 » April 23rd, 2013, 10:46 pm

HEIGHT. That's what I want to see

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby lordmoke » April 23rd, 2013, 11:16 pm

Thanks for the insight, retiredbanker. Always great to hear from you. Very excited to see what's in store for Minneapolis, but development is most certainly not an interest area for the impatient. All we can do is hope the things Avian and Nasa mentioned make it to the finish line!

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby seanrichardryan » April 24th, 2013, 12:55 am

BW3 Tower. It will change everything
Didn't someone make a chicken wing tower rendering on Minnescraper? Am I just starving right now?
Yes, I just spent 20 minutes looking for it. Ha!
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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby Le Sueur » April 24th, 2013, 3:59 am

Secrets secrets ARE NO FUN
Secrets secrets HURT SOMEONE
Starting early today, and finding this was fantastic. :lol:

Knowing patience is key I make no demands as to what is built, only that I might occasionally post an item or two from SketchUp because GoogleEarth and its endless viewing angles is just too much fun for the what ifs. ;)

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby spearson » April 24th, 2013, 7:25 am

BW3 Tower. It will change everything
Didn't someone make a chicken wing tower rendering on Minnescraper? Am I just starving right now?
I would love to see someone make a ear of corn tower rendering.. Fully lit at night with green glowing husks and yellow corn.. I think it would be amazing.

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby TWA » April 24th, 2013, 7:30 am

BW3 Tower. It will change everything
Didn't someone make a chicken wing tower rendering on Minnescraper? Am I just starving right now?
I would love to see someone make a ear of corn tower rendering.. Fully lit at night with green glowing husks and yellow corn.. I think it would be amazing.
Sounds like a great idea for a Cargill tower...

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby martykoessel » April 24th, 2013, 11:10 am

Especially if, on days with blazing sunshine, the yellow-corn windows would puff up and burst into irregularly-shaped, giant white puffy things that would cascade onto the streets below, filling them up to about the 10-story level. Godzilla arrives in Minneapolis not to destroy, but to snack!


Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby kregger22 » April 24th, 2013, 1:41 pm

Out of curiosity, those on this forum who seem to have "inside information", without giving specifics - where do you get this information from? Personal contacts at the corporation looking to occupy the building, the builder themselves, architects etc? I'm not questioning anyones knowledge to the particulars - just again curious as to where the information typically would come from.


Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby kregger22 » April 24th, 2013, 2:01 pm

BTW, nasa35, by saying 2 of these projects will impact the skyline like no other project EVER - I can only assume you're inferring that we will have the next 2 tallest buildings in Mpls. I'm not pushing it with asking a question - maybe just making an observation.

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Re: LPM Apartments - (1368 LaSalle Avenue)

Postby bubzki2 » April 24th, 2013, 3:05 pm

If anything has MORE of an impact than the IDS Tower did in its day, I don't even know what that would look like. Maybe Burj Khaliffa. Not gonna see that.

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