2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby mullen » November 7th, 2013, 7:21 am

so what's going on anyway? this counting is rather a farce. it's now thursday and we don't know the results of three council races? city web site has no updates since tuesday night. yay ranked choice voting we're so progressive.

and i like matt perry in the 13rd ward. i hope Yang pulls through in the 5th and Cano in the 9th. a very diverse council dais for sure.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby mullen » November 7th, 2013, 7:23 am

and kudos to lisa bender. uptown will be well served by her.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby FISHMANPET » November 7th, 2013, 9:28 am

I'm not sure where you get the idea that there's no updates, heres the results of every single round they've done for Mayor (up to 14 as I post this):
http://vote.minneapolismn.gov/results/2 ... tabulation

Though it looks like they don't have anything posted for the Ward races. Not sure if it's because they haven't started those or not.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby Silophant » November 7th, 2013, 9:36 am

According to the Strib, they're doing one race at a time. So they'll finish the mayoral race, then start doing the CC races one at a time, then the remaining races. I believe Ward 13 is on deck.
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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby mullen » November 7th, 2013, 9:42 am

because the mayoral count is taking so long no other results from these wards. hopefully the filing fee will be raised.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby cmagnuson » November 7th, 2013, 11:58 am

Just for fun I wrote a little code to do the calculations https://github.com/cmagnuson/minneapoli ... eapolisRCV

Its silly that they don't have a more efficient system in place. I think its fine to do a manual comparison using Excel as a tool, but you'd think something more efficient would be in place for doing the first count...

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby woofner » November 7th, 2013, 3:53 pm

I could be wrong, but a foggy, cobwebbed part of my brain is remembering that part of the issue is that the machines aren't Federally certified to auto-tally the 2nd & 3rd choices. So they have to do those by hand, which takes a long time. Maybe someone with more time can confirm/disprove. I believe St Paul isn't releasing the official results of the race that went past the first round till Monday.
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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby FISHMANPET » November 7th, 2013, 4:33 pm

The city has something to say about how it's going so far, and why there's no automated process

I hope they eventually release the datasets somehow, so we could run something like cmagnuson wrote against it for fun.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby mullen » November 8th, 2013, 8:34 am

i was feeling prickly about the process because it's so drawn out but understandable with 35 candidates.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby mattaudio » November 8th, 2013, 9:53 am

There were only 80,000 votes. Pretty sure this would be super simple in Excel if each ballot had a record with three columns for three names. And then a bunch of nested if statements and a sumif to the right to pull out the results. But I understand that would have been less transparent to the public, and I'mt not even sure if they had the data in that fashion.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby Silophant » November 8th, 2013, 10:09 am

i was feeling prickly about the process because it's so drawn out but understandable with 35 candidates.
Right. The problem was the huge list of candidates. The other races, with reasonable numbers of contenders, won't be so bad. Ward 5, with 4 candidates, will only need two elimination rounds. Even Ward 9 will only need four.
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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby FISHMANPET » November 8th, 2013, 10:11 am

They posted a spreadsheet of tabulation, but I have no idea what it is because the link doesn't work. I emailed [email protected] to see if they'll fix it.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby twincitizen » November 8th, 2013, 10:19 am

CRZ is whining on e-democracy forums about the filing fee increase (I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!) and apparently Carol Becker is not a fan of RCV.

http://forums.e-democracy.org/groups/mp ... 4RW4e495du

Prediction: the City Council will not be able to unanimously pass the $500 fee. They will backpedal to $250, just as they did earlier this year, before ultimately deciding to do nothing. If someone is against the $500 fee (with caveat that 500 signatures can be substituted), I'd like to hear a solid argument of why $500 is apparently ok in St. Paul and not in Minneapolis (besides the strong vs. weak mayor thing).

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby woofner » November 8th, 2013, 10:46 am

Palmisano in 13! Yayzers!

http://vote.minneapolismn.gov/results/2 ... tabulation

ps thanks twincitizen for linking to e-democracy - every time I read one of their threads I appreciate urbanmsp that much more
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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby FISHMANPET » November 8th, 2013, 10:51 am

God that's a lot of people being butthurt. A lot of whining about how you shouldn't want to be someone's second choice candidate, but that's the point! It lets you vote outside the mainstream without throwing your vote away and possibly spoiling the election and having someone you really don't want to win.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby FISHMANPET » November 8th, 2013, 10:58 am

Also, Carol Becker arguing passionately to allow the voters to do whatever they want, even though they voted for RCV, makes me want to unvote for her for board of estimate & taxation just out of spite.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby RailBaronYarr » November 8th, 2013, 10:59 am

They should just move to a college sports poll style vote where your second/third choice vote counts even if it doesn't come to a RCV required scenario. First vote gets 3 points, second gets 2, third gets 1. Or change around the points awarded. Total up the points and the winner wins.

Ok only joking but it does allow voters to give a weighting to their candidates. If I agree with 70% of one candidates views and 50% of another, I think it's fair to give them a certain amount of my vote, and in aggregate it comes up with a weighted view of choice.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby twincitizen » November 8th, 2013, 11:03 am

I'm a big fan of RCV, but with a caveat. RCV does not really make much of a difference in a one-party town. Most of RCV's touted advantages are the reduction of negative/attack campaigning and allowing 3rd party candidates to be taken seriously without worrying about them being "spoilers" like Nader in 2000, or the Independence Party's gubernatorial candidates the two times that Pawlenty was elected. Partisan elections are where RCV will really shine. If there is truly no chance of ever implementing RCV statewide (as some say), then I'm not sure it's really "worth it". I guess even in one party Minneapolis, it does allow some people to rank a Green or Socialist candidate first, then a Progressive DFLer second or third or whatever...it just doesn't have the same impact as it could have in partisan elections.

Also, agreed on Carol Becker. She was against the stadium (I think...) and I thought she was kind of a fiscal hawk (within the Minneapolis DFL spectrum) and then she strongly supported Mark Andrew. Does she have a bone to pick with Hodges?? The Andrew support just didn't make sense to me.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby FISHMANPET » November 8th, 2013, 11:20 am

Vox Populi...

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby woofner » November 8th, 2013, 12:19 pm

Yang in 5!

http://vote.minneapolismn.gov/results/2 ... tabulation

Yang seemed really sharp on the campaign trail, and I'm eager to see him in office. Also will be good to have a more rounded CM for this ward; I like Samuels but he's uninterested in every issue but crime and schools it seems.

The council's a wrap. So far all the races that went past round 1 have gone to the candidate who led the first round.
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