Motiv Apartments - 2320 Colfax Avenue S

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Capella Tower
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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby RailBaronYarr » January 24th, 2014, 9:00 am

I respect the work she does - she's clearly passionate about restoring old homes and sees value in putting them into owners' hands (whether that's a desirable societal goal or not is up for debate). She has worked extremely hard to get the licenses, experiences, and financial contacts necessary to live out her dream (while also making a good chunk of change - nothing wrong with that!). And, she does a marvelous job of re-using materials that would otherwise go to dumps and giving old houses enough modern amenities to be desirable while still respecting old-world craftsmanship.

With that said, I think she also plays a very heavy emotional card, has no problem calling developers who want to meet a market demand greedy (while ignoring the fact that she isn't a not-for-profit), and enlists her now large fanbase from across the country to pressure local leaders. And yes, she is still working and living in Mpls while doing a couple projects in Detroit, so she will undoubtedly be a factor in this re-application.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby mplser » January 24th, 2014, 2:05 pm

I didnt mean to dismiss her as totally batshit crazy. I used to watch her show, too. But she lost me with the stunts like getting people from as far at texas and hawaii to call or email minneapolis leaders, and running into a house as it is being actively demolished.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby RailBaronYarr » January 24th, 2014, 2:23 pm

I know it aligns with her mantra, but that house demo stunt seemed like as much PR move for her as anything else. Either way, didn't mean to derail the thread talking about a marginally-related TV star...

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby thatchio » January 24th, 2014, 8:59 pm

I disagree with Twincitizen that this demo is up to Council Member Bender. There is a previous application with a vote and existing council members who have voted for denying the demo before. That history is there and I think it will make it extremely hard for approval. A key question will be what substantively changed between then and now on the merits of the demolition.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby mplsjaromir » January 24th, 2014, 10:28 pm

To me what has changed is the people supporting the rehabilitation of this building. The initial denial was based on the that the structure was a vital and beloved by the neighborhood.

The truth is no one has stepped up and done anything but dictate what others should do with their property. If TP Healy is so important then one of his patrons should have bought it by now.

My thought is that the preservationist are 100% behind saving this property, until they have to open their checkbook. Then it's not such a concern. All the while Mr. Crowe is left holding the bag.
Last edited by mplsjaromir on January 25th, 2014, 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby John » January 25th, 2014, 12:07 pm

^^^I think you are right on the mark with your comments Mr Jaromir. They need to "walk the talk". What the neighborhood preservation activists should do is get to work and create a way to market historic properties so they can be rehabbed and become viable again. The irony is because of their actions (or inaction) this property is going to continue to deteriorate, and at some point it may have to be condemned and demolished.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby Wedgeguy » January 25th, 2014, 12:48 pm

I must agree, either you find or you buy the property. Don't make a man that needs to sell and does not have the money or cash flow to rehab the building to be stuck holding the bag. He needs a good Pro Bono lawyer!

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby twincitizen » March 4th, 2014, 2:26 pm

Coming soon to an HPC agenda near you. If you want Michael Crow to be able to sell his properties so he can take care of his health issues and see this development move forward, please keep this on your radar. It's going to take a lot of organizing and energy to make this happen. You all know what we're up against: HPC commissioners who previously voted against demolition, 6 City Council members who previously voted against demolition, and highly organized and motivated neighbors/preservationists with a TV star in their pocket.

Stay tuned. If you want to see the demolition permit approved, you're going to have to speak up (and get other people to do the same).

Remember, the issue here is demolition, not approval of the project. The proposed 4-story development fits well within the scope of the existing R6 zoning. I believe they need one setback variance, but otherwise can build by right.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby lordmoke » March 11th, 2014, 1:02 pm

Staff recommend demolition on 2320:

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby twincitizen » March 12th, 2014, 11:28 am

UrbanMSP attendance count for the HPC Meeting? I'll be there.

4:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Room 317, City Hall
350 South Fifth Street

We need all the support we can get on this one.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby MNdible » March 12th, 2014, 11:42 am

Doesn't seem like the HPC is the right place to exert pressure. Their question will be focused tightly on whether or not the buildings merit preservation, not looking at bigger urban or planning issues. And since preservation is their bailiwick, they tend to err on the side of not tearing stuff down.

If you've got an argument to make, it probably will carry more water once this gets appealed up to committee.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby twincitizen » March 12th, 2014, 12:03 pm

You're right that demolition approval has a slim chance with the HPC. However, I don't think it's a waste of our time.
1. Anders Christensen and the TP Healy backup singers will be there in force. It's important to show that they are not unanimous.
2. Some HPC members wanted to give time for a rehab buyer to emerge. That time has passed and we could see a few votes turn. It was not unanimous last time (8-2 maybe), so there will be debate.

Regardless of what happens at HPC next week, an appeal of the decision is certain (either by Mike Crow / Lander Group or by Anders Christensen, depending on which way the vote goes). So yeah, you're right that this will land at Z&P sometime in April regardless. That doesn't make it not worthwhile to present argument at HPC.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby scttdvd » March 12th, 2014, 2:54 pm

I wrote that post. I'll be at City Hall next Tuesday, for sure.

In addition to what twincitizen said:
3. a few members of the HPC have been replaced with new appointees since the last 2320 vote, so there will be HPC members voting on this issue for the first time on Tuesday.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby johneapolis » March 13th, 2014, 4:38 am

Flyer handed to me by random dude at LHENA meeting yesterday.

Maybe contact all the people listed here and tell them you'd prefer the house be sold to a developer.


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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby nerdljos » March 17th, 2014, 2:01 pm

The deadline for public comment is 1PM tomorrow (Tuesday), so, if you want to submit something, do it before then. The preservationists are kind of going crazy over this, so without a similar set of inspired people on the development side, it's hard to know how this will go.

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby twincitizen » March 17th, 2014, 9:38 pm

(From a new group of folks, Forward Minneapolis, organizing to support good development in Minneapolis)

Act now to support:
transit-oriented development and good urbanism in Minneapolis
more affordable new construction in Uptown

Tomorrow, March 18, at 4:30PM the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) is voting on a request to demolish a property at 2320 Colfax Avenue South. There are three things you can do to support Minneapolis accommodating more residents.
Attend the HPC meeting AND testify in support of the demolition permit – March 18, 2014, City Hall Room 317
Send an e-mail to the HPC and/or the relevant Ward 10 City Council member, Lisa Bender and staff (see below)
Ask your friends to comment, by sharing this on Facebook, through Twitter, and by e-mail

Please forward the following email message (plus any additions you deem fit) to John Smoley (HPC liaison) ([email protected]), Lisa Bender ([email protected]) or Ben Somogyi ([email protected]) by 1pm tomorrow, March 18 at the latest in order to be placed in the public record:

{begin email}
I support demolition of the property located at 2320 Colfax Avenue South. Please vote FOR demolition for the following reasons:

A City of Minneapolis staff report recommends demolition. 2320 Colfax is far from the only example of its kind: there are a significant number of other buildings/homes in the city built and designed by T.P. Healy that, for a variety of reasons, are more deserving of preservation than 2320 Colfax.
It has been nearly one year since the proposed redevelopment project for the property was given a reprieve to pursue preservation, and no preservation option has emerged; the only potential buyer for the property is the developer.
This property cannot be viably preserved, as the costs to acquire and restore exceed the possible value of doing so. The exterior has lost most of its historic character such that it may not be eligible for historic preservation dollars. Furthermore, the interior condition has been altered and is not appealing for an individual to renovate, nor is it appealing for use in its existing form.
Voting for demolition allows the proposed infill redevelopment to move forward. What is currently proposed, a 45-unit apartment project (on 2320 Colfax as well as an adjacent property, 2316 Colfax), would take advantage of a walkable and transit-rich location, as well as a number of interior green features to promote sustainable living in Minneapolis. The proposed project meets a number of the objectives laid out in the city’s comprehensive plan.

While preservation of historically deserving buildings is important, there is not enough to justify a designation in this case, and doing so would block a viable redevelopment of these properties. Please vote against an historic designation for 2320 Colfax Avenue South.
{end email}

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby min-chi-cbus » March 17th, 2014, 10:06 pm

I'd personally be shocked if this somehow doesn't pass and the building is preserved. It's crumbling, there are no (real) interested owners besides the developer, and the development would fit in PERFECTLY with the neighborhood. Hell, I'd live there with my wife and two kids (you hear that Minneapolis -- families might move in)!

Chalk up a 'W'.....I'm calling it! :D

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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby aeisenberg » March 17th, 2014, 10:34 pm

I'd personally be shocked if this somehow doesn't pass and the building is preserved. It's crumbling, there are no (real) interested owners besides the developer, and the development would fit in PERFECTLY with the neighborhood. Hell, I'd live there with my wife and two kids (you hear that Minneapolis -- families might move in)!

Chalk up a 'W'.....I'm calling it! :D
I hope so, I sent a letter, but I'm not optimistic. Minneapolis is good at a lot of things, but making ration decisions about improving density isn't one of them. :-?
Aaron Eisenberg / Realtor, Keller Williams Integrity
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Re: 2316-2320 Colfax Apartments

Postby twincitizen » March 18th, 2014, 6:19 am

Forget density, Minneapolis can't even get past the simple question of "Is this building historic?" without it turning political. Some of the folks trying to preserve this house don't even really care about historic preservation...this whole thing is a smokescreen to resist development. Granted, there are a few folks who are really passionate about Healy houses, but even some of those folks are part of the anti-density crowd as well, including Anders Christensen and Trilby Busch.

Can anyone else make it to the meeting today and/or email City staff and Lisa Bender, as noted above?


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