Target Field Station (the Hotel) & Target Field Station (the Station)

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby talindsay » May 13th, 2014, 10:53 am

I think targeted (ha!) sponsorship of specific stations is a really great way to offset costs of transit infrastructure. When you consider how much stadiums collect, there's no reason to assume that a sponsorship of a major station wouldn't be worth a significant fraction of that amount. The name would have to be logical and not make the station name misleading, but well-administered, it could do a good job of weaning light rail operations at least out of the state budget.

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby IllogicalJake » May 13th, 2014, 10:55 am

Does anyone know if it will be illuminated at night?
It would be remiss if the design didn't have it lighted. Speaking of design, the photo isn't clear but it looks like it is identical to the Target corporate logo font.
You're really stretching a bit for this one...

It IS the Target Corporate font... which is also Helvetica, the most popular and significant font in the US for many decades, especially made popular by NYC transit in the 60's. It's also the same typeface used all throughout Target Field for signage. I'm not saying it isn't tied to the corporate identity, but it's not as if it's a giant bullseye, either. It's not out of place by any means on a transit station.

Last edited by IllogicalJake on May 13th, 2014, 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Target Field Station

Postby » May 13th, 2014, 11:00 am

It seems odd to say that a film about a font is fascinating, but this film about this font actually *is* fascinating. My wife and I saw it at the Walker a few years back. Well worth anyone's time.
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Re: Target Field Station

Postby LakeCharles » May 13th, 2014, 11:08 am

You mean to tell me the NYC transit system has been using Target Corporate font this whole time? And no one is up in arms about this?

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby Chava » May 13th, 2014, 11:10 am

You mean to tell me the NYC transit system has been using Target Corporate font this whole time? And no one is up in arms about this?
The audacity of that MTA!

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby Anondson » May 13th, 2014, 11:13 am

Does anyone know if it will be illuminated at night?
It would be remiss if the design didn't have it lighted. Speaking of design, the photo isn't clear but it looks like it is identical to the Target corporate logo font.
You're really stretching a bit for this one...
It isn't a stretch in the least. The logo font has a specific red. NOT an accident. Corporations have legal claim to specific colors in context to their name. If every station up and down the line ends up using Helvetica and that shade of red, then the coincidence is there. But I doubt we'll see that.

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby Chava » May 13th, 2014, 11:15 am

I think targeted (ha!) sponsorship of specific stations is a really great way to offset costs of transit infrastructure. When you consider how much stadiums collect, there's no reason to assume that a sponsorship of a major station wouldn't be worth a significant fraction of that amount. The name would have to be logical and not make the station name misleading, but well-administered, it could do a good job of weaning light rail operations at least out of the state budget.
I am all for it, so long as the actual as the actual name of the station isn't changing.Add ons and not full on changes as you mention. If we wanted to throw up some sponsorship at Stadium Village stop, let's call TCF Stadium Village stop instead of TCF Bank stop.

Adopt a stop. I like it.

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby BigIdeasGuy » May 13th, 2014, 12:00 pm

I think targeted (ha!) sponsorship of specific stations is a really great way to offset costs of transit infrastructure. When you consider how much stadiums collect, there's no reason to assume that a sponsorship of a major station wouldn't be worth a significant fraction of that amount. The name would have to be logical and not make the station name misleading, but well-administered, it could do a good job of weaning light rail operations at least out of the state budget.
I am all for it, so long as the actual as the actual name of the station isn't changing.Add ons and not full on changes as you mention. If we wanted to throw up some sponsorship at Stadium Village stop, let's call TCF Stadium Village stop instead of TCF Bank stop.

Adopt a stop. I like it.
Why stop there? If a corporation is willing to pay enough name an entire line after them. Target Line, United Health Group Line, etc.

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby Drizzay » May 13th, 2014, 12:36 pm

I'd just be happy if companies/organizations adopted segments of a line just to do trash cleanup. :D

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby jet777 » May 13th, 2014, 1:55 pm

I got fooled walking up 5th avenue - the giant canopy was blocking "Field Station" and I started looking for a red cart to do my shopping near Shapco.

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby IllogicalJake » May 13th, 2014, 2:08 pm

It isn't a stretch in the least. The logo font has a specific red. NOT an accident. Corporations have legal claim to specific colors in context to their name. If every station up and down the line ends up using Helvetica and that shade of red, then the coincidence is there. But I doubt we'll see that.
I like how you cut out this part of the quote and pretend it doesn't exist:
I'm not saying it isn't tied to the corporate identity, but it's not as if it's a giant bullseye, either.
But, yes. Feel free to be appalled that the sign at Target Field for Target Field Station is, gasp, red. Just like all of the other signs around it for the venue. :)
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Re: Target Field Station

Postby Anondson » May 13th, 2014, 2:20 pm

Feel free to be appalled that ...
There is zero outrage from me about this. You've read into what I wrote.

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby IllogicalJake » May 13th, 2014, 2:27 pm

Feel free to be appalled that ...
There is zero outrage from me about this. You've read into what I wrote.
Yeah, I apologize for that. I realize you weren't appalled, I think I just went too far into hyperbole.

Regardless, it's not as if it's a Metro Transit sign that's been taken over by sponsorship, as you seemed to be saying. As far as I know, this is a sign that Target Field, controlling the plaza and events space of Target Field Station, erected.
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Re: Target Field Station

Postby the kid » May 13th, 2014, 3:25 pm

Don't you people work during the day?

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby MSP » May 13th, 2014, 5:17 pm

Grabbed a picture of the sign yesterday evening from 5th & Washington. I actually think it looks pretty cool- people will definitely be able to find the station.


Does anyone know if it will be illuminated at night?
Nice! That will end up being a Minneapolis icon.

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby mattaudio » May 13th, 2014, 5:50 pm

Doesn't that violate two or three sign ordinances? I wonder how much money they get from Target Field for naming rights?

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby MSPtoMKE » May 13th, 2014, 6:32 pm

Obviously Target forked over a bunch for the naming rights for the stadium, but did Metro Transit get any money for naming the station "Target Field Station", or were they simply naming it after the logical adjacent landmark? If they didn't contribute any money for station naming rights, then it could be argued this sign goes a little too far as an advertisement.

The original light rail and Northstar stations were nearly completed before it was named Target Field Station.
What's in a name? by MSPdude, on Flickr

Metro Transit Signage by MSPdude, on Flickr
My flickr photos.

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby Anondson » May 13th, 2014, 7:34 pm

That view towards the sign, I predict, will become a new favored shot of local photographers with expensive camera kit.

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby mulad » May 13th, 2014, 7:39 pm

Hmm. I never knew about the original signage.

This isn't directly station-related, but Metro Transit has wrapped a couple of Bombardier cars in advance of the All-Star game. From Metro Transit's Flickr feed:

Metro Transit light rail with MLB All-Star Game wrap by metrotransitmn, on Flickr

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Re: Target Field Station

Postby grant1simons2 » May 14th, 2014, 7:25 pm

Biked up to the station today to grab some pictures. Worth it. This was my first time being at the site well they were working and taking pictures. A lot of trains testing, about 20 guys in a group checking it out. There is so much detail going into this project. Who's coming on Saturday!?

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