Climate Change

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David Greene
IDS Center
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Re: Climate Change

Postby David Greene » July 1st, 2014, 8:44 pm

We can sit down and sing kumbaya or we can do something to address the invetiable changes we'll have to deal with. I know where I'm putting my effort.
I believe the single best bang for the dollar spent fighting climate change is doing what Allan Savory is suggesting.
Can you summarize what that is? It sounds like some sort of grazing scheme but what good does that do if all your plants are dead?

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Re: Climate Change

Postby Anondson » July 1st, 2014, 9:01 pm

Hard to summarize to briefly. Some of the largest areas of the planet that are changing are grasslands. Much has already turned to unproductive desert or is edging that way. Grasslands co-"evolved" with the presence of massive herds of grazing ruminants that have been exterminated by humans. His theory is that short of the impossible of restoring the original grazing herds, it could be possible to imitate the ecological effects of those massive herds with domesticated animals like sheep, cows, etc.

If successful it would reverse desertification, reduce the need to devote agricultural land to feed animals, increase the amount of food in regions already food scarce, and even keeps moisture around the ground so it doesn't evaporate into the atmosphere (streams restored), keeping the carbon in the ground and plants.

It is a grazing scheme at its simplest, but in trials he has implemented it in areas nearly depleted of plants and restored the area to fertile grassland. As spending goes, for the effect gained, it seems cheap.

Capella Tower
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Re: Apartment Boom

Postby min-chi-cbus » July 2nd, 2014, 7:16 am

What "North Shore"? Lake Superior? If it's Lake Superior I'd put some serious money into the City of Duluth soon! What an amazing place it would be with the Twin Cities' climate!!
Ugh, no thanks. I grew up near Duluth and vastly prefer the summers up there. Cooler and less sticky. The lake really does wonders for the weather. My first summer in Minneapolis was an eye-opener, especially with limited air conditioning. :shock:
Right, but most people prefer the winters down here, or anywhere South of Duluth for that matter. That's what I was referencing more than summer temps.

Capella Tower
Posts: 2869
Joined: June 1st, 2012, 9:19 am

Re: Climate Change

Postby min-chi-cbus » July 2nd, 2014, 7:19 am

I like it! Bring back the woolly mammoth! JK, or maybe just bison.

Wells Fargo Center
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Re: Apartment Boom

Postby xandrex » July 2nd, 2014, 9:02 pm

What "North Shore"? Lake Superior? If it's Lake Superior I'd put some serious money into the City of Duluth soon! What an amazing place it would be with the Twin Cities' climate!!
Ugh, no thanks. I grew up near Duluth and vastly prefer the summers up there. Cooler and less sticky. The lake really does wonders for the weather. My first summer in Minneapolis was an eye-opener, especially with limited air conditioning. :shock:
Right, but most people prefer the winters down here, or anywhere South of Duluth for that matter. That's what I was referencing more than summer temps.
It's true that winters are usually more bearable down here than, say, away from Duluth. But down by the lake it's actually usually nicer than anything here in Minneapolis. :D

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