So, what happened to Minnescraper?

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So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby dmdhashw » June 11th, 2012, 4:15 pm

I'm curious as to whether or not anyone knows what ended up happening to Minnescraper, and to DC? Strange that the admin of the forum abandoned it after 6+ years of use. Wherever he is, I hope he is okay.


Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby Lancestar2 » June 12th, 2012, 12:03 am

I really don't know either... but as you may or may not know that shortly after the site was having a problems and stopped working he posted a commont on April 27th on the site and on the FB site too and I think even twitter saying that they were expecting to get it back up by the end of the weekend. But the problem with the site was that he was paying for the site through a company

with the site he was using it was limited to amount of memory he could use and that is why the site stopped working. The design of forums such as Minnescraper are that they are to be "pruned" a process of older posts getting deleted and freeing up more space to continue to add more posts which is why sites like these can be affordable for a hosting company and the end user. I noticed when setting up a Minnescraper sister site that the setting were designed to automatically delete threads after a period of time when no posts are posted to that thread. DC had changed the settings to keep every single post! over 51,000 posts!!!

I know my answer is not really answering what happened to him but it's my educated guess that he most likely forgot about the data limits (given he set the site up over 3 years ago!) and got a discouraging mesage via the "support forums" for the hosting site of and then in frustration with them he abandoned the site as he may not have wanted to be the bearer of bad news

If I was in his shoes I could understand not wanting to break the news after seeing the community you built and managed for over 3 years and telling them it over and your done may have been hard. However I don't think it was right way of handling the situation given the large and dedicated community ready and willing to put together a new forum site! Although at the time I too didn't know people were so willing to move forward and create a new site.

However as for DC, he hasn't logged into his account since April 27th or posted anything on twitter or FB site. Also I know several people tried to contact him via Email on his yahoo or hotmail account he put on his profile i think... and never got a response..

I do hope DC is ok and I am very grateful for everything he/she has done for our community! DC is a hero in my book :mrgreen: Also I highly doubt something bad happened to DC because of the timing of DC's abandoning the site would only suggest it was he/she was not able to continue to host the site.

Please keep in mind

I highly think DC was paying a great deal into the site each and every month! During the confusion I had created my sister site on the free version and on the 1st day I got almost 1,000 "hits" :o I'm not sure how they define a view but most likely each page view! and at that rate 30 days x1000 is 30,000 monthly views and my guess is that Minnescraper was costing DC the 30 bucks a month rate if not the highest rate! the highest rate... and if it was the highest rate maybe DC realized he could no longer expand the site into a bigger size.

either way I'm just glad we got a guy who is great with computers and a guy who is a very dedicated member to our community hosting and managing the site! but as for DC I guess we will never know for sure just wish I could have told him THANK YOU for all that he did haha maybe some day he will come back but either way he wasn't very active in posting on his own site but either way I hope he is ok too!

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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby spectre000 » June 12th, 2012, 12:33 am

Nicely said. All the criticism directed at the owner of minnescraper recently has been very unfair. That person was providing tons of people a free site to interact with, while paying for it on their own. I hope they aren't feeling embarrassed or anything. Minnescraper's forum was a lot of fun and I'm glad we've got members here carrying on the tradition.

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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby seanrichardryan » June 13th, 2012, 4:04 pm

Does anyone know DC's real name?
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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby web » June 13th, 2012, 7:09 pm

hmmmI I thought he was bruce wayne and bapster was alfred and bapsters web godess was aunt harriet

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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby seanrichardryan » July 3rd, 2012, 8:12 am

I think I found DC last week-
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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby Nick » July 3rd, 2012, 8:16 am

Nick Magrino
[email protected]


Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby Lancestar2 » July 3rd, 2012, 1:51 pm

OMG did you follow him? LOL :o ... that's just awesome!... I'll be looking for that red cooper now haha...

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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby PhilmerPhil » July 3rd, 2012, 2:34 pm

Did anyone ever actually get a definitive answer as to what happened with Minnescraper and why it was abandoned without letting anyone know?


Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby Lancestar2 » July 3rd, 2012, 2:59 pm

Did anyone ever actually get a definitive answer as to what happened with Minnescraper and why it was abandoned without letting anyone know?
nope besides the educated guesses above we may never know unless DC himself comes back to inform us all what happened,
but my guess would he/she wouldn't do that because they never really wanted all the attention DC wan't very active in the forums
and discussions.

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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby Nick » April 7th, 2013, 11:34 am

Nick Magrino
[email protected]

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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby seanrichardryan » April 7th, 2013, 11:39 am

I highly recommend reading the comments to that post.
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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby mplser » April 8th, 2013, 6:52 pm

um... that is just bizarre! what's with the weird comments and a complete lack of a forum section even though it is mentioned?

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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby Le Sueur » April 8th, 2013, 7:17 pm

Looks like they have a few Bots hanging around :lol:

If anyone wants to keep access to the Forums for reference as many of us have been doing, they appear to still be up and functioning. A link from my history took me to the Board Index here: ... 52ff498ff1

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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby mulad » April 11th, 2013, 9:19 am

I'm not sure what the deal is with that -- I swear I visited a couple of weeks ago and landed on a domain squatter page. So I'd give a 50/50 chance that whoever put together the current site is or is not the same person that ran the old site.

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Re: So, what happened to Minnescraper?

Postby seanrichardryan » April 11th, 2013, 9:25 am

I recall the Domain name has expired a while back too. Who owned it? DC?
Q. What, what? A. In da butt.

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