Eden Prairie Bluffs

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Eden Prairie Bluffs

Postby grant1simons2 » September 18th, 2014, 10:14 pm

I found a totally different world the other day. The bluffs in EP are truly breathtaking. If you go far enough in you can't even hear any road noises or people. Just nature. I've been on a search for the remains of the old abanoned village of Hennepin. I've found parts of it on my way and will keep going back to discover more. Currently I have my phone for photographs but it's a Nokia Lumia so I'm fine with it. I'll be upgrading in a couple weeks.

The first few are of some historic spots in Eden Prairie. You can tell when you get to the bluffs, gets more "abandoney". Check back every few days! This should become a photo journal as time goes on.


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Re: Eden Prairie Bluffs

Postby seanrichardryan » September 18th, 2014, 10:35 pm

Wait, that's an abandoned WPA wayside rest ? Historical marker seems to be missing...
Q. What, what? A. In da butt.

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Re: Eden Prairie Bluffs

Postby grant1simons2 » September 18th, 2014, 10:39 pm

I've known about this site for a while. It's a really weird place.. You can tell it was a cool structure, was it really WPA? Do you have a source maybe? The WPA has always been something that has sparked by interest

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Re: Eden Prairie Bluffs

Postby Nathan » September 19th, 2014, 12:04 am

And older friend of mine would tell me stories about how when there was nothing out there, he and his hippie friends would go out there and smoke all the weed.

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Re: Eden Prairie Bluffs

Postby grant1simons2 » September 19th, 2014, 6:07 am

Well that doesn't surprise me at all.. My friend from school told me they know people who grow weed back there. A really weird and cool area.

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Re: Eden Prairie Bluffs

Postby grant1simons2 » February 17th, 2015, 5:17 pm

Found one of the site before it was an abandoned WPA wayside point


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Re: Eden Prairie Bluffs

Postby mattaudio » February 17th, 2015, 5:32 pm

So. Where exactly is this within EP?

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Re: Eden Prairie Bluffs

Postby grant1simons2 » February 17th, 2015, 5:36 pm

Right here: https://www.google.com/maps/@44.820416, ... auYqfA!2e0

Right near where the former Flying Cloud Drive in was

Amazing image from 1956: http://geo.lib.umn.edu/Hennepin_County/ ... HJ-448.jpg

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Re: Eden Prairie Bluffs

Postby tunelabguy » April 4th, 2015, 9:08 am

I snuck into this Lookout Park Wayside this morning to find a good site to photograph the April 4th lunar eclipse. The eclipse was not too impressive, but I have loved this spot ever since I stumbled across it in 2013 while biking around Eden Prairie. It is so sad that this historic site with its dramatic view of Valley Fair and the Minnesota River Valley is not developed for public use. We may lose it completely to development. Apparently historian Jane King Hession wrote about this park (google for it). There is only one small "no trespassing" sign, but from the worn foot path it seems it is still being visited on the sly. It does not look like it would be too expensive to clean up the brush and patch the masonry. I hope there is some interest in bringing this gem back to public use.

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Re: Eden Prairie Bluffs

Postby bik4u62 » June 30th, 2015, 9:21 am

I think this location has been a popular overlook for quite some time. The small, horse-shoe shaped foundation wall about 50 yards east of the Wayside (easily seen on the 1956 photos) is still there. It sits on the very edge of the drop-off, so it seems it was built for the view. Maybe a porch wall from an earlier structure (?). It doesn't appear to have anything to do with the park.

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