Sports: Pro & Con

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby acs » December 8th, 2015, 10:33 am

You guys are waaaay over thinking this, as usual. ESPN had 30+ years of subscriber growth because for 30 years it was the only 24/7 national sports channel. Now, other networks have finally caught on and want a piece of the cash cow, so that's why in the past year or two we've seen the successful launch of NBCSports network, Fox Sports 1 and 2, and before that the regional Fox Sports spinoffs. Same 24/7 national sports news, more and more competitive as far as hosting games, and I bet they charge comcast far less than $40 per sub. But go on, keep going through mental gymnastics to make this fit your liberal worldview, it's entertaining.

Edit: One more point of competition; NBC's sunday night football has to play a role as well. That game is week after week the highest rated TV program by far, yet formerly that spot was held by ESPN/ABC's Monday night Football. For the longest time MNF was the only nationally televised NFL game each week and it also was the only way to see highlights from all the games that week. Now, an over-the-air network also offers a prime-time night game and surprise, it becomes more popular. We could speculate about what would have been if MNF stayed on ABC after 2005.

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby mulad » December 8th, 2015, 11:53 am

Researchers from Mayo Clinic recently released a report about the prevalence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) among samples in a brain bank they have in Jacksonville, Florida. They had samples from 264 people where they had definitive information about whether they participated in youth sports or not, and the types of sports they participated in. Among the 66 people who participated in contact sports (including football, boxing, wrestling, rugby, basketball, baseball), 21 (32%) of them had mild to severe CTE in their brain tissue. Of the 198 who hadn't participated in any contact sports, there were zero samples showing CTE.

It's hard to say how bad that really is, since understanding of CTE is still evolving, but it does at least indicate that people who don't participate in contact sports don't get CTE, while people who do play those sports are at significant risk. ... 360065411/

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby billhelm » December 8th, 2015, 12:26 pm

You guys are waaaay over thinking this, as usual. ESPN had 30+ years of subscriber growth because for 30 years it was the only 24/7 national sports channel. Now, other networks have finally caught on and want a piece of the cash cow, so that's why in the past year or two we've seen the successful launch of NBCSports network, Fox Sports 1 and 2, and before that the regional Fox Sports spinoffs. Same 24/7 national sports news, more and more competitive as far as hosting games, and I bet they charge comcast far less than $40 per sub. But go on, keep going through mental gymnastics to make this fit your liberal worldview, it's entertaining.

Edit: One more point of competition; NBC's sunday night football has to play a role as well. That game is week after week the highest rated TV program by far, yet formerly that spot was held by ESPN/ABC's Monday night Football. For the longest time MNF was the only nationally televised NFL game each week and it also was the only way to see highlights from all the games that week. Now, an over-the-air network also offers a prime-time night game and surprise, it becomes more popular. We could speculate about what would have been if MNF stayed on ABC after 2005.
Failing to see your point. ESPN is losing subs from people cancelling or downgrading their cable packages, not because other channels are replacing them. Those other networks, once fully saturated/rolled-out will see similar movements because they're usually in the same tiers as ESPN. (at least in the case of comcast)

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby kiliff75 » December 8th, 2015, 3:31 pm

While there are a number of things that could lead to the decline of sports financially, also remember that live sports are one of the only remaining TV genres that is somewhat immune to people recording and then skipping over commercials via TiVo or DVR. That's gold for advertisers whose commercials are routinely unseen by people who have TiVo or DVR. That's partially why we're seeing multi-billion dollar TV deals for sports leagues.

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby jw138 » December 8th, 2015, 5:15 pm

Maybe I'm in the minority here but whenever I've watched "live" sports in the last 10 years or so that I've had a DVR, I've purposely started watching 30-60 minutes after the start of the game just so I can skip the commercials, time between innings/halves/quarters, and sections of the game where nothing's happening.

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby Wedgeguy » December 8th, 2015, 6:51 pm

Maybe I'm in the minority here but whenever I've watched "live" sports in the last 10 years or so that I've had a DVR, I've purposely started watching 30-60 minutes after the start of the game just so I can skip the commercials, time between innings/halves/quarters, and sections of the game where nothing's happening.
When they say the same old shit for the 2 hours before, during half time and then another hour after I tend not to watch even the games anymore as I'm sick of the announcers.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby mplsjaromir » December 9th, 2015, 8:58 am

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby JT$ » December 9th, 2015, 9:36 am

Not really sure what this story has to do with the stadium construction. This encounter could've easily happened at a park, bar, movie theater, or a grocery store. There are stupid people everywhere.

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby mattaudio » December 9th, 2015, 10:30 am

When I watch live sports, it's usually a background activity where I look up every 10-15 minutes to see if the score has changed (or, if I'm at a bar/party, whenever there's cheering or groaning so I can catch a replay). Then I'll catch the last few minutes if things are close. Not actively watching the game = no DVR required. But otherwise, sounds like a good strategy.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby mattaudio » December 9th, 2015, 11:06 am

There are stupid people everywhere.
But they all seem to congregate on Sundays at NFL stadiums and sports bars.

Just look for ignorant comments on BLM/justice/city/etc posts on local media facebook pages. There's a very strong correlation between racist idiots and wearing NFL apparel.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby amiller92 » December 9th, 2015, 11:37 am

Just look for ignorant comments on BLM/justice/city/etc posts on local media facebook pages. There's a very strong correlation between racist idiots and wearing NFL apparel.
Hm. I don't know about "very strong correlation." Not even sure I would agree that the frequency of racists idiots is higher among NFL fans than it is the public in general. I mean, probably, but I can't say for sure.

What I can say is that NFL games bring people into the city who are not usually in the city, which means that the in-stadium crowd is probably both more conservative and more racist than the typical urban population.

Anyway, while there are idiots everywhere, this particular idiot acted at the stadium and apparently without the response I'd hope for from security.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby Nathan » December 9th, 2015, 12:19 pm

There are stupid people everywhere.
But they all seem to congregate on Sundays at NFL stadiums and sports bars.

Just look for ignorant comments on BLM/justice/city/etc posts on local media facebook pages. There's a very strong correlation between racist idiots and wearing NFL apparel.
Yeah, I'm sorry, no. you need to stop. Just look at the ignorant comments on FUCKING EVERYTHING. don't even pretend that you have some sort of reliable self research. I go to Vikings games all the time, my family does, my friends do, and you're being really assumptive and foolish, based on your own little pet opinions.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby Didier » December 9th, 2015, 12:21 pm

Wait, mattaudio is trolling the stadium thread? Who woulda thunk that?

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby Nathan » December 9th, 2015, 12:32 pm

Maybe if one is to troll, for comedic relief, lets not use BLM and the justice issues going on in the city. It's not a light issue, and it's not appreciated.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby kirby96 » December 9th, 2015, 12:37 pm

There are stupid people everywhere.
But they all seem to congregate on Sundays at NFL stadiums and sports bars.

Just look for ignorant comments on BLM/justice/city/etc posts on local media facebook pages. There's a very strong correlation between racist idiots and wearing NFL apparel.

So wait: is it OK or is it not OK to disparage groups that share common cultural characteristics based upon the a-social behavior of a minority of them?

It's all so confusing!

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby Rich » December 9th, 2015, 12:44 pm

It’s not just sportswear. Racist idiots also tend to wear pants. I’d like Matt’s thoughts on the correlation between racism and the wearing of pants.

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby mattaudio » December 9th, 2015, 1:05 pm

I'll repeat the claims here in Anything Goes: People into prosports, particularly NFL, seem to be more ignorant and racist than America as a whole. That's not to say that humanity as a whole is insulated from ignorance and racism. Clearly a large portion of America is racist and ignorant. But anyone who has been to a Vikings game knows it goes beyond average. And that the batting average for racist comments online with NFL jerseys/imagery in a profile pic/cover photo is above .350 whereas the batting average for BLM/justice allies displaying the same imagery is approximately .000.

I'm saddened to see how people are so eager to dismiss the connection between prosports and Trumpish thinking, especially in light of today's headline regarding a man being accosted at a prosports game because he "looked like a refugee." Way to not stand up for what is right just because you like a certain sport, folks.

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby amiller92 » December 9th, 2015, 1:35 pm

I'll repeat the claims here in Anything Goes: People into prosports, particularly NFL, seem to be more ignorant and racist than America as a whole. That's not to say that humanity as a whole is insulated from ignorance and racism. Clearly a large portion of America is racist and ignorant. But anyone who has been to a Vikings game knows it goes beyond average. And that the batting average for racist comments online with NFL jerseys/imagery in a profile pic/cover photo is above .350 whereas the batting average for BLM/justice allies displaying the same imagery is approximately .000.
My BIL had season tickets last year and I went with him to a bunch of games. I don't recall any race issues, and there was an interracial couple that had the seats next to us. Plenty of drunken idiots and overall probably a lot more conservative than he or I, but no overt issues.

None of the sports blogs I read and/or participate in would tolerate any racist BS, nor does it come up too often.
I'm saddened to see how people are so eager to dismiss the connection between prosports and Trumpish thinking, especially in light of today's headline regarding a man being accosted at a prosports game because he "looked like a refugee."
I think sport fans are a lot more diverse than you think. The far right is probably better represented than the far left, because it's fashionable on the far left to reject them, so demographically there is probably a somewhat rightward bias compared to the general population, but I think you'd find pro sports fans to be pretty much "normal" politically.
Way to not stand up for what is right just because you like a certain sport, folks.
What is it you would like me to do about this incident? Sport following sports?

Now I wish I had some Vikings gear on when I marched with BLM from the 4th precinct.

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby Nathan » December 9th, 2015, 4:11 pm

Hmm yeah because its sports and its fans that are racists... ballet is totally racist, most dance and theaters and television have major racism built in but most have liberal supporters that don't enjoy football or sports, this racism "problem" isn't about segregating the groups of white people you don't like... that's so ridiculous. Racism is everywhere there is privledge. Whether people are in jerseys or suits. Not to mention how diverse sports teams actually are.

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Re: Sports: Pro & Con

Postby xandrex » December 9th, 2015, 6:54 pm

I'll repeat the claims here in Anything Goes: People into prosports, particularly NFL, seem to be more ignorant and racist than America as a whole. That's not to say that humanity as a whole is insulated from ignorance and racism. Clearly a large portion of America is racist and ignorant. But anyone who has been to a Vikings game knows it goes beyond average. And that the batting average for racist comments online with NFL jerseys/imagery in a profile pic/cover photo is above .350 whereas the batting average for BLM/justice allies displaying the same imagery is approximately .000.

I'm saddened to see how people are so eager to dismiss the connection between prosports and Trumpish thinking, especially in light of today's headline regarding a man being accosted at a prosports game because he "looked like a refugee." Way to not stand up for what is right just because you like a certain sport, folks.
I know this is me just feeding the troll, but you're hook, line, and sinker committing the "correlation does not equal causation" fallacy.

The comparison of who's more racist, football watchers or BLM is funny. Color me shocked that a group fighting racism is less racist than a collection of people who are gathering to watch sports. Can we assume, based on this analogy, that urbanists are more ableist than groups fighting ableism?

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