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Re: #pointergate

Postby Chef » November 14th, 2014, 2:06 am

It is great that this city finally has a mayor who is willing to take on the entrenched culture of the MPD. I moved here in 1987 and the shit was in full swing back then and it has never gone away. It has been a perpetual stain on an otherwise good city. I am guessing that a lot of us have seen it with our own eyes. It has been mystifying to me that the abusiveness of some members of the force has been allowed to continue unchecked for so long. It is as if they don't answer to anyone but themselves. If this is the beginning of the end of that, Hodges will have established a legacy for herself and our city, even if she does nothing else as mayor.

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Re: #pointergate

Postby mister.shoes » November 14th, 2014, 11:46 am

The problem with being an introvert online is that no one knows you're just hanging out and listening.

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Re: #pointergate

Postby Snelbian » November 14th, 2014, 12:51 pm


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