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Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: April 3rd, 2013, 9:03 am
by mamundsen
For comparison.

Target DT HQ to Target BP campus - 14.6 miles

Target DT HQ to Best Buy HQ - 9.1 miles

Target DT HQ to EP Mall - 15.2 miles

I think the main difference is definitely in the feel. The 169-610 connection is in the middle of fields. Given a few years I am sure they will be developed.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: April 3rd, 2013, 9:09 am
by QuietBlue
"Way out in the suburbs" is subjective, though. It wasn't way out there for my coworkers who lived in Elk River or Blaine, though it would certainly have been worse for someone like me coming from Eagan.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: April 3rd, 2013, 9:16 am
by MNdible
Yes, I looked at a map after I posted and was surprised to find that it's actually much closer than it feels. Also, my point of comparison is South Minneapolis, which makes the 494 strip feel quite close and BP feel so very far away.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: April 3rd, 2013, 9:38 am
by RailBaronYarr
I think people that complain about the downtown location of companies (or indifferent to them) have the following reasons:

- No closer than many other suburban locations a company could have (ex live in Bloomington, EP/Minnetonka are geographically just as close, so who cares)
- Traffic getting downtown is ridiculous
- Parking downtown is oftentimes not free, borderline pretty expensive ($100+ per month for a space)
- Parking downtown is often not adjacent to the building they work in, particularly if they want cheaper options
- Transit options to get downtown have historically been bad to non-existent. SW Metro, MVTA, and now Metro Transit running service to Burnsville/Lakeville have helped but headways and timing of routes (starting/ending at certain times) are not convenient for most people

However, each of these problems stems from the fact that we started building horizontally in the first place, both for business and residential. The parking problem wouldn't be a problem if a significant chunk of people walked, biked, transit-ed to work. The complaint of a ~$100/month parking space is largely unwarranted when you consider the subsidy that still goes in to that from the municipality (cost to operate spaces including capital and maintenance is much higher). I could go on.

I think there is a demographic change going on, but just as not everyone believes in global warming, likes living in denser neighborhoods, or has varying degrees of fondness for cars, not every person truly cares about working downtown. Furthermore, the economic climate is still in a position where businesses have the upper hand on the bargaining equation - companies aren't hurting for talent, needing to pay large sums of money to attract talent to regular positions. When that swings back a little I think there will be enough demand that some companies may start moving closer in.

As for BP being way out there... one major reason I feel the northern suburbs are so far is that they aren't on the side of the city with MSP. Lakeville, Burnsville, etc are further from Minneapolis but closer to the airport.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: April 3rd, 2013, 2:39 pm
by Mdcastle
Is that a lot for your industry? My office downtown has been averaging at least 50 per opening the past few years
It might be more like that now. I was told this years ago, probably 2006 or so. Because it's in the healthcare industry a lot of people probably think they're unqualified if they're not a nurse or something, but all the company really wants is a college degree and/or 5 years of steady work experience, and someone that shows initiative.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 11:03 am
by seanrichardryan
Recently posted by a friend who's job was transferred-


Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 1:24 pm
by Silophant

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 1:26 pm
by web
yeah so many Target employees downtown have been murdered!

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 1:34 pm
by Nick

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 6:35 pm
by uptowncarag
They must be from a small town. The perceptions that people have is pretty interesting. I feel safer living in uptown and I work in Brooklyn Park. I could say the opposite.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 7:17 pm
by Wedgeguy
Well that only lasts until the BP lowlifes decide to stake out the parking lot for late people as there is no one to really keep an eye on the lot all the time. BP is not crime free. I'd love to see a comparison on mugging and theft counts verse the city. I think you would be surprised.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 7:35 pm
by Minneboy
Like the saying goes, Ignorance is bliss.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 8:14 pm
by Rich

At left are individual robberies and assaults within a half mile of Target’s downtown HQ in 2014. At right are those same crimes within a half mile of Target’s Brooklyn Park campus in 2014.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 8:30 pm
by mattaudio
No robberies in corn fields.... strange

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 8:56 pm
by mplsjaromir
If one added rustling incidents, the maps would be comparable.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 9:10 pm
by uptowncarag
I would take working in downtown over Brooklyn Park. I am not sure what people are afraid of. If you are wandering around at 3 in the morning that is one thing. I have never felt unsafe in Minneapolis. I have left my keys in the door a few times. I guess it is where your point of view if coming from. I still laugh when people consider the Twin Cities big. I don't even consider Chicago to be a big city.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 10:05 pm
by Silophant
You've said that a couple times now. I'm legitimately curious, what qualitatively makes a city a "big city" to you, that, say, New York has, but Chicago doesn't?

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 10:10 pm
by Anondson
Filter the Minneapolis by time, I'd wager the majority of the robberies and assaults occur far outside employment hours.

On the other hand, looks like that map of Brooklyn Park shows a ton of space perfect for the garbage burner. You know, out where there aren't people.

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 16th, 2014, 7:49 am
by min-chi-cbus
I would take working in downtown over Brooklyn Park. I am not sure what people are afraid of. If you are wandering around at 3 in the morning that is one thing. I have never felt unsafe in Minneapolis. I have left my keys in the door a few times. I guess it is where your point of view if coming from. I still laugh when people consider the Twin Cities big. I don't even consider Chicago to be a big city.
I think you're alone in that assessment (Chicago being small). You can be from a larger city and still recognize a smaller city for being big. Do people from Tokyo think NYC is "small" too?

Re: Target Campus - Brooklyn Park

Posted: June 16th, 2014, 9:33 am
by blobs
Is it just me or is Brooklyn Park's crime map as bad or worse than downtown's? ... e=1&zoom=9