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Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: November 20th, 2015, 10:32 am
by Rich
Also, U.S. Bank Stadium’s design funnels 85% of the fans through the west doors. So there might frequently be as many as 55,000 people milling about the area of the tracks. From the Metrodome, people scattered much moreso in all directions.

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: November 20th, 2015, 10:41 am
by Silophant
I still don't see the need for this bridge. Sure seemed fine without it when the metrodome was there. I don't get it. Why didn't they build the stupid thing years ago then?
Not that I'm convinced that the bridge is necessary, but the answer to this is:
With the Green Line, there are twice as many trains as there used to be when the Metrodome was there.
Additionally, the bridge gets people to the WB platform, which was mostly used by people departing to downtown hotels and the ABC ramps. With the Blue/Green extensions, many more people will be boarding WB trains after the game.

Now, you might ask: "Since those extensions are 5-6 years out at least, why not wait to build the bridge then?" And the answer is: "No particular reason."

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: November 20th, 2015, 10:49 am
by David Greene
Now, you might ask: "Since those extensions are 5-6 years out at least, why not wait to build the bridge then?" And the answer is: "No particular reason."
Well, inflation is one. However in this case we picked a particularly awful time to negotiate a construction contract given all of the activity sucking up labor and resources.

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: November 20th, 2015, 11:17 am
by Wedgeguy
I still don't see the need for this bridge. Sure seemed fine without it when the metrodome was there. I don't get it. Why didn't they build the stupid thing years ago then?
There was not a green line running when the Vikings were playing in the metro dome. You had at least 8 minutes between trains before the green line, not the case now.

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: November 20th, 2015, 11:21 am
by Archiapolis
Serious question: Is there ANY price tag for this that would be too high for Met Council? If I were "LS Constructors" (like that is a real thing), I'd come back with an added $5M because they'd get it.
I don't think that would fly. It would mean another vote, due to a price change. And that would surely result in a cancellation of this project. It's just too bad that this couldn't have been vetted better, further in advance. But alas, it wasn't. So the council is in for $4M and the Vikings $5.
I'm seriously not trying to be obtuse but wasn't the latest increase a "price change?" How would another increase be any different than this latest one? Wouldn't a "vote" involve the Met Council getting together and rubber stamping whatever the new price is just like they have this last one? Is there some number of increases/votes that triggers an automatic cancellation at the Met Council?

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: November 20th, 2015, 1:15 pm
by Anondson
I'm growing towards going whole hog and future proof this by tunneling the LRT lines under Chicago and under 4th, maybe even as far as you can until it needs to surface by the government plaza. *shrug*

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: November 20th, 2015, 1:43 pm
by Archiapolis
I'm growing towards going whole hog and future proof this by tunneling the LRT lines under Chicago and under 4th, maybe even as far as you can until it needs to surface by the government plaza. *shrug*
A while back in this thread I laid out the difficulties of tunneling for pedestrians given the layout of the parking structure but those concerns have disappeared (more or less) with these price increases. Center platform this thing and tunnel under for pedestrians.

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 12:18 pm
by UrbWave
LS Black has started to move in construction equipment and it looks like they have began to do some work over the underground parking space. Are they also configuring this space as a plaza?

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: January 1st, 2016, 4:04 pm
by Minneapolitan
As a rider of both Lrt lines, i say this bridge is very necessary to assure pedestrian safety. Crossing those tracks in a pain in the anal/rectal/testicular and or,ovarian region, especially since that is the only transfer between east and south. I kind of wish there would be a bridge between the two platforms, but maybe that would be over kill.
Instances like this and elevated or underground station would be

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: January 1st, 2016, 4:07 pm
by Minneapolitan
Wow i couldnt even revise and finish my mf last post. Wtf. My 80HD get the best of me i swear

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: January 1st, 2016, 4:28 pm
by Silophant
How exactly is crossing the tracks a pain? It's like crossing a narrow street, but one where you know there's only going to be a single vehicle per direction every five minutes.

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: January 1st, 2016, 11:53 pm
by TroyGBiv
So far this past month we've had 2 to 4 people walk of bike in front of oncoming trains... I think any safety measures are a good thing...

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: January 1st, 2016, 11:56 pm
And zero of those have been at the DTE station.

Effective safety measures are good. Ineffective safety measures or safety measures that protect against things that don't happen are a waste of time and money.

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: January 2nd, 2016, 12:01 am
by mattaudio
Just a reminder, this bridge won't replace ground crossing for Blue/Green transfers at DTE. Unless you want to take the bridge all the way across Chicago Ave, then backtrack across Chicago Ave at grade. Unlikely.

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: February 4th, 2016, 10:41 pm
by gopherfan
Drawings for West Plaza around the light rail station have been posted. As predicted abundant hardscape. The area over the parking ramp is listed as a bid alternate, so if the price comes in too high they will probably scrap that portion... ... _KPDVNTED/

Includes some pedestrian crosswalk improvements ... 0SET.3.pdf

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: February 5th, 2016, 1:00 pm
Those drawings show 5th going away between Chicago and Park. I don't remember that being official before. Was it already official? They also show this plaza being rather seamless all the way into the Medical Examiner parking lot. I know the Vikings have paid some far-too-small sum of $ to use that property for gameday activities, but this suggests almost a level of ownership. It's going to be really hard to redevelop that block some day if it's a de facto portion of the stadium property.

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: February 5th, 2016, 2:09 pm
by gpete
That would have a huge impact on the Medical Examiner parcel. It's especially interesting given the recent news that the Medical Examiner is seeking new offices in a different location. ... er#p107084

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: February 12th, 2016, 5:36 pm
by LRV Op Dude
No surprise, Downtown East Station will be renamed to U.S. Bank Stadium Station by March 1st 2016.

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: February 12th, 2016, 5:39 pm
by seanrichardryan
DArn. I was kind of hoping Wells Fargo would swoop in for the naming rights.

Re: Stadium LRT Station, Ped Bridge & Plaza (MSFA block)

Posted: February 12th, 2016, 5:45 pm
by trigonalmayhem
Did they get that one for a freebie too or will metro transit maybe see some money this time?