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Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 11:10 am
by MNdible
Hofstede spoke in opposition to the project.
It's not clear to me from the live blog exactly what her objection is. Can someone clarify?
It's Hofstede, so clarification of her position may not be possible.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 11:11 am
by twincitizen
Are we currently in our old pre-redistricting council boundries or the new ones? Because I used to be in Cam's ward, but I won't once election time comes, but I'm not sure who's my CM right now.
The "old" boundaries are still valid until after the election this fall.

You cannot be represented by someone that was not elected to represent you.

This has been the source of much confusion and you are definitely not alone. The new wards and precincts had to be drawn up in time for the 2012 state and federal elections, but your City Council member can't just have a new/modified district without an election.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 12:35 pm
by lordmoke

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 12:39 pm
by Didier
Props to the Star Tribune for the lede:
A proposal to replace mostly surface parking lots with a six-story, mixed-use building in the heart of Dinkytown took a major blow Thursday when a city panel voted against approval.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 12:40 pm
What's even the point of being an urbanist in this city anymore.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 12:41 pm
by MNdible
What's even the point of being an urbanist in this city anymore.
That's probably a better example of hyperbole than the cancer comment referenced above.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 12:53 pm
by Didier
This is probably worse than Linden Corner, in my opinion. The Opus project appeared to be mindful of the surrounding area and had a real solution to the loss-of-parking problem that will never go away. I guess the hope is that the block eventually fills out with two-story buildings, but I don't see how smaller developments could possibly make up for the lost parking. So it's kind of a catch-22 as long as parking is highly valued there.

The worst part, though, is that this is literally right across the street from a behemoth development that will do much more to change the character of the area and, from renderings, appears to be less mindful of the surrounding area.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 1:05 pm
I'm guessing this all started once the Utec project started, as I think the grocery store is what really put the nail in the coffin for House of Hanson. I think it was Goodman that was trying to link expected high rents in this new project to HoH closing, but the owner kept saying over and over that it didn't matter, because she couldn't handle the competition from CVS and a full service grocery store.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 1:13 pm
by RailBaronYarr
Just seemed like such a slam dunk. Existing land use is 70% parking (with most of that being replenished) and 1970s design single story commercial (and yes, 2 run down Victorians that are likely well-beyond salvaging for architectural significance). Extremely low vacancy rates in the area signifying high demand, fits in with the Minneapolis/Henn Cty mission of providing more walkable places and reducing energy footprint, etc etc. If this fails to pass with the City Council I will be really bummed for quite some time.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 1:29 pm
by stock345
I have friends who are a part of the "save dinkytown" effort id like to slap as a result of this... the worst part of all this? The propaganda used to sway people away from this development was information that clearly ignored that both developments going up provided parking for the neighborhood. Gotta love college kids who just want to feel important and to be heard...

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 2:02 pm
by lordmoke
Well, everyone get a hold of your councilpersons and make your voice heard while reminding them this is an election year. If you changed wards, you could also get in touch with your potential new councilperson in the same way.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 2:04 pm
by RailBaronYarr
Here's my question: I don't live in Minneapolis but I feel my vote or voice is every bit as important as someone who lives in Linden Hills. I travel to the U quite often to visit my sister and attend Gopher sporting events, I am an alumnus, and who knows, may have kids one day who might attend the U. Do council members listen to non-residents on stuff like this??

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 2:08 pm
by Viktor Vaughn
Do you write big checks?

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 3:27 pm
by twincitizen
I know the Mayor doesn't get a vote, but where the hell is Rybak with the bully pulpit on this? He's been Mr. "Minneapolis is going to grow to 450,000 people by 2025" and then silence on any actual proposal to grow the population and tax base that needs his help.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 3:58 pm
by uptowncarag
That should be an interesting block to walk past now with all of those empty storefronts.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 4:38 pm
by widin007
So what now? House of Hanson will go out of business, I feel that's a when, not an if, then well have a half abandoned ugly brick building, some parking lots, and crummy Duffys? This is sad.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 4:45 pm
by mattaudio
Isn't that part of the neighborhood charm?

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 6:26 pm
by Snelbian
What a phenomenally idiotic decision. Duffy's will no doubt close anyway since the owners want out so only the salon will remain in-situ for now. Making that block an even bigger waste of space than it already was.

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 7:26 pm
by Silophant
Do we know yet when this goes to the full council?

Re: Opus Dinkytown Project - (14th Avenue SE & 5th Street SE

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 9:37 pm
by stock345
Friday there's another meeting or vote aparently? I was invited by someone in the "Save Dinkytown" campaign...