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Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 10:14 am
by EOst
Nobody here is making a petition to build tall building because the developers are well within their rights to do so already. The neighborhood approved it, and the heightbitchers failed to make their case at even the most local level of democracy. Now they get to say screw it and petition and study this thing to death and get their way regardless? How is that fair?
Because this is a process with multiple steps? I honestly don't see any logic in your argument here.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 10:16 am
by grant1simons2
Both neighborhoods gave letters of approval for the project, Frey is on board, and the developers want to build. The petition can't stop this from being built. It's the same thing with 729 Washington. You think it was a petition that delayed that? Ha! They had to reconfigure a section of the building to accommodate for the tunnel being directly below.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 10:19 am
by acs
This is a project supported by the majority up and down the chain of command. Neighborhood, Planning Committee, HPC, even the full city council if they took it that far. It's gross injustice for a group such as this to be able to potentially override all of that just because they know they have time on their side.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 10:30 am
by twincitizen
Why?? this has been around for a year and a half.
Nobody here is making a petition to build tall building because the developers are well within their rights to do so already. The neighborhood approved it, and the heightbitchers failed to make their case at even the most local level of democracy. Now they get to say screw it and petition and study this thing to death and get their way regardless? How is that fair?
Because this is a process with multiple steps? I honestly don't see any logic in your argument here.
It's pretty clear from this series of comments that acs has a pretty light grasp on how the land use approval process (or government in general) works. The fact that the proposal has been "around" for a year and a half means NOTHING. The only date that matters is the day that Alatus formally submitted their applications to the city. Once you submit complete* plans to the city, there is a state-mandated timeline for making a decision (120 days). These folks that are against the proposal couldn't file a petition or appeal anything until it was actually in the city's hands and put on a meeting agenda. They're not "overriding" anything...this is the process that is available to them. It's the exact same process you or I would use if something we didn't like was being proposed in our neighborhoods.

*Additional note: plans submitted to CoW are typically "incomplete" and precede an actual land use application. Offering plans to CPED for initial review (by staff, by CoW) is different than actually submitting land use applications. Plans are typically considered "complete" once the applicant has submitted revised plans based on the feedback from staff and CoW

**CoW = Planning Commission Committee of the Whole, just in case. Worst acronym ever.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 10:33 am
by RailBaronYarr
It's a little rich for people who make petitions all the time and complain when they're ignored to get upset at petitions when someone else's gets a hearing.
Setting aside whether this group is making a smart move, their intentions pure, or whether a building like this on this site does more harm than good for the city... Who on this board complaining about these folks creates petitions all the time? I created one in support of the Uptown hotel (mostly to just show there was a flip-side in support of the thing contrary to the neighborhood vote), and I don't know who acs or Archiapolis are personally, though I know they're not the people who have started a few petitions supporting some bike infrastructure or other projects that have been threatened to be watered-down or cut. For the most part, petitions do seem to be more commonly used by people trying to block development or transit projects.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 11:03 am
by EOst
This is a project supported by the majority up and down the chain of command. Neighborhood, Planning Committee, HPC, even the full city council if they took it that far. It's gross injustice for a group such as this to be able to potentially override all of that just because they know they have time on their side.
I'm glad that you're able to read the mind of the HPC and City Council, but as it is neither have supported this. Again, what on earth are you talking about?
It's the exact same process you or I would use if something we didn't like was being proposed in our neighborhoods.
EXACTLY. People have the right to file petitions, even if we disagree with them.
Who on this board complaining about these folks creates petitions all the time?
You're right, it was a little bit of hyperbole. But I don't believe that really changes the point; regardless of whether petitions are generally used by anti-urbanists or not, it's pretty baldly hypocritical for someone who has freely signed petitions before to complain about them on some sort of principle.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 1:24 pm
by DanB
Has anybody heard of the group mentioned in the star tribune article as being behind this petition Neighbors for East Bank Livability? I was aware that Preserve Minneapolis put out a statement against this project but was unaware of this other group. I did a quick google search to try and find the group and their petition to see what the complaints are but was not successful.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 1:32 pm
by twincitizen
You can almost tell by the words in the name that this group was just formed like earlier this week to combat this specific development.
"Neighbors for something" (aka against unnamed something else)
"Something something residents coalition"
"Something responsible development something"

I swear there's gotta be like a NIMBY 101 textbook out there that says: "Make sure to call yourselves Neighbors for Virtuous-Sounding Amorphous Concept instead of Curmudgeons Against [development name]"

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 2:12 pm
by matthew5080
Yeah, it was written by the citizens of Edina.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 2:16 pm
by Squidward
Is there a way to express my support for this project? Who can I write to?
And Matt, as a resident of Edina, I myself was surprised to notice the average Edina resident is quite progressive and educated.
The NIMBYs here are quite a vocal minority, however.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 2:30 pm
by grant1simons2
Just keep pushing emails showing support to both Frey and the HPC.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 2:40 pm
by Anondson
The NIMBYs here are quite a vocal minority, however.
Heh, I don't live in Edina, just within the Nextdoor-sphere of Parkwood Knolls. Giving me a window on some Edina issues. Boy was the griping loud and frequent (by a very few) over Grandview. Whew!

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 8th, 2016, 4:41 pm
by matthew5080
It could very well be that there's not many of them, but they are VERY loud and influential in their opinions over what can and can't be done there.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 15th, 2016, 12:36 pm
by grant1simons2
Somehow they got 321 signatures. Never underestimate the NIMBYs in your own neighborhood I guess.

At least the city is going to move to deny the EAW ... MSP-178219

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 15th, 2016, 12:53 pm
by EOst
It looks like they managed to get the signature of virtually everyone who has ever lived in that condo-townhouse development across Central from this site. Remove the various Bank Street addresses and you wouldn't have much of a petition.

Then again, those condos are virtually the only properties that would experience any adverse effects from this project (shadows in the AM).

The content of the petition, which cites potential damage to the Pillsbury library, the Ard Godfrey House, and the 3rd Ave Bridge is pretty laughable. The bridge is more than a block away, and the Ard Godfrey house is a frame structure on a modern foundation.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 15th, 2016, 1:03 pm
by mplsjaromir
My 12th grade English teacher signed it.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 15th, 2016, 1:10 pm
by grant1simons2
Someone from Eden Prairie signed it

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 15th, 2016, 4:45 pm
by Nathan
My second cousin's rescue dog's former owner's sister signed it.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 15th, 2016, 11:58 pm
by matthew5080
"I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate" :lol:

Anyway, just putting it out there that I was not the person from Eden Prairie who signed the petition. What kind of impact could this really have on the development though? I'm not overly informed on matters such as this.

Re: Alatus St. Anthony Tower (Washburn-McReavy Site)

Posted: April 26th, 2016, 11:03 am
by grant1simons2
Staff recommends approval of demolition and tower ... 178758.pdf

Man if this project has taught the city anything, it's that they need to do a massive overhaul of zoning in and around downtown. So many neighbors writing in saying that they should respect the zoning code. Or that the zoning code is a legal binding matter. But Victor Grambsch with the usual well-done piece supporting the project on pg. 141