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Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 6:51 pm
by John ... online.png

Anyone have any idea what's up with the patch of dark red in the middle of Minneapolis that voted +60% in favor of the marriage amendment? Looks like it's where the U is...? Maybe Cedar-Riverside?
Undoubtedly, this reflects the extreme homophobia of the Muslim religion that many Somalis' practice, and to a slightly lesser extent , the Catholic faith of many of our latino immigrants. It will take at least a couple generations for those attitudes to soften ( hopefully). Of course, the great irony is that many of the people who supported the amendment are anti-immigrant and feel a similar animosity towards them as they do about the GLBT community. It sure can be a goofy world with strange logic sometimes. :?

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 7:58 pm
by Didier
Oh , no doubt she is hard to beat. But I think her own personal "issues" will ultimately cause her demise. Someone who makes so many paranoid and delusional statements like her does not have stable mental health. Her true self has hidden behind her very contrived ego facade for a long time, but that facade will surely crack. Always does. Kind of sad actually.
That's kind of the point, though. Everybody already knows she's a nut, and the people who vote for her have accepted that. To beat her somebody is going to have to tell people in her district something they don't know.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 8:36 pm
by nasa35
Oh , no doubt she is hard to beat. But I think her own personal "issues" will ultimately cause her demise. Someone who makes so many paranoid and delusional statements like her does not have stable mental health. Her true self has hidden behind her very contrived ego facade for a long time, but that facade will surely crack. Always does. Kind of sad actually.
Her personal issues are.....she disagrees with you. This country is 50/50. You can't keep acting like the opposition to your view point is neither legitimate or that it doesn't exist. People can make you mad and not be haters or intolerant, living life isn't that simple. I voted yest on voter ID; why not have elections you can trust? I didn't vote on the marriage ammendment because I could care less who marries who. So in essence that was a yes vote. The gal wasn't happy with that; she's a Christian who actually follows her beliefs as well as she can....and she hates no one.

I'm odd: I am po life, against the death penalty, I believe that the insane should not be homeless but in a safe living arrangement/housing and that it should be fully funded. i believe if you have never had a job yet you have four children? No welfare; get a damned job. If you are on welfare you must pass a drug screening and be required to work 25 hours a week doing whatever is asked of you.

I pay my taxes, they should not just be doled out to people not willing to make an effort.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 8:36 pm
by mulad
MPR has some zoomable maps. Yeah, the Riverside Plaza area, but also some parts of Elliott Park and Ventura Village. ... e_voterid/

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 9:21 pm
Her personal issues are.....she disagrees with you.
No, she's batshit insane. Claiming the president is Unamerican? That Congress is Unamerican? There's a difference between disagreeing with her viewpoints and recognizing that the things she says are just wrong or crazy.

And not voting on the marriage amendment was a no vote, so good job?

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 9:27 pm
by Nathan
Oh , no doubt she is hard to beat. But I think her own personal "issues" will ultimately cause her demise. Someone who makes so many paranoid and delusional statements like her does not have stable mental health. Her true self has hidden behind her very contrived ego facade for a long time, but that facade will surely crack. Always does. Kind of sad actually.
Her personal issues are.....she disagrees with you. This country is 50/50. You can't keep acting like the opposition to your view point is neither legitimate or that it doesn't exist. People can make you mad and not be haters or intolerant, living life isn't that simple. I voted yest on voter ID; why not have elections you can trust? I didn't vote on the marriage ammendment because I could care less who marries who. So in essence that was a yes vote. The gal wasn't happy with that; she's a Christian who actually follows her beliefs as well as she can....and she hates no one.

I'm odd: I am po life, against the death penalty, I believe that the insane should not be homeless but in a safe living arrangement/housing and that it should be fully funded. i believe if you have never had a job yet you have four children? No welfare; get a damned job. If you are on welfare you must pass a drug screening and be required to work 25 hours a week doing whatever is asked of you.

I pay my taxes, they should not just be doled out to people not willing to make an effort.

Nasa, no offense, you're a great citizen, and we all value your opinions. I personally voted Libertarian. So technically I should agree with her 50/50, but I refuse the comparisons of a country that is 50/50 to 50% of people being OK with Michelle Bachmann. Yes she is a good enough person, but she represents not only her district but our state (from which she does not get her funding) to the United States. She has a 29% approval rating state wide, and her own party is sick of her conspiracies and ramblings... between her comments and the insensitive remarks made about women from men in the GOP the demographics really spoke out this election.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 10:09 pm
by John
No, she's batshit insane. Claiming the president is Unamerican? That Congress is Unamerican? There's a difference between disagreeing with her viewpoints and recognizing that the things she says are just wrong or crazy.
Yes. Politics aside, some of her comments have a very paranoid and delusional flavor that are , quite frankly, clinically indicative of psychosis.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 10:54 pm
by seanrichardryan
Looks like downtown areas. Need a better precint by precint graphic. Could the NY Times make one please?

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 10:57 pm
by seanrichardryan
Woops, read only the first new page of comments, will check out MinnPost.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 11:29 pm
by gahwi003

I'm odd: I am po life, against the death penalty, I believe that the insane should not be homeless but in a safe living arrangement/housing and that it should be fully funded. i believe if you have never had a job yet you have four children? No welfare; get a damned job. If you are on welfare you must pass a drug screening and be required to work 25 hours a week doing whatever is asked of you.

I pay my taxes, they should not just be doled out to people not willing to make an effort.
AMEN. Ill probably get some serious s*** for this comment, but I have to say that Minnesota is so stinking liberal its sick some times.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 3:38 am
by John
AMEN. Ill probably get some serious s*** for this comment, but I have to say that Minnesota is so stinking liberal its sick some times.
Oh come on. It isn't that liberal here by a long shot. Jeez ;)

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 8:00 am
by mplsjaromir
I would gladly take five consecutive Bachmann administrations over one Gary Johnson/Ron Paul term.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 8:58 am
by Nick
It's wacky to me how much the right and "the media" has been able to redefine politics in the last decade. Other than a handful of social issues, Obama basically won reelection in 2012 on a platform a Republican could have run on in the 90s. The FAILED STIMULUS (which any serious person recognizes didn't fail) was basically tax cuts and repaving three or four highway off ramps. The SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF HEALTHCARE (which is basically a giant giveaway for insurance companies) was something a bunch of Republicans supported before a black guy proposed it.

So many of our words have gotten all twisted and messed up. KEEP THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY MEDICARE, etc.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 11:22 am
by John
^^^Obama basically saved the whole US capitalist sytem from collapse with his bailout of the banking and auto industry in his first term. That's hardly the work of a radical left wing politician. I agree, he is similar in many ways to a moderate Republican of 30 years ago.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 12:53 pm
by nordeast homer
How is it that Ford did not take a single penny from the government and they are thriving; meanwhile the auto makers who took the government bailout are already struggling again? Don't tell me he saved the auto industry!! Foriegn dealers are doing fine and building new plants! If Chrysler puts out and inferior product that nobody wants to buy why is it our responsibility to subsidize them? Supply and demand should dictate whether they survive or not and my hard earned money should not go to poor management and bad decisions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama is nowhere near what a Republican used to be and I'd love to see what Reagan would have to say about that comment. Obama is hostile toward the right and has been completely unwiling to work with Republicans from day one!

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 1:24 pm
by MNdible
How is it that Ford did not take a single penny from the government and they are thriving; meanwhile the auto makers who took the government bailout are already struggling again? Don't tell me he saved the auto industry!! Foriegn dealers are doing fine and building new plants! If Chrysler puts out and inferior product that nobody wants to buy why is it our responsibility to subsidize them? Supply and demand should dictate whether they survive or not and my hard earned money should not go to poor management and bad decisions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama is nowhere near what a Republican used to be and I'd love to see what Reagan would have to say about that comment. Obama is hostile toward the right and has been completely unwiling to work with Republicans from day one!
Yes, Chrysler's really sucking wind right now.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 1:30 pm
by Nathan
There is no doubt that the basis of a conservative federal government could work. But the conservative media is a hyping rage machine that has been essentially lying to the conservative masses over the past 5 or so years. Reiterating their points and views and opinions over and over doesn't make them facts, but it does frenzy a lot of people into believing it. I'll let the GOP say it for themselves. ... d-l/191294

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 3:35 pm
Obama is hostile toward the right and has been completely unwiling to work with Republicans from day one!
No, I'm not going to let you make baseless statements as fact.

I don't think any sane individual can watch that video and say it was Obama causing gridlock.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 3:52 pm
by Nick
Obama is hostile toward the right and has been completely unwiling to work with Republicans from day one!
No, I'm not going to let you make baseless statements as fact.

I don't think any sane individual can watch that video and say it was Obama causing gridlock.
Even excluding the direct quotes from Republicans, I really don't know how anyone can be intellectually honest with themselves and seriously say that somehow Obama was unwilling to compromise. Obama compromised on everything. Are your taxes higher or lower? Do we have a public health care option? We did end up with death panels though. What a pinko commie.

The guy couldn't tie his shoes without sixty votes in the Senate for his whole first term.

Re: Vote NO! & NO!

Posted: November 9th, 2012, 8:26 pm
by nasa35
AMEN. Ill probably get some serious s*** for this comment, but I have to say that Minnesota is so stinking liberal its sick some times.
Oh come on. It isn't that liberal here by a long shot. Jeez ;)
you've lost your mind john. jk

yes, it is THAT liberal. it is what is.