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Re: Nicollet Hotel Block

Postby mattaudio » August 5th, 2015, 12:47 pm

Granted, most of those aren't near 48th/Chicago. There are only 3 SFHs under $250 between 44th/52nd/Bloomington/35W (a half mile radius box around 48th/Chi). #Gentrification

Wells Fargo Center
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Re: Nicollet Hotel Block

Postby mnmike » August 5th, 2015, 12:52 pm

Did I say "undesirable" or "craphole?"
"Less desirable" and "major work." But yeah, ok, you didn't say "craphole." :)
You can get houses in that price range, but if you want more than one bathroom or a kitchen that's been updated in the last two decades, it will be difficult to find.
I found some pretty easily.
In other words, a home that is a likely substitute for a downtown condo in south Minneapolis will likely run you more than $300,000.
What do you consider a likely substitute? A house is a totally different thing from a condo. If you want the latest fashions, ugly granite countertops, etc., sure, it's gonna cost you. Our kitchen is probably 25 years old. It's not great but it's functional. Someday we'll update it. That's what you do with houses.

I'm actually genuinely interested in what folks here think people want in a SFH. I hear lots of talk here and elsewhere that there are no affordable SFHs in (south) Minneapolis but whenever I look, it's just not true. What do people expect to get in a starter home? If you want something fancy, sorry, ya gotta go to the 'burbs where the land is cheap and the driving is expensive. :)
Ha, as a Realtor...I can tell you that many first time home buyers have some unrealistic expectations:) Gotta try to ease them in to what they can really get vs what they think they can get!

I once had someone tell me they wanted a condo downtown, with 2 beds and 2 baths, with parking, in a building that was less than 5 years old, under 250. Yeah, that doesn't exist! heh
Last edited by mnmike on August 5th, 2015, 12:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Nicollet Hotel Block

Postby Nathan » August 5th, 2015, 12:52 pm


David Greene
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Re: Nicollet Hotel Block

Postby David Greene » August 5th, 2015, 12:53 pm

And I am sorry, you don't have to be "ignorant" to not find north Minneapolis or parts of south minneapolis "desirable". There are some very real issues in those areas...and ignoring them as the perception problems of suburbanites only makes them worse, and certainly does not contribute to any solution. Ignoring problems doesn't make them go away.
I guess it depends on which "issues" you care about. Burglary, sure. Mugging, yeah. Sexual assault? Not me but certainly it's a concern for many. But I am not a single bit concerned about being shot at. Those aren't generally random crimes.

At some point people have to accept that living in a city requires a little savvy. Don't walk in some areas after dark if there isn't good lighting and/or a significant number of other people out and about. You can in fact live in the "scary" parts of North, walk around freely and not get hurt.

I'm not generally concerned about living near poor people. I understand some are but I've never understood why other than ignorance/prejudice.

David Greene
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Re: Nicollet Hotel Block

Postby David Greene » August 5th, 2015, 12:53 pm

I'm fine creating a new thread. I can't most posts around though.

Wells Fargo Center
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Re: Nicollet Hotel Block

Postby mnmike » August 5th, 2015, 12:55 pm

Hey, I tried to point it back in the right direction...just put some sod on the Nic hotel block and call it an event space for now:)

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