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Media coverage of cities, urban issues, etc.

Posted: March 1st, 2013, 12:21 pm
by twincitizen
It seemed pretty unanimous that we need a dedicated thread to discuss the local media. Whether that be reaction to a recent story, perceived media slant/bias, the state of humanity as gleaned from reading Strib comments, or just the state of the TC media in general; now it has a home on UrbanMSP. A ton of side-conversations have taken place in other threads that run the gamut of everything I just mentioned. I'll try to move some of those conversations here...if I can't, then I'll find them and give Nick some work to do ;)

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 1:13 pm
by twincitizen
Just thought I'd share that the Star Tribune website is currently featuring the Suburban World theater renovation and the Chain of Lakes land bridge at the top of the page and both were pretty prominent in the print edition today. There was also an article online yesterday and in print today about how the Kenny Chesney concert at Target Field drew the largest Northstar ridership ever, including folks that drove from St. Cloud and beyond to Big Lake.

It's good to see local coverage of cities in a positive light, rather than the latest murder or political blunder, etc. Strib has also published numerous articles about the apartment boom, downtown investment, etc...on top of the obvious coverage of the stadium and the redevelopment of their property. If I were a journalism student (which I was, before discovering Urban Studies), I'd be interested in taking a quantitative look at the city-focused news coverage to see if the "positive" coverage has finally surpassed the negative "if it bleeds, it leads" coverage that is still prevalent on the 10pm news.

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 1:20 pm
by MNdible
Interesting observation, which feels accurate to me. Does the Strib change the way it looks (i.e., which stories get prominence) based on your cookie cache?

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 1:23 pm
by ECtransplant
I don't think so, but you can always open it up in an incognito tab to check

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 2:06 pm
by PhilmerPhil
Looking forward to this:
"@BrandtStrib: Colleague Eric Roper returns from Seville raving about the great cycle tracks. Watch Strib for article soon on bringing them to Mpls"

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: July 28th, 2013, 4:07 pm
by twincitizen ... 38574.html

"Ultimate Weekend in Minneapolis", according to the Wall Street Journal. Not bad, actually, minus the hotel suggestion.

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: July 29th, 2013, 3:36 pm
by woofner
They're sending tourists to Palmer's? Alright, pack it up, this town is done.

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 3rd, 2013, 8:11 pm
by Silophant
Comment from the article about fundraising: "My prediction, based on party affiliation and financial support thus accumulated, Betsy Hodges is the next mayor of Mpls."

Hodges has $189k ($21.5k of her own), and Andrew has $272k.

Soo... since she raised about 60% as much as Andrew, she'll beat him. Seems legit.

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 4th, 2013, 12:53 pm
by twincitizen
Upcoming Star Tribune editorial series "Growing Minneapolis" kicks off with a video feature/preview: ... video/1/mh

Companion written piece to the video: ... 06571.html


SLIDESHOW: Changing Downtown Minneapolis

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 7:53 am
by twincitizen
Live chat at noon with editorial page editor Scott Gillespe and veteran urbanist writer Steve Berg about "Growing Minneapolis": ... oon_Monday

Professor John S. Adams (JSA to U of M Urban Studies alums) wrote this lengthy piece: Twin Cities development: A history

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 10:33 am
by Realstreets
I came here to post about this. ^^^ You should post it on the Facebook page too.

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 11:27 am
I don't get this chat. Comments are moderated, which makes sense. And scaredy cat suburbanites are getting their comments through, but nothing I've posted has. Also sometimes comments will just disappear? And Susan Hogan just keeps posting pictures?

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 11:33 am
by twincitizen
I typed a somewhat long non-question / rant about increasing bus stop spacing, and pointed out that the Citizens League advocated for it in the 1950s (hat tip: Woofner). I was basically asking if the Strib would include that in Part 4 of the editorial series on transit, in addition to (assuming) calling for increased sales taxes and more light rail lines to the suburbs. I was perfectly polite and everything, but got a bit lengthy, and didn't really ask a direct I doubt I'll make the cut. I wish I would have copied down what I wrote though, because it was pretty solid for a spur of the moment rant.

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 11:37 am
There are quite a few non-questions getting through as well though. I was surprised to see that RailBaaron got his question through, since it was an intelligent question.

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 11:47 am
Ugh, every one of these poll questions is stupid. Why can't there be a third option for the sensible choice.

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 12:54 pm
by RailBaronYarr
I was shocked at the amount of fearful/borderline racist questions or comments that got through as well... Particularly the one rgd keeping Minneapolis' historic character of lineage/culture intact (though they obviously posted that to make a pointed disagreement with it). Either way, very odd that it was so heavily moderated yet weird stuff made it through..

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 2:47 pm
The quote by "Charles" is pretty epic:
We need to focus on maintaining the historic character of Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Bringing in many new ethnic minorities will marginalize and displace existing ethnic groups, such as descendants of Germans, Norwegians, English, and Swedes. Keep the ethnic balance of Minneapolis stable.
Won't someone think of the white people?

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 3:18 pm
by Nathan
The quote by "Charles" is pretty epic:
We need to focus on maintaining the historic character of Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Bringing in many new ethnic minorities will marginalize and displace existing ethnic groups, such as descendants of Germans, Norwegians, English, and Swedes. Keep the ethnic balance of Minneapolis stable.
Won't someone think of the white people?
From the Wiki article on Norway...
Oslo is the "fastest growing city in Europe because of increased immigration"
Obviously, we should only preserve the pre 1900 Norwegian Heritage, and not honor it's current culture...

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 3:29 pm
by MNdible
The quote by "Charles" is pretty epic...
Perhaps it was Charles Dight?

Re: UrbanMSP covering the local media coverage of urbanism

Posted: September 16th, 2013, 8:10 am
by twincitizen
Part Two of "Growing Minneapolis": JERBS. (aka jobs, just in case you haven't seen that South Park episode)

Editorial: ... 95771.html

Live chat at NOON today: ... polis_Jobs


A second opinion piece about workforce training, along with some recent successes: ... 95581.html

A third opinion piece about regional balance/cooperation, by the CEO of GreaterMSP: ... 95261.html