Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Calhoun-Isles, Cedar-Riverside, Longfellow, Nokomis, Phillips, Powderhorn, and Southwest
Nicollet Mall
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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby minntransplant » October 7th, 2022, 7:23 am

I emphasized the need for housing and for the new space to make the area feel more like a neighborhood rather than a commercial corridor. Density with quality greenspace.
Greenspace with high quality access to the greenway would be really nice. My hope is that the city breaks up the site into multiple parcels for RFPs. I don't want the same developer doing everything.

Blaisdell Greenway
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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » October 19th, 2022, 9:49 am

Supervalu building coming down today ... 64/photo/1

There's an open house for redevelopment coming up on Tuesday

Former Kmart & New Nicollet Ave Project: Open House
Tuesday, October 25, 5:30 - 8:00 PM
Abyssinia Cultural Center, 322 W. Lake Street
Join a public event to discuss the future of the Former Kmart & New Nicollet Ave project, including food, live music, and supervised children’s activities! Walking, rolling, and biking encouraged. Limited parking available on the northside of the building.

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » October 19th, 2022, 4:28 pm

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby alexschief » October 26th, 2022, 8:34 am

I attended the open house for the Kmart site last night. There was delicious food and it was well attended by a diverse audience. The City had lots of engagement activities, multiple stations asking various questions, and translators on hand. They got many details right, with the only exception that somehow nobody remembered to have a recycling bin for all the bottled water and Diet Cokes that they were offering.

This project is in its very early stages and so there wasn't a lot that was being presented. Mostly it was an opportunity to gather feedback along the themes of broad project goals. None of the goals will surprise you; the city wants the Kmart site to be connected, healthy, safe, vibrant, etc. etc. etc.

I made a handful of points on my sticky notes:

- When Nicollet is re-opened, deliberate steps should be taken to prevent the street from becoming a major thru-way in South Minneapolis. I think the relatively calm traffic on Nicollet is a significant reason why both the north and south sections of the street have become such hubs for restaurants and other businesses. There are ways to do this; you could open Nicollet only for buses/bikes/peds but disallow cars, you could make Nicollet a curbless street through the Kmart site, you could have narrow lanes, you could have raised crossings, you could have big bump-outs, and so on.

- Even if explicit plans for aBRT down Nicollet and LRT in the Midtown trench are not yet on the books, the design of the site should anticipate (or at minimum not preclude) these future projects.

- The site should be broken up into a minimum of four parcels, with a pedestrian-scale easement running E/W in the middle of the block. Development on the site should be intense, the built form guidance is Transit 15, which seems like a good goal to shoot for. Six stories is not enough.

- One requirement that should be placed upon new development on the site is that each building must have an air filter that will catch the microparticles coming from I-35W.

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » October 26th, 2022, 8:36 am

Nicollet Mall South! Buses and bikes only. Keep cars on Blaisdell and 1st

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby Anondson » October 26th, 2022, 9:10 am

A Nicollet that imitates State Street in Madison would not be a bad goal.

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby COLSLAW5 » January 27th, 2023, 10:03 am

They are putting the concrete barriers and fencing back up around the precinct again. Really sad to see, anyone know why?

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby Trademark » January 27th, 2023, 10:15 am

They are putting the concrete barriers and fencing back up around the precinct again. Really sad to see, anyone know why?
The video for the death of Tyre Nichols will be released sometime today. I'm hearing through the grapevine that there may be protests later today or tomorrow once its released.

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby grant1simons2 » January 27th, 2023, 10:19 am

Combined with the Cop City protests in Atlanta. Man, it's almost like nothing has changed!

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby minntransplant » January 27th, 2023, 10:45 am

They are putting the concrete barriers and fencing back up around the precinct again. Really sad to see, anyone know why?
I heard that they were going to install something permanent that was supposed to look nicer. But apparently it's just the same as before?

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby SurlyLHT » January 27th, 2023, 2:11 pm

I didn't even realize there was a Precinct over here.

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby editcostarica » January 27th, 2023, 4:34 pm

They are putting the concrete barriers and fencing back up around the precinct again. Really sad to see, anyone know why?
Massive protests are expected across the US due the Memphis police's killing of Tyre Nichols after the video is released later this evening.

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby uptownbro » February 23rd, 2023, 11:52 am

Road will be rebuilt in 2025
Projects will break ground no sooner then 2027.
Unreal ... 600253811/

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby minntransplant » February 23rd, 2023, 12:56 pm

Road will be rebuilt in 2025
Projects will break ground no sooner then 2027.
Unreal ... 600253811/
But hey, some consultant will be paid at least $500k to conduct lengthy engagement that will tell us absolutely nothing new.

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby Nick » February 23rd, 2023, 3:54 pm

Free idea: defund the Humphrey school.
Nick Magrino
[email protected]

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby TroyGBiv » February 24th, 2023, 6:55 pm

Free idea: defund the Humphrey school.
I don’t get it?

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby COLSLAW5 » October 5th, 2023, 6:06 am

New Nicollet Redevelopment Survey - Phase II, Part 2

New survey on the options for Nicollet ave kmart reconstruction

personally I think concept C and a transit mall would be the best option. The diagonal path would do a good job connecting 1st and blaisdell bike paths

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby thespeedmccool » October 5th, 2023, 7:58 am

I too liked the diagonal path and transit mall, but wouldn't be upset with the park space along Nicollet either.

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby MNdible » October 5th, 2023, 9:32 am

If that diagonal path were well programmed, it could be a fantastic experience. If it's not, it will be an unpleasant and dangerous feeling space.

We don't have a great track record on things like this, I'm afraid.

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Re: Nicollet-Lake - greater Kmart area

Postby COLSLAW5 » October 5th, 2023, 10:04 am

If that diagonal path were well programmed, it could be a fantastic experience. If it's not, it will be an unpleasant and dangerous feeling space.

We don't have a great track record on things like this, I'm afraid.
what are you referring to?

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