Satori Minneapolis (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby lordmoke » March 20th, 2014, 6:35 pm

Starting to get off topic, but I feel like I might be the only person on the forum that's glad Doran's hotel died. Most demolitions of prewar industrial or commercial buildings upset me.

Bringing it back around, I would say saving this block of old buildings is almost a critical issue. The north side has lost ALL of its historic commercial infrastructure. 6th/ Olson used to be lined with businesses from downtown to Theo Wirth. There's what, two or three buildings left now that it's been widened? Lowry has been gutted, and that was fairly recently. Glenwood is in some kind of weird industrial-commercial limbo. And West Broadway is mostly a sea of suburban parking now, in an area where car ownership is relatively low compared to the rest of the city. By my count there are 17 (maybe 18?) consecutive commercial buildings with prewar construction dates. I think that's the most of anywhere in the city.


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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby Nathan » March 20th, 2014, 7:00 pm

Alleycat, I think you are confusing the zeal for good urbanism with a hate for preservation. You claim that people here are for "density" at all cost yet these are are the same people that have been criticized for not "liking" height. It's a much more matter of fact weighing of benefits and possibility than not liking height, or willing to loose a single story commercial building.

In this area it's a hands down historic commercial area. It's not a number of 50's and 60's buildings scattered in with pre-war buildings. AND it's become culturally significant for the current neighborhood. It's a symbol of their hard work. It's also an area with significant prime area for developing without damaging it's historic character.

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby Nick » May 10th, 2014, 10:40 am

Nick Magrino
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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby David Greene » May 11th, 2014, 9:49 pm

It would be a crime to tear that down.

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby Nathan » May 11th, 2014, 10:45 pm

It would be a crime to tear that down.
I wonder if the Minneapolis Residents for Responsible Development even know/care about it.

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby John » May 12th, 2014, 7:18 am

Needs to incorporate the existing historical storefronts or it will have a poor connection to the neighborhood. Looks like a "pseudo urbanist" project that belongs in suburbia. The focus on development on Broadway should emphasize pedestrian friendly infill projects on already existing vacant property, or to correct poorly planned projects from the past like the strip mall across the street.

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby tabletop » May 12th, 2014, 7:35 am

Completely agree. If we tear these down we'll lose a whole part of the city that is still connected to Minneapolis's past in many different ways, good and bad historically. Entire books would be dedicated to this stretch of West Broadway and urbanists generations from now will curse our names for letting these buildings fall.

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby David Greene » May 12th, 2014, 10:21 am

It would be a crime to tear that down.
I wonder if the Minneapolis Residents for Responsible Development even know/care about it.
They probably don't but that's not their fault, it's up to us to let them know about it.

I have actually been debating this in my head for several weeks. Is it worth it to try to get them involved, or would it actually hurt the credibility of those trying to save these buildings? I'm leaning toward the latter but I am open to other possibilities.

alleycat, I would definitely join an effort to save this commercial stretch. Is there a group organizing to do that? How would we get involved with such a group?

I'm sure the development is going here because the landowner is willing to sell. My guess is the strip mall owner doesn't want to sell. If that's true, then should this development go elsewhere or just die to be reborn as something better later? There are plenty of empty lots along Broadway but I don't think there's a continuous stretch of them long enough to contain the current proposal.

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby David Greene » May 12th, 2014, 10:26 am

To its historical importance, this is really one of only two areas on W. Broadway in Minneapolis that still has its historic commercial storefronts, the area around the Capri/N. Penn being the other (I'm lumping in the buildings around 4th - threatened by Kemps - with this Bryant-Fremont stretch).

EDIT: This is important not only for preserving the buildings themselves, but the likely lower rents that make small business investments by residents possible.

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby Tcmetro » May 12th, 2014, 10:35 am

I completely agree. The commercial strip has allowed businesses that probably wouldn't be able to afford rents in newer buildings to develop. It certainly is an asset to W Broadway and the economic health of the north side.

This is a little unrelated, but it would be nice to see W Broadway reduced to a three lane street, with bike lanes, wider sidewalks, and bulbs at the corners for pedestrians. The future is much better looking for W Broadway now than it was 10 or 20 years ago, and I think it would be important to reinforce the notion of a walkable business strip, on what is a walkable business strip.

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby David Greene » May 12th, 2014, 10:39 am

IThis is a little unrelated, but it would be nice to see W Broadway reduced to a three lane street, with bike lanes, wider sidewalks, and bulbs at the corners for pedestrians. The future is much better looking for W Broadway now than it was 10 or 20 years ago, and I think it would be important to reinforce the notion of a walkable business strip, on what is a walkable business strip.
This is already effectively true around the Capri and points north of there. There are technically four travel lanes but two of them are always taken up by parking.

I don't know that we need or want three lanes along Broadway the whole way. There's a fair amount of traffic along the stretch from Fremont to the freeway. Cleaning up the strip mall and Cub parking lots would go much further in making the area more bicycle and pedestrian friendly.

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby alleycat » May 12th, 2014, 3:00 pm

David, there is a group of people that have been thinking about ways to preserve this stretch and the 4th Street buildings. They did some guerrilla facade improvement this week at the 4th Street buildings. I'm sure they'd like some allies. I've been a little out of their loop as I've been busy with my business.

I actually think that the proposal is dead or on life support, but the buildings still should have some protection. Joe Mullery was talking to people at the West Broadway Coalition and mentioned that he never gets proposals for bonding. Perhaps a historic district could be a good opportunity next bonding session for restoration funding.
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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby Anondson » June 6th, 2014, 2:40 pm

Moving forward. Still on the wrong side.

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Re: Satori (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby PhilmerPhil » June 6th, 2014, 2:49 pm


I really can't get behind this project at all.

Want to improve the south side of Broadway? Expand the sidewalks and plant street trees.

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Re: Satori Minneapolis (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby Tcmetro » June 6th, 2014, 3:26 pm


Re: Satori Minneapolis (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby uptowncarag » June 6th, 2014, 3:38 pm

Nice development. The north side needs to be saved and by that I don't mean preserving what is on Broadway now. These blocks are not historic and waiting for something else to develop will take years. More deterioration will take place and that is not good. Starting over is the best thing to do.

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Re: Satori Minneapolis (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby lordmoke » June 6th, 2014, 7:06 pm

Garbage project is garbage. Great fit for the north side of the street though.

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Re: Satori Minneapolis (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby min-chi-cbus » June 6th, 2014, 9:24 pm

I didn't understand what all of the fuss was about (couldn't remember) but then I scrolled through the above link and when I saw the page of the CURRENT buildings on this site I actually thought they were taking some "best-in-class" examples of urbanism in the surrounding area or from other cities and trying to explain why what they were building would be a lot like that. But no, they're tearing that down to put this up?!?! PLEASE DON'T!!!!!!!!! WTF, I thought this type of thing was practically illegal anymore!

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Re: Satori Minneapolis (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby seanrichardryan » June 6th, 2014, 10:54 pm

Luxury parking lot views! Maybe they'll score Aldi as the anchor, bookended by a CVS on Bryant & Walgreens on Emerson.
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Re: Satori Minneapolis (Broadway from Aldrich-Emerson)

Postby Nick » June 7th, 2014, 1:20 pm

Do we feel like this project is actually going to happen?

Also, looks like it does preserve the westernmost old building at least...
Nick Magrino
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