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Re: Rochester

Post by go4guy »

So I take it everyone on here agrees that Target should be funding the light rail connecting downtown to Maple Grove, since it benefits their employees?

To blame Mayo is laughable. They actually do provide a lot of parking for their employees, and of course they aren't going to charge, it is part of their perk. You cannot expect doctors to be taking public transportation when on call. And parking is a big perk for employees, whether you think cars are the devil or not. Public transportation is the responsibility of the city/county/state and not the employers downtown. Yet, Mayo is by far the biggest advocate and provides the most resources to get it done.
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Re: Rochester

Post by matthew5080 »

Parking could be a problem for the next Discovery Square buildings. ... -build-out
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Re: Rochester

Post by tornado97 »

Longtime reader here but first time posting!

As a nearly life-long Rochester resident with a passion for watching the city grow, I have plenty of thoughts on a lot of what's happening right now. I'll stay on topic with the Kmart lot...

I was a bit disappointed with the decision for the property to become a parking lot, but not fully opposed. I do feel that in the near future, it will end up getting redeveloped. I personally would like to see more parking ramps built around the city as the can provide far more parking in a far smaller area, and can be incorporated into other projects (I know I'm probably in the minority on this site, but I am pro-parking and pro-car, and around Rochester, that's a very common attitude). The Kmart lot has extremely good potential. It was pointed out here that redevelopment here may not take off due to it's industrial location. With the affordable housing crunch in Rochester, the lower-desirability of the land may make it more suited for affordable housing compared to other locations this close to downtown. My hope for the land when I heard Kmart was closing (and for years now, since I have no idea how that Kmart stayed open as long as it did but knew the closure was inevitable) has been a mix of housing (probably the 5-8 story type buildings that seem to be popping up around the outside of downtown), a parking ramp (doesn't have to be the ugly concrete rectangles we know all too well), as well as some mix of retail/commercial spots on the ground level. I know is pretty similar to the "transit village" they have planned for Graham Park, but why not have a similar development bordering the downtown?

Also, that railroad spur is hardly ever used and runs right from downtown to past Graham Park. I personally would rather see the city make some use of those tracks over BRT removing lanes on Broadway.
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Re: Rochester

Post by gcm »

Looks like construction on the Towneplace hotel at 2nd St SW and 6th Ave SW is underway. ... 7c2d.html
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Re: Rochester

Post by rathman11 »

tornado97 wrote: October 17th, 2019, 2:50 pm Longtime reader here but first time posting!

As a nearly life-long Rochester resident with a passion for watching the city grow, I have plenty of thoughts on a lot of what's happening right now. I'll stay on topic with the Kmart lot...

I was a bit disappointed with the decision for the property to become a parking lot, but not fully opposed. I do feel that in the near future, it will end up getting redeveloped. I personally would like to see more parking ramps built around the city as the can provide far more parking in a far smaller area, and can be incorporated into other projects (I know I'm probably in the minority on this site, but I am pro-parking and pro-car, and around Rochester, that's a very common attitude). The Kmart lot has extremely good potential. It was pointed out here that redevelopment here may not take off due to it's industrial location. With the affordable housing crunch in Rochester, the lower-desirability of the land may make it more suited for affordable housing compared to other locations this close to downtown. My hope for the land when I heard Kmart was closing (and for years now, since I have no idea how that Kmart stayed open as long as it did but knew the closure was inevitable) has been a mix of housing (probably the 5-8 story type buildings that seem to be popping up around the outside of downtown), a parking ramp (doesn't have to be the ugly concrete rectangles we know all too well), as well as some mix of retail/commercial spots on the ground level. I know is pretty similar to the "transit village" they have planned for Graham Park, but why not have a similar development bordering the downtown?

Also, that railroad spur is hardly ever used and runs right from downtown to past Graham Park. I personally would rather see the city make some use of those tracks over BRT removing lanes on Broadway.
Longtime lurker myself and honestly had gone away from this site for quite some time but have found my way back. Lifelong Rochester area resident myself. Grew up in Byron and now live in Kasson. Parking has always been a perk of Mayo Clinic and this is a tough mentality to break for those that live in the area. The Kmart lot serves a much needed purpose in the short-term while long-term plans are sorted out. Cars are the way of the American lifestyle and in southern Minnesota with so many surrounding rural communities, this is currently the only feasible option. The Kmart lot will temporarily ease the commute for hospital employees. I also see this as being the alternative option when/if the west shuttle lot is redeveloped as one of the main transit hubs.

As for the bus system currently operating in Rochester, the schedules are inconsistent and do not serve the 24 hour needs of Mayo Clinic employees. The shuttle lots are a great service that are free to employees but are not practical for everyone. Certainly not physicians and not for families requiring daycare and needing to pick up children by certain times. Previous Mayo Clinic leadership had very poor foresight and now they are trying to play catch-up as they realize they are losing out on quality employees due to constantly decreasing benefits (parking, healthcare, etc.). Parking will continually be a challenge and I am in the minority as well regarding parking ramps. Strategic location of these ramps will help alleviate direct downtown congestion.

As for the railroad spur. It is used more often than you think. Unfortunately, with the changing business environment and the impending closing of Seneca, this will further reduce the volume on the spur. Tamarack Building Materials still receives weekly to near weekly loads of gypsum board which is ultimately used in a lot of Rochester's new construction. I suspect that once Seneca closes permanently then you might see Canadian Pacific become more inclined to sell off the line to the city or county. This would fit their vision of a rapid transit system of some sort (bus or rail) to/from the airport. My preference, of course, is that the rail spur remain intact and continue serving the industries it does serve. Rochester is losing too many industrial and manufacturing type jobs as is already.

OK, sorry, went on a bit of a tangent there.
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Re: Rochester

Post by bubzki2 »

I lived in Rochester for more than a year and rarely used my car. The city keeps subsidizing sprawl and then complains that more vehicles are coming into downtown. Plenty of places to live within walking or biking distance of good jobs (that's what I did).
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Re: Rochester

Post by matthew5080 »

In a shock to absolutely no one, the Gonda Building expansion has been put on hold. ... ect-paused
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Re: Rochester

Post by Minneboy »

Yup no surprise but great disappointment.
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Re: Rochester

Post by MNdible »

I'm not disappointed -- that design was a terrible addition to a handsome building.
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Re: Rochester

Post by Nathan »

MNdible wrote: September 16th, 2020, 11:17 am I'm not disappointed -- that design was a terrible addition to a handsome building.
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Re: Rochester

Post by matthew5080 »

New four-story office building proposed on North Broadway. I believe it’s across from the Rec Center.
Hal Henderson, who also serves as the director of HGA’s Rochester office, has drawn up plans for a four-level, 25,400 square-foot space on 1700 North Broadway, preliminarily called the North Plaza Business Center. ... eJRKmtVGtU
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Re: Rochester

Post by go4guy »

Great looking building. Wish it was down closer to or in downtown. Would really add to the downtown, where as out here it will just stick out like a sore thumb.
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Re: Rochester

Post by matthew5080 »

A proposal to build a new 150,000-square-foot library building, a convention hotel, a 17-story senior living tower and condominium complex on the former Post Bulletin site will be unveiled next week.
Image ... eIMcMOeyRc
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Re: Rochester

Post by Thorondor »


Looks pretty good. It does mention that each building will be developed by a separate corporate entity, so hopefully they all pull through. I appreciate that they are looking to reuse some of the limestone from the old Post Bulletin building. I am confused that it says the current library site cannot be expanded, since there was a plan for a vertical expansion of the building. I must assume that was rejected for some reason. This newer building would definitely be a big upgrade, so hopefully it is approved.
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Re: Rochester

Post by matthew5080 »

Per the DMC Facebook page:
Construction has begun at Discovery Square 2. The 5-story, 125,000 square-foot facility next to One Discovery Square...
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Re: Rochester

Post by SurlyLHT »

Are there any other small cities in America that Rochester can learn from as they gain density? Seems like many cities of this size were industry dependent in the past and have since lost their industry and are left with aging buildings and infrastructure. Rochester has escaped that.
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Re: Rochester

Post by bubzki2 »

Seems the idea of a "company town" is nearly dead, making this Mayo-driven city rather special in the 21st century. I foresee this town continuing its small-town mentality with big city reality and insane car-dependency for decades at the very least. Nice city if you set your expectations appropriately.
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Re: Rochester

Post by Tcmetro »

They're actually planning a BRT line right now with a targeted opening in 2025. Will be interesting to see if they do "real BRT" with stations and lanes or just buses that are painted to look fast. Seems like something that's relatively uncommon for a city of that size. ... id-transit
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Re: Rochester

Post by Silophant »

Looks like the intent is to do real BRT - from the FAQ, they're intending to have 15 minute off peak (5 minute on peak!), seven-day-a-week service, with off-board payment and level boarding. So, at least as real as the Metro Transit aBRT lines, which I think is perfectly sufficient for their current needs. I know level boarding hasn't worked that well on the Red Line, so I hope they either have a new solution for that or let it slip.
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Re: Rochester

Post by luigipaladio »

Can anyone update us on some of the projects going up in Rochester - or on the status of some of the proposals that surfaced in the last couple of years?
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