Elliot Park

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby CalMcKenney » November 1st, 2019, 9:38 am

There's no way that guest parking can stay, but a great project. Have always admired that building, would love to see some improved exterior lighting.

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby HiawathaGuy » November 1st, 2019, 11:31 am

One would think there should be a way for them to give access to that turnaround through the parking ramp, instead of off 11th. There's already a walkway cut through there - would be tough to make that a tad bit bigger for vehicles.


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Re: Elliot Park

Postby Anondson » December 2nd, 2019, 7:16 pm

Catholic Charities buying Augustana and redeveloping it for housing homeless.

http://www.startribune.com/catholic-cha ... 565708852/

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby MNdible » December 3rd, 2019, 10:03 am

So the nursing home that's being purchased as part of this must just be the portion that's closest to 14th, right? Because the whole campus stretches down to 17th, and would be way more than 200 beds, I'd think.

Google map of the campus.

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby mattaudio » December 3rd, 2019, 12:17 pm

Am I the only one wondering what else happened behind the scenes to end up with this result? Seems like a complex issue, but Elliot Park seems to get dogged with more than their share of large institutions, supportive housing, etc. Yes, the facility is opening up, but I can't imagine hundreds of beds for the homeless going over well in the Mill District or North Loop.

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby SurlyLHT » December 3rd, 2019, 12:46 pm

Am I the only one wondering what else happened behind the scenes to end up with this result? Seems like a complex issue, but Elliot Park seems to get dogged with more than their share of large institutions, supportive housing, etc. Yes, the facility is opening up, but I can't imagine hundreds of beds for the homeless going over well in the Mill District or North Loop.
I'm in the same boat. I feel like they're concentrating poverty in the old residential neighborhood downtown. I also don't like that you have young college students next door and the largest downtown park with a playground across the street given that those who are homeless often have drug and mental illness. The community is also losing 360 jobs, which were probably held by many of the nursing home's neighbors.

Overall, I feel mixed about this. Yes, the homeless need a place to go, but I feel like this is the powers to be going about the easiest route with the lowest resistance.

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby EOst » December 3rd, 2019, 1:12 pm

It is genuinely extremely difficult to find buildings suitable for conversion into shelter, especially this kind of long-term shelter. I strongly believe this is less a conspiracy to concentrate poverty and more the result of an availability that met Catholic Charities' needs (close to transit, close to other homeless services, affordable enough).

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby SurlyLHT » December 3rd, 2019, 1:31 pm

I don't think it is a conspiracy, but the result is they are further concentrating poverty in anj area which is already one of the lowest income areas in the whole city.


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Re: Elliot Park

Postby Silophant » December 3rd, 2019, 1:40 pm

It is genuinely extremely difficult to find buildings suitable for conversion into shelter, especially this kind of long-term shelter. I strongly believe this is less a conspiracy to concentrate poverty and more the result of an availability that met Catholic Charities' needs (close to transit, close to other homeless services, affordable enough).
Additionally, this is going to include beds specifically for homeless people being discharged from hospitalization, and a county-run Health Care for the Homeless Clinic. So being close to HCMC was probably a paramount consideration.
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Re: Elliot Park

Postby mattaudio » December 3rd, 2019, 5:02 pm

Speaking of the county making investments that in Elliot Park that are not necessarily for Elliot Park...

What ever happened to that Parkside medical tower that overlooks the park? At one point, there was a plan to convert many of the floors into market-rate apartments. Later on, there was a Mike Opat plan to buy the building to expand the HCMC campus. Those seemed like contradictory plans.

https://finance-commerce.com/2019/06/sc ... nneapolis/
Schafer Richardson plans apartment conversion in Minneapolis
June 25, 2019
By remodeling nine floors of the Parkside Professional Center at 825 Eighth St. S. in downtown Minneapolis into small apartments, Schafer Richardson hopes to bring 24-hour vibrancy to the 12-story tower.

http://www.startribune.com/hennepin-cou ... 564132442/
Minneapolis 564132442
Hennepin County moves to acquire office building near HCMC for $8 million
October 30, 2019
An $8 million downtown Minneapolis office building is headed to Hennepin County’s property portfolio, even though there’s no clear plan yet on what to do with it. A Hennepin County Board committee on Tuesday unanimously endorsed acquisition of the Parkside Professional Center, pending inspection, despite the voicing of some misgivings.

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby MNdible » December 3rd, 2019, 5:24 pm

Not that it really matters, but it doesn't sound like this was Opat's plan:
Hennepin County Commissioner Mike Opat said Tuesday that he would vote “grudgingly” to acquire the Parkside building to give the “incoming CEO the runway they need” to develop a master plan for the operation.

Opat, Cumming and others agreed on the ultimate goal to shrink HCMC’s footprint. But instead of shrinking, Opat said, Hennepin County officials are “becoming land barons” in downtown’s east end.

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby Anondson » December 12th, 2019, 10:16 pm

Elliot Park neighborhood asking everything just slow down until they can weigh in regarding the changes to Augustana.

https://finance-commerce.com/2019/12/el ... n-project/

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby HKM » December 16th, 2019, 2:01 pm

There's a survey about the project on the neighborhood org site, found here:

https://www.elliotpark.org/catholicchar ... ighborhood

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby Glen on Portland » December 21st, 2019, 10:56 am

Currently there's very little published about the Catholic Charities project. One of the strangest angles is that there was an NDA in place, despite state/county/city funding for the project. The Augustana nursing home closure required a plan for resident communication and relocation before anything could go public. It ended up as a $65 million project, with funding in place, coming out of nowhere.

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby SurlyLHT » December 23rd, 2019, 9:38 am

Hopefully, Catholic Charities and the powers to be start reaching out to the community and explaining the details. This is an actual neighborhood with young families, churches and a local college. There needs to be some due diligence done and calming potential concerns. There are always risks when you have populations that are struggling with drug and mental health

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby HiawathaGuy » January 29th, 2020, 10:26 am

This is a great improvement to these towers in Elliot Park.

$26 million renovation will give Elliot Twins more space


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Re: Elliot Park

Postby alexschief » August 10th, 2020, 8:51 am

Park 7 Apartments, a 61 unit apartment building for developed and operated by House of Charity, looks to be all but complete. This building is aimed at people who are experiencing homelessness, and it has access to wrap-around services.


This is a building that is designed to be mostly covered up by a future development on the corner. That's not meant as an insult, the architects have really given their attention to the front elevation and not the side elevation. When you look at this building nearly head-on (my photo does not do a good job of capturing this), the red accents around the windows really jump out at you. This is not just infill that has a good purpose, the design also does a lot with less. Great project.

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby fehler » August 11th, 2020, 8:23 am

Why do I only see the word "Image" and not an actual picture in the previous post (and in other posts)?

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby Anondson » August 11th, 2020, 8:32 am

Why do I only see the word "Image" and not an actual picture in the previous post (and in other posts)?
How are you accessing the forum? Me for instance, viewing through Tapatalk I see the images fine.

Maybe you have an aggressive ad blocker?

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Re: Elliot Park

Postby urban_kg » September 30th, 2020, 7:49 am

Noticed this week that there is fencing that has gone up around the former Drake Hotel site. Any idea why?

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