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Postby Minneboy » October 24th, 2014, 8:15 pm

I used to live in OKC and travelled to Dallas often to stay with friends I knew in the military back in Okinawa. Back in the 80's Dallas was humming with new skyscrapers. Almost every month something new was being proposed, then Reagan changed the whole scene and developers could no longer write off losses on empty buildings. Dallas was overbuilt and downtown stayed stagnant for nearly 2 decades. Only in the last couple years have we seen new proposals, mostly residential high rises outside of downtown in the Turtle Creak area. Then boom something like this happens. Good for Dallas. Wish it was here. http://www.bizjournals.com/dallas/news/ ... -near.html

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Re: Dallas

Postby Minneboy » October 24th, 2014, 8:17 pm

...and I bet Dallas won't be afraid of foreign designs if they go that route. Dallas has an awesome skyline.

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Re: Dallas

Postby Nathan » October 24th, 2014, 8:21 pm

funny June always says Dallas would be way behind Minneapolis on all this stuff.

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Re: Dallas

Postby acs » November 12th, 2014, 6:11 pm

Not Dallas specifically, but this ESPN article is far less about Texas football and more about suburban and rural culture. The commentary about Allen and Southlake is stunningly harsh.

http://espn.go.com/espn/feature/story/_ ... ball-state

This may have extinguished any desire of mine to live in Texas ever.

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Re: Dallas

Postby mattaudio » March 16th, 2015, 9:51 am

Show of hands: Who's going to CNU in Dallas next month?

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Re: Dallas

Postby FISHMANPET » April 27th, 2015, 12:21 pm

I'm not, but I'm assuming you are. Let me know what's good in Dallas, because the conference I follow my wife to every year (which was in Denver this year) is in Dallas next year. COABE 2016 here I come!

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Re: Dallas

Postby Anondson » April 18th, 2016, 12:52 pm

Dallas area, but still. The state opened up driving on shoulders and congestion disappeared on a notorious stretch.

http://www.planetizen.com/node/85742/te ... um=twitter

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Re: Dallas

Postby BoredAgain » April 18th, 2016, 4:04 pm

Dallas area, but still. The state opened up driving on shoulders and congestion disappeared on a notorious stretch.

http://www.planetizen.com/node/85742/te ... um=twitter

To clarify: They have a section 3 miles long marked for 2 lanes between sections marked for 3 lanes and they changed it to allow driving on the shoulder making 3 continuous lanes during rush hour.

My thoughts: Of course this reduced congestion in this corridor. It would reduce weaving and lanes mergers which are a major cause of congestion. In the longterm, eliminating this bottleneck could induce demand, but they will have to monitor to find out.

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Re: Dallas

Postby Anondson » April 18th, 2016, 4:12 pm

Exactly. In some ways it's like the situation on 100 from Minnetonka Blvd to the Cedar Lake Trail bridge when they crammed a third lane and removed the TH clover leaf a few years ago. Generally it got better right away, slowly after though it congested up when people found out.

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Re: Dallas

Postby mattaudio » June 9th, 2019, 8:39 pm

Crane collapses on apartment building. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/weather ... ging-winds

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