Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby amiller92 » April 27th, 2017, 2:30 pm

Harteau put out a statement saying that she's disappointed in the mayor's decision, so who knows??

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby David Greene » April 27th, 2017, 3:03 pm

Possibly. I haven't read anything directly from either one about this that sheds any light whatsoever.

I don't think Hodges would create many enemies by firing Harteau but she sure would have letting Delmonico be in charge of the 4th precinct.

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby EOst » April 27th, 2017, 8:54 pm

Strib is reporting Hodges had 90 minutes notice on the Delmonico hiring. "The mayor urged Harteau to come to her office for a meeting, and Harteau declined... Finally, Hodges said that either Harteau needed to undo the appointment of Delmonico, or Hodges would undo it herself. Harteau left the task to the mayor." ... 420682233/

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby amiller92 » April 28th, 2017, 9:29 am

I don't think Hodges would create many enemies by firing Harteau but she sure would have letting Delmonico be in charge of the 4th precinct.
I don't know. Some of the quoted northsiders seem to be okay with him.

I also don't know how you can keep a police chief who refuses to meet with the mayor over something she knows is going to be controversial.

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby kirby96 » April 28th, 2017, 11:09 am

I don't think Hodges would create many enemies by firing Harteau but she sure would have letting Delmonico be in charge of the 4th precinct.
I don't know. Some of the quoted northsiders seem to be okay with him.

I also don't know how you can keep a police chief who refuses to meet with the mayor over something she knows is going to be controversial.
This seems blatantly political, but I can't really explain the motivation.

As someone pointed out earlier, you can't take lightly firing Harteau because it's mid-campaign, she's a woman, and very recently was named the 22nd 'Greatest Leader in the World' by Fortune magazine (as absurd as that may be). Massive risk to Hodges in canning her, which Harteau understands, as well as understanding the pickle this put Hodges in. Well played, Chief. That said, what's her goal in all this?

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby Mooglemuffins » April 28th, 2017, 11:18 am

very recently was named the 22nd 'Greatest Leader in the World' by Fortune magazine (as absurd as that may be).
Wait what? Of all the people they could have chosen they included Harteau on that? :roll: Why in the world did they think she warranted that?

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby kirby96 » April 28th, 2017, 11:52 am

Of course those lists are all baloney click bait intended to cause exactly the 'wait, what?' response, but yep. She's number 22. Right ahead of Joe Biden, 8 spots ahead of Elon Musk, and 9 ahead of Justin Trudeau.

EDIT: I can only imagine the campaign lit placed on our doors by Hodges' opponents: "2nd WORST MAYOR FIRES WORLD'S 22nd GREATEST LEADER!"

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby Didier » April 28th, 2017, 12:57 pm

Honest question: What is the risk to Hodges in firing Harteau? Is there some constituency out there that really likes her? Because from my reads-the-news-but-that's-it perspective, Harteau has never struck me as a particularly great leader or beloved figure. Maybe she is, though?

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby kirby96 » April 28th, 2017, 1:46 pm

I don't think there is a constituency that loves Harteau, but it's the optics and the way it would play out. It's not really the Fortune or New York Observer things at all, but it does strike the general chord that someone who 'some think is lousy and few think is great' would be firing someone that 'some think is great and few think is lousy'. That's just a bad juxtaposition. In other words, I'd be surprised if Hodges wanted to be in a bunch of press where she is characterized as anti-Harteau.

As far as the 'real world' goes, I think firing Harteau would hurt Hodges more in the distraction and attention that a new police chief search and hire would bring (assuming it wouldn't just be some sort of interim until the election). That kind of hire is always going to piss someone off, and that's not the kind of controversy you want to assume going into an election. I would imagine that in a tougher than expected re-election environment Hodges is looking for slam-dunk headlines right now.

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby WHS » April 29th, 2017, 8:46 am

Well, this got weird.

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Re: Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby MNdible » April 30th, 2017, 11:45 am

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Black Lives Matter, The Police, etc.

Postby Anondson » July 20th, 2023, 12:08 pm

Commissioner Alexander retiring after a year. ... 600291125/

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