Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby MNdible » February 6th, 2017, 10:19 am

But, Regional AF.
Keeps getting funnier.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » February 6th, 2017, 10:32 am

Over parked, no? Also, why isn't the patio shown as fully connecting to the sidewalk? That's not how traditional neighborhood development is done.
Not sure exactly how they're calculating the parking requirements. For fast-food restaurants, the City requires 17 parking spots per 1000 sq ft (!!!). For coffee shops, only 4.5. For a "shopping center under 50,000 square feet", it's 3.5 per 1000 sq ft, but restaurants are calculated separately. I assume one endcap is coffee, another is some other sort of fast food, and the rest is general retail. So, 66 seems a little higher than I'd like to see personally, but seems like in the range of what I'd expect.

I'm not clear what you'd rather have with the patio. The sidewalk/trail on Richfield Pkwy is pretty far away, so I'm not sure it's reasonable to try to connect to that. It does have a connection to the 66th St sidewalk. I guess it would be better if they had a continuous connection between the north patio and the sidewalk, with some tree grates or planting areas for greenery, rather than a sliver of remnant lawn.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby twincitizen » February 6th, 2017, 2:58 pm

My easy fix for 66th is to swap the positions of the current public sidewalk and "boulevard". By doing so, you can get street trees AND bring the sidewalk directly adjacent the entire patio. As for the big dumb open area on the east end of the building, that's because they don't actually own any of that property. The entire "triangle" area there is currently public ROW. They haven't proposed any vacation yet, but there is likely to be some. There will still be a wide public ROW maintained along the east side for the regional trail & boulevard there.

Keep in mind these are preliminary for discussion, not their actual land use submittals.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » February 6th, 2017, 3:09 pm

Yes, that idea of swapping the private and public would make a lot of sense, and would make this block look more visually consistent with the new segment of 66th St to the west. Development projects of this scale seem to often include improvements to the adjoining public right-of-way -- like the new sidewalks around Lyndale Plaza apartments, or Lyndale Station to the south, or (especially) around Kensington Park.

If the property map is accurate, the sidewalk around Kensington Park follows a similar pattern, where the boulevard space is where the sidewalk might have been, and the functional sidewalk is on private land, available for public use.
Keep in mind these are preliminary for discussion, not their actual land use submittals.
Good point. And as the contrast between this and previous design show, anything could change at any time.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » February 18th, 2017, 10:36 am

New article in the Sun Current about this project:

East side redevelopment proposal focuses on food
https://current.mnsun.com/2017/02/18/ea ... s-on-food/

High praise from everyone quoted for the new design. Developer hints at a coffee shop that is not Starbucks or Caribou, and a sit-down restaurant for the spot on the roundabout.

The claim that they anticipate having a sit-down restaurant is surprising, since the developer just across the street (Hempel Companies) proclaimed that nobody is doing sit-down restaurants in newly built spaces, short of a tiny handful of high-end retail districts (Southdale, Uptown). Previous sit-down restaurants were planned and replaced with fast casual, at Cedar Point Commons (at the corner of SB Cedar Ave off-ramp and 66th) and Lyndale & 66th, where the MyBurger now sits.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby mattaudio » February 18th, 2017, 1:27 pm

Any adjustments on the plan to actually integrate the "patio" with the sidewalk rather than treating the Cedar Ave frontage as a sideyard?
https://streets.mn/2017/02/16/simple-ur ... spiration/

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » February 18th, 2017, 11:11 pm

Any adjustments on the plan to actually integrate the "patio" with the sidewalk rather than treating the Cedar Ave frontage as a sideyard?
https://streets.mn/2017/02/16/simple-ur ... spiration/
For the Interstate Partners project? That doesn't front Cedar -- it's two blocks west, at Richfield Pkwy. For Interstate project, there's a long distance between the MUP and the patio, so I'm not sure there's any easy way to integrate the two. For that matter -- do you even want to integrate sidewalk and patio when that sidewalk is a regional trail? It's great for people to be able to ride to a restaurant, but on a trail, you probably want to specifically discourage what otherwise might be good things to happen on a sidewalk -- like milling about, chatting with people, etc.

For the Hempel project at Cedar/77, I assume it will just try to buffer from the Cedar off-ramp. There is access from the bus stop and sidewalk on 66th, although the grade difference still exists.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » April 25th, 2017, 8:04 am

"Plaza 66", the development referenced above at Richfield Pkwy and 66th, was approved by Planning Commission last night and will advance to Council. After public testimony from neighbors on the block (mostly concerned with traffic impacts), there was discussion of tabling for another month, but it was ultimately approved 6-1.

Managing traffic out of the 16th Ave entrance seems to be the real sticking point. Various options, including a diverter/bumpout to allow only a one-way northbound movement mid-block on 16th, or a complete closure mid-block of 16th, or the staff-preferred option of a small "porkchop" in the driveway to physically guide cars to turn toward 66th. (This porkchop would be similar to the 77th St driveway from Menards).

I am concerned about the idea of a major closure of 16th. 17th and 18th Aves are already closed due to the winding alignment of Richfield Pkwy. And there's no clear reason why 16th is any different than the eight blocks to the west that all have commercial "bookends" on 66th, on an otherwise SFH residential block. In general, customers who don't live in the neighborhood aren't going to wind around residential streets and stop signs for no reason. 66th and Cedar Ave/Fwy are much more direct routes to wherever they want to go.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby mattaudio » April 25th, 2017, 12:48 pm

@sdho why do you hate homeowners so much?

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » May 24th, 2017, 5:28 pm

Residents of 16th Ave S, and Richfield Community Development Director John Stark, were on KSTP at 5 today to talk about Plaza 66.

http://kstp.com/news/richfield-developm ... ?cat=12196

The headline, though. I almost feel like I've seen this statement before?
Some Residents Worry Richfield Development Project Will Bring Traffic, Noise To Their Neighborhood

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » May 24th, 2017, 7:18 pm

PUD approval and some other approvals passed Council 4-0. There are still some final approvals that will be needed, but it appears there is support for the project. Staff and CMs indicated willingness to monitor traffic and consider dead-end or diverter if there were drastic increase in traffic on 16th.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby Anondson » July 28th, 2017, 7:25 pm

Three new apartments proposed near 66th and Highway 77 next to three existing.

http://finance-commerce.com/2017/07/kra ... richfield/

Krause Anderson and Inland team up. Will be called The Chamberlain.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » July 29th, 2017, 10:20 am

Three new apartments proposed near 66th and Highway 77 next to three existing.

http://finance-commerce.com/2017/07/kra ... richfield/

Krause Anderson and Inland team up. Will be called The Chamberlain.
They've been at a couple of Planning Commission/City Council/HRA work sessions. Main attitude seems to be: city leaders like the project, dislike the aesthetics. A lot of complaints about the pitched roof in particular. (And a few complaints from me about the parking lot as the focal point as you go south on Richfield Pkwy.) I think those are unlikely to be a sticking point, although since the land is HRA-owned, they could be.

I'm told they're likely to have public hearings for the approvals at the next Planning Commission meeting, end of August.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » August 2nd, 2017, 8:03 am

https://www.startribune.com/with-help-f ... 437720793/
With help from Richfield, developers plan affordable apartments near MSP
A team of Twin Cities developers is putting the final touches on a plan to build an unusual apartment complex that will bring much-needed affordable housing to a key site in Richfield.

The proposed Chamberlain will have 316 rental apartments in six three-story buildings, including three that are existing and will be renovated. The $65 million project is the first joint venture between Kraus-Anderson and Inland Development Partners, which hired Urban Works to design the building.
I think the headline is a little misleading -- it seems they're looking for TIF to get market-rate apartments at slightly less than the true market rate, but this is not an "affordable" project per se. In fact, I'd expect even with subsidy, these would be the most expensive apartments in Richfield when they come on the market.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » August 24th, 2017, 1:32 pm

Chamberlain approvals go to Planning Commission next Monday, and the site plans are now online: http://richfieldmn.gov/home/showdocument?id=12022 (about the second half of the packet).

My least favorite feature, the parking lot along the Richfield Pkwy curve, has been expanded since the previous design, although it is kept quite far from the trail, so there is ample space for landscaping. The turnaround would now clearly work with only the southern access to the parking lot, so the 20' wide curb-cut for a one-way access to the parking lot seems bizarre.

Some other changes, or additional details I hadn't noticed before:
1. Playground area has moved to 68th St, with the previous site being used for stormwater
2. Parking lot arrangement has become a bit more functional by the existing incorporated buildings
3. Walk-up access to the corner units on the ground level.
4. No access to 67th, but what appears to be a new 17th Ave S sidewalk. This is a nice addition, but still doesn't provide very direct access to the regional trail from 67th & 17th.

Unit mix is also listed. Most common unit is a larger studio. About 2/3 are studio or 1 br, and 1/3 are 2 or 3 bedroom.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » November 30th, 2017, 2:00 pm

There was a work session Tuesday night to discuss a new proposal by Boisclair and another partner for the "Cedar Point II" site bounded by Richfield Pkwy to the north and east, 65th to the south, and 16th Ave to the west.

Their new proposal has quite a few more townhomes (packed more tightly, perpendicular to 16th rather than parallel), and a similar number of apartments. They described a slower buildout, starting with a few rows of townhomes, and eventually doing apartments, depending on market factors.

The apartments are now proposed to be 100% market-rate. They stated the townhomes are "affordable" to 115% AMI. Considering that the vast majority of homes in Richfield are affordable to 115% of AMI, this did not strike me as especially affordable -- but I guess it is for new construction.

Site plan:

Looking northwest from the southeast corner of 65th & Richfield Pkwy

Full slides here: http://richfieldmn.gov/home/showdocument?id=12462

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby mattaudio » November 30th, 2017, 3:50 pm

That seems like unfortunate frontage for 16th Ave. It treats 16th as a rear property line, not a street frontage that is an asset to the site. The two block long aisle of unbroken parking is ridiculous too. The back half of this site plan screams Rogers, not Richfield. This needs to go back to the drawing boards.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby sdho » November 30th, 2017, 5:33 pm

For better or for worse, the combined surface and garage parking is near exactly the minimum (slightly under, but they could probably count spots on 65th) for the apartments -- 1.5 per unit. I am unsure if they would want to reduce it if they could do so easily.

If cost were no object and the site were entirely vacant now, it would be cool to do a plinth under the whole site, as they did at City Bella and (sort of) at Kensington Park. Potentially you could even integrate individual townhome garages as part of that. But I think they're targeting cost-effective and incremental here. I agree the 16th looks like the "back", although they had some ideas to improve upon that.

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby HiawathaGuy » November 15th, 2018, 2:43 pm

There was a work session Tuesday night to discuss a new proposal by Boisclair and another partner for the "Cedar Point II" site bounded by Richfield Pkwy to the north and east, 65th to the south, and 16th Ave to the west.

Their new proposal has quite a few more townhomes (packed more tightly, perpendicular to 16th rather than parallel), and a similar number of apartments. They described a slower buildout, starting with a few rows of townhomes, and eventually doing apartments, depending on market factors.

The apartments are now proposed to be 100% market-rate. They stated the townhomes are "affordable" to 115% AMI. Considering that the vast majority of homes in Richfield are affordable to 115% of AMI, this did not strike me as especially affordable -- but I guess it is for new construction.

Site plan:

Looking northwest from the southeast corner of 65th & Richfield Pkwy

Full slides here: http://richfieldmn.gov/home/showdocument?id=12462
I see that this has been fully approved now - any inclination of when they plan to break ground?

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Re: Cedar Ave Corridor - Richfield

Postby Qhaberl » November 15th, 2018, 3:08 pm

I don’t mind the designs. It’s nice that none of the parking is fronting the street.

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