The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

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Blaisdell Greenway
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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » January 14th, 2016, 11:00 am

The goods are on Youtube now. I still haven't finished watching. Did you make it Blaisdell Greenway?

I did, I was the first to testify. It was exciting to see Nick on the dais (and my neighbor Sam Rockwell). My first planning commission meeting and all the commissioners seemed quite thoughtful and reasonable.

While the zoning, CUP and both variances passed, supposedly Elizabeth Glidden is against it. I sent her a long impassioned note about how her support for this project is important to demonstrate that density comes in all shapes and sizes, not just 6-story stick boxes. I ask you all to please do the same, especially if you live in her ward.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby Silophant » January 14th, 2016, 11:06 am

Against the whole project, or just the variances?
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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » January 15th, 2016, 11:31 am

The whole project because the neighbors are freaked out about the zoning change. The planning commission talked about R3 vs. OR1 and decided the commercial uses under OR1 are very very limited (daycare, after school tutoring, etc.). The neighbors are making it seem like a pawn shop will move in if the zoning changes and the project ends up falling through.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby RailBaronYarr » January 15th, 2016, 3:11 pm

If a small shop moved into this building off the commercial corridor someday, would it really be the end of the world?

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby PhilmerPhil » January 15th, 2016, 3:21 pm

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby Silophant » November 29th, 2018, 8:32 pm

This is back, now as just a 3-story, 12 unit building on the vacant lot next to the substation building. The existing structure itself will be retained for potential future redevelopment as a commercial use of some sort. Only three unenclosed parking spaces!
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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby GILBball » November 29th, 2018, 8:40 pm

I like this one, especially all the brick accents, and would love to see developments like this all over the city. That said, I'd like it even more if it was symmetrical - seems very rare to see that now in a new building.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby seanrichardryan » November 30th, 2018, 9:51 am

Definetly me least favorite kitchen layout.
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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby amiller92 » November 30th, 2018, 10:01 am

Not sure about the wisdom of having the lobby/entrance in between the buildings like that.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby jtoemke » November 30th, 2018, 10:20 am

Not sure about the wisdom of having the lobby/entrance in between the buildings like that.
Avoids corridors.

I like this building a lot.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » February 19th, 2019, 4:57 pm

Permit hearing at Monday's neighborhood meeting on 2/25. 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Horn Towers.

This is the ask:
1. Conditional use Permit to exceed the maximum building height (max height in the OR1 is 2.5 stories).
2. Variance to reduce the established minimum front yard setback along Garfield Ave S for the proposed residential building from 9 feet to 8 feet.
3. Variance to reduce the minimum side yard setback for the existing utility building on the south lot from 7 feet to 5 feet.
4. Variance to reduce the minimum side yard setback along the south property line.
5. Variance to the parking area design standards to allow maneuvering in the public alley.
6. Minor Subdivision to establish two new parcels

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby FISHMANPET » February 19th, 2019, 11:07 pm

Uh, that would be a planning commission thing. Is this just them coming to the neighborhood asking for support?

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » February 20th, 2019, 12:06 pm

It's a permit hearing.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby mattaudio » February 20th, 2019, 12:31 pm

What permits do the Lyndale Neighborhood Org issue?

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby FISHMANPET » February 21st, 2019, 12:33 am

I know some licensing hearings are done not in City Hall, but those aren't for land use approvals. So I'm kinda confused what this is about.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby minntransplant » February 21st, 2019, 3:40 pm

The Lyndale neighborhood group votes to give their "support" or "blessing" to a developer's request for variances/CUPs. It isn't binding. Earlier, the housing committee expressed their unanimous support for this project.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » February 22nd, 2019, 9:19 pm

The Lyndale neighborhood group votes to give their "support" or "blessing" to a developer's request for variances/CUPs. It isn't binding. Earlier, the housing committee expressed their unanimous support for this project.
Yes. I think the CUP triggers a legal public hearing including flyering the notice within X radius of the project. The zoning change from the first run of this project featured the same thing. Don't understand the details.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » February 22nd, 2019, 9:22 pm

Now that I think about it, it's probably triggered by the lot split this time around. For example, 601 W. Lake has a CUP and variances, but no legal hearing.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby FISHMANPET » February 23rd, 2019, 11:47 am

The legal hearing would be before the planning commission, not at a neighborhood org meeting. This is probably just the developer coming to you for support.

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Re: The Amp House (3255 Garfield)

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » February 24th, 2019, 4:39 pm

The email from the neighborhood called it a "public hearing" so that's a misnomer?

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