Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

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Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby xandrex » November 10th, 2017, 2:08 pm

In District 2, Linda Higgins announces she won't run again: http://www.startribune.com/higgins-says ... 456659953/

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby twincitizen » March 22nd, 2018, 10:01 am

Commissioner forum (for all 3 seats up this year): https://www.facebook.com/events/2011291545761610/

Sunday April 29. 2-4pm

Let's pack the ****ing room and make some noise about aBRT. Specifically about Hennepin County agreeing to fund the B, D, and E lines ASAP.

Background info (i.e. why I'm mad at Peter McLaughlin) The county just doubled the sales tax for transit yet has not been any more willing to fund aBRT than CTIB was. Specifically, McLaughlin defends his refusal to fund aBRT because the money (yes even the brand new doubled money) is already completely spoken for with SWLRT, BLRT, Orange Line, Hennepin’s share of Riverview, and operating costs for all of the above. According to McLaughlin, there’s not a nickel to spare for aBRT. I call bullshit. aBRT is so cost effective and worthy of funding ASAP it should be moved to the front of the line, not stuck begging for scraps

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby grant1simons2 » March 22nd, 2018, 10:53 am

Oooh on a Sunday. Yeah I'll be there.

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby hpan3 » April 26th, 2018, 8:57 pm

Hey everyone! If you're planning on attending TCTRU's forum this Sunday, we're requesting that you RSVP through this link so we can get an accurate headcount. Thanks! https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3405333

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » May 21st, 2018, 1:08 pm

Convention was this past Saturday. Mark Haase endorsed for County Attorney on the first ballot. Incumbent Mike Freeman is still running (he won in 2006 against another DFL endorsed candidate). Haase understands the lever Attorney plays in criminal justice reform, and has spent most of his career doing that work. He will be an exciting candidate to have on the ballot.

Dave Hutchinson endorsed for Sheriff. Safe to presume Stanek is running again. Hutch will have a more uphill battle.

Irene Fernando (2) endorsed by acclimation. She has at least two opponents. Marion Greene (3) endorsed on first ballot. Not sure she'll have an opponent.

Angela Conley and Peter McLaughlin (4) duked it out over 10 ballots until adjourning with no endorsement. Conley led the entire time. This will be a very interesting race. It's the only county district entirely in Minneapolis.

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby NickP » July 9th, 2018, 12:50 pm

If you live in Hennepin County District 4,

Angela Conley is running against Peter Mclaughlin, and actively supports Hennepin county funding the gap for D Line. I would vote for her over Peter if you live there, she will be a strong supporter of both LRT and a more robust bus system.
This was posted in the D-Line thread. Since I didn't know much about my commissioner and district, I wanted to include a link to "find your commissioner" http://www16.co.hennepin.mn.us/commissioner/
and a current map of the Hennepin country districts Image

I hope I did all this ok. Mods, please correct if I broke any rules. :)

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby twincitizen » October 25th, 2018, 8:48 am

Star Tribune has announced endorsements for:
1: Irene Fernando (over Blong Yang)
3: Marion Greene (over LaDonna Redmond, who appears to be not actively campaigning)
4: Peter McLaughlin (over Angela Conley)

http://www.startribune.com/hennepin-cou ... 498361341/

They also endorsed incumbents Mike Freeman (Attorney) and Rich Stanek (Sheriff). I hope everyone here is voting for Dave "Hutch" Hutchinson for Sheriff over garbage human Stanek. Stanek won his 2014 election way too comfortably. Hopefully people around the county are paying more attention to this race this time, due to the national political environment surrounding immigration/detention issues. Hutch seems to be a solid candidate with decent traction in Minneapolis, but it's very unclear how well his name is getting out there, or if regular people (non-nerds) are really aware of this race at all.

Blaisdell Greenway
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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby Blaisdell Greenway » October 25th, 2018, 10:47 am

My sense is that Hutch has gained a lot of traction quickly. Lots of fired up folks are ready to vote out Paulsen and Lewis, and Stanek is an easy boogeyman to vote against down ballot. Plus Hutch genuinely has good ideas and is the possibly the most "regular dude" candidate I've seen.

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby xandrex » October 25th, 2018, 11:20 am

I’m obviously voting for Hutch over Stanek, and I hope in an election sure to rile up progressives in Hennepin County that he can pull it off.

That said, Stanek doesn’t just have incumbency advantage: He’s also just a better campaigner. I don’t know who’s running Hutch’s digital presence, but it’s often downright cringeworthy.

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby Multimodal » October 25th, 2018, 11:52 am

Hutch & Haase

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby BikesOnFilm » October 25th, 2018, 12:09 pm

Hutch and Haase all the way.

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby DFPegg » October 25th, 2018, 1:56 pm

Conley over McLaughlin, Conley has more developed positions on transport and liveability (for example, she understands the need to better bus service and doesn't just focus on light rail to the suburbs)

Hutch over Stanek, Hutch has some good positions on equity and Stanek is toxic in everything

Fernando over Blong, same as above

Haase over Freeman, Haase has real reforms for the criminal justice system, Freeman (like Stanek and McLaughlin) seem most interested in reform as a means to getting re-elected more than anything else.

MN AG, vote Ellison, better on every position possible compared to Wardlow

My two cents

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby twincitizen » October 25th, 2018, 3:33 pm

Anyone have a link to a good District 4 forum I could watch online or detailed questionnaire I could read, particularly one focused on transit/transportation?

Honestly, I find Peter McLaughlin to be plenty liberal/progressive on just about every position, and lefty vs. ever-so-slightly less lefty is not going to persuade me on that basis alone. On the other hand, I'm an unapologetic ageist and McLaughlin is 69 and has been in office since 1990, which is too long. So I am certainly tempted to vote Conley, but I haven't been fully convinced yet. I am fully aware that McLaughlin has been kind of a bitch about funding aBRT, and I have personally pleaded to him on the phone to change his stance to prioritize aBRT. So I guess I'd like to hear more from Conley on funding aBRT, but like very specifically what she would change, how she would get the votes to do it, etc.

One sort of odd consideration I'm keeping in mind on this race is that McLaughlin, should he win, is less likely to run again in 2022, at age 73. Conley certainly does not seem like a bad candidate, and could actually be a great one. I'm really forecasting the future here, but with an open seat, there's certainly a non-zero chance that there will be several bad candidates vying for the seat next time around and that would be bad. So maybe a safe bet to go with Conley now, since she'll never, ever, be voted out (County Commissioners never are)

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby mattaudio » October 25th, 2018, 4:33 pm

I'm leaning Conley on ABRT and having someone new after 28 years.

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby EOst » October 25th, 2018, 5:56 pm

how she would get the votes to do it, etc.
This is my question as well. I like Angela a lot (and would probably vote for her if I lived in her district), but is McLaughlin actively opposed to funding these lines if the votes were there? Even if you had 4 votes, you'd really want 5 or 6 (obviously excluding Johnson).

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby Multimodal » October 25th, 2018, 6:14 pm

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby Silophant » October 25th, 2018, 7:47 pm

I don't think he's opposed, but he's also not pushing for them. The D Line would directly pass through and help five of the seven districts. Someone just needs to champion it, a little bit. McLaughlin's not, and Conley would.
Joey Senkyr
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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby Bakken2016 » October 26th, 2018, 9:49 am

Conley is the better choice over McLaughlin.

-She will champion aBRT.
-Unseat someone who has been on the board forever.
-Advocate for her actual district instead of for two light rail lines that don't even go in her district.
-Ending Cash Bail


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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby MNdible » October 26th, 2018, 10:09 am


McLaughlin has worked harder to advance transit in the state of Minnesota than anybody else, and his knowledge and institutional memory are critical.

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Re: Hennepin County Commissioner Districts 2,3,4 (2018)

Postby BikesOnFilm » October 26th, 2018, 11:38 am


McLaughlin has worked harder to advance transit in the state of Minnesota than anybody else, and his knowledge and institutional memory are critical.
Get Walz in charge and let him be chair of the Met Council when Alene Tchourumoff steps down. District 4 deserves someone who will push for the transit projects that will do the most good for their own district, and McLaughlin's inaction on the D-Line is a disservice to his constituents.

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