Avenues- Replace Numbers With Names

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Rice Park
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Re: Avenues- Replace Numbers With Names

Postby fehler » August 20th, 2018, 1:25 pm

Milwaukee Ave in Minneapolis is stranger.

Rice Park
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Re: Avenues- Replace Numbers With Names

Postby tmart » November 19th, 2018, 2:28 pm

34th could be Humphrey Ave, right?

Maybe Wenonah Ave for 28th? Or is there already a street somewhere with that name?
TBH, opening this can of worms under the current political environment would probably mean that it could not possibly be named after any white man in history. I don't have a specific problem with that, just predicting that's where the public conversation would lead. Probably best to stick with trees ;)
I think that's a huge stretch, but if we're talking politicians or civic leaders, I do think the strongest cases would be made for those who contributed to civil rights, equity, grassroots empowerment, or other progressive goals. Certainly Humphrey's role as a civil rights champion at a time when that was a risky and unpopular stance contribute to his continued stature in Minneapolis. It's also always struck me as a little weird that AFAIK there isn't a Wellstone Ave.

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Re: Avenues- Replace Numbers With Names

Postby mattaudio » November 21st, 2018, 1:29 pm

Milwaukee Ave in Minneapolis is stranger.
Not strange... It is very close to the old Milwaukee Road yard and shops, and was built with railroad employees in mind.

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