George Floyd murder and aftermath

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby uptownbro » June 3rd, 2021, 12:18 pm

I think the speedway idea is great!
They could build a new building for a historical center on the events of that area. This is more long term planning of the area but still.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby amiller92 » June 3rd, 2021, 1:04 pm

That was mostly in reference to all the young white people I see there. The ones turning away journalists, getting in people's faces, etc.
I'm usually only there briefly, but young and white doesn't describe the majority of the people I've seen there on the many times I've been through.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby amiller92 » June 3rd, 2021, 1:05 pm

I think the speedway idea is great!
They could build a new building for a historical center on the events of that area. This is more long term planning of the area but still.
It's a good idea and the kind of thing the mayor (and others) should have been talking to the activities about. Not that I know that they weren't.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby alexschief » June 3rd, 2021, 1:18 pm

Putting aside the question of whether or not this intersection should be reopened to traffic, the clear underlying problem here is that a lot of different people claim ownership or protectorship of George Floyd Square and they don't agree. At the same time, there doesn't seem to have been an effort by the Mayor or the local councilmembers to convene any kind of large public discussion about next steps. So the end result of that non-process is that the city finally moves to reopen the Square to traffic, some groups back the move, some groups don't, and there are a lot of credible claims to speak for the community without any real way to tell them apart. It's probably not possible to get everyone on board with the same strategy, but it is notable that there really doesn't even seem to have been an effort to do public outreach, let people have their say, and come up with a plan.

Just from afar, this decision seems to be another casualty of the unwillingness of either the Mayor or the local councilmembers to show personal leadership. Nobody seemed to want to be the owner of any decision or process. I'm also stunned that the Mayor continues to undervalue the importance of showing up in person and being accountable in person. That felt to me like his biggest failing last year, and it's just incredible to me that he wouldn't have been at George Floyd Square this morning, along with both councilmembers, answering questions and speaking to the public.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby grant1simons2 » June 3rd, 2021, 3:02 pm

Thanks for the insight Matt. Really adding some productivity to this conversation. However many of us are still reeling from the trauma of being nearly slammed by a semi last year on a highway,, being ambushed by cops shooting tear gas from their SUVs and all along with that the murder of George Floyd. Oh and alongside that, aren't we urbanism supposed to be open and accepting of shutting down our streets for the community?

Buses get rerouted. If thats your only argument, It's a pretty weak one. We could also, idk, negotiate directly with allowing a transit only corridor to persist? The problem is nobody has given way from public works, and nobody has given way on the GFS side due to a general and acceptable distrust in the city government.

College aged SJW really does sound like a great little Ben Shapiro line though.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby Trademark » June 3rd, 2021, 6:27 pm

I think an alternative to the community could be to say either we open chicago up to buses or we get rid of parking on columbus between 37th and 39th and reroute bus traffic there and then tear up the pavement on chicago avenue in certain spots and plant grass on the street and make it a proper park and memorial. Give them options instead of just saying we're doing this end of story.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby phop » June 3rd, 2021, 9:06 pm


Just from afar, this decision seems to be another casualty of the unwillingness of either the Mayor or the local councilmembers to show personal leadership. Nobody seemed to want to be the owner of any decision or process. I'm also stunned that the Mayor continues to undervalue the importance of showing up in person and being accountable in person. That felt to me like his biggest failing last year, and it's just incredible to me that he wouldn't have been at George Floyd Square this morning, along with both councilmembers, answering questions and speaking to the public.
The last time he made headlines doing this was for telling activists that he wasn't in favor of defunding police. He was booed in person and panned online for this at the time, even though in hindsight this was probably the right position. I can see why he'd be hesitant to wade into anything like this again.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby alexschief » June 4th, 2021, 8:23 am


Just from afar, this decision seems to be another casualty of the unwillingness of either the Mayor or the local councilmembers to show personal leadership. Nobody seemed to want to be the owner of any decision or process. I'm also stunned that the Mayor continues to undervalue the importance of showing up in person and being accountable in person. That felt to me like his biggest failing last year, and it's just incredible to me that he wouldn't have been at George Floyd Square this morning, along with both councilmembers, answering questions and speaking to the public.
The last time he made headlines doing this was for telling activists that he wasn't in favor of defunding police. He was booed in person and panned online for this at the time, even though in hindsight this was probably the right position. I can see why he'd be hesitant to wade into anything like this again.
Yes, I think that incident has scared him away from doing anything similar again. But I think that (1) he's the mayor, that's the job, tough cookies, (2) before that incident, he wasn't on the ground at the 3rd Precinct, where he and Arradondo could've done a lot of good by being lightning rods for the crowd, and (3) there's a difference between appearing at a protest aimed at you, and appearing an event that you directed.

The way his office portrayed it was just so strange. Frey continues to do this weird dance where he tries to lead from the front and the back at the same time. It's extremely strange, I have no idea what he's doing, but the one constant is that I wish he would accept the responsibility of being mayor and be more personally accountable.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby amiller92 » June 4th, 2021, 9:04 am

The last time he made headlines doing this was for telling activists that he wasn't in favor of defunding police. He was booed in person and panned online for this at the time, even though in hindsight this was probably the right position. I can see why he'd be hesitant to wade into anything like this again.
Not doing the work because it is hard and/or uncomfortable is no excuse. Telling people things they don't want to hear is part of leadership. Making plans in secret and then foisting is a recipe for not getting community buy-in.

Of course, people immediately blocked the intersection again. I wonder if he's thought about next step. My more cynical side is that this was step one to get to a place where people will accept police violence to make sure cars can go through.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby uptownbro » June 4th, 2021, 10:13 am

Most plans are made in secret and once details are finalized the public hears about it and can react. Biden wrote his infrastructure plan in "secret" and when the details were done he showed the public and even if it doesnt pass he actually came out with a very good plan. Maybe the CC should hear uncomfortable things vs tweeting/meeting to those who like them and there ideas.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby alexschief » June 4th, 2021, 10:30 am

Most plans are made in secret and once details are finalized the public hears about it and can react. Biden wrote his infrastructure plan in "secret" and when the details were done he showed the public and even if it doesnt pass he actually came out with a very good plan. Maybe the CC should hear uncomfortable things vs tweeting/meeting to those who like them and there ideas.
I mean, the Mayor's planning was effective at removing the heavy barriers to GFS. I don't think it's necessarily bad that they planned it in secret and started it in the morning to avoid a confrontation. If that's what you plan to do, then they went about it in a smart way.

But I think there are two issues, one upstream and one downstream.

(1) By not engaging in some kind of larger community and stakeholder planning process for GFS, there's no consensus about what happens next. If people just build new permanent barriers around the square, then the situation gets even more fraught. I don't know why a larger public process wasn't started a while ago by either Frey, Cano, or Jenkins.

(2) After clearing the square, there was a strange press conference where the Mayor didn't really own his leadership role. He said the opening of the intersection was community led, but that clearly wasn't true. Again, it's not really clear to me what he's doing, but the entire process seems essentially leaderless right now.

Anyway, one more word, which is that apparently CM Bender was out in Uptown last night working with people to defuse the situation, and so your jab at the Council seems especially ill-timed. I'm not saying that there would be peace on Earth if Mayor Frey was walking the streets with the Chief, but I think it could do more good if he take personal accountability. This is a theme of his tenure I'm afraid.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby uptownbro » June 4th, 2021, 10:35 am

Bender was out there during the day as was I and it was clam just alot of confused people which is very understandable. Heck I was on lake st when the under cover feds came out of every side street at once which was crazy. But where was she last night? Where is she now? Why is she unreachable when these things happen in her ward. She a great city planner but shes out of her zone on this.
He did engage with some of the groups at the square. Now could more have been? Sure maybe they should have but still. As for next I have no idea. I would guess he and public works are in talks about a larger idea of the square with some of the groups. As someone said yesterday long term the city could help build a great space with the old speedway.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby alexschief » June 6th, 2021, 12:05 pm

Bender was out there during the day as was I and it was clam just alot of confused people which is very understandable. Heck I was on lake st when the under cover feds came out of every side street at once which was crazy. But where was she last night? Where is she now? Why is she unreachable when these things happen in her ward. She a great city planner but shes out of her zone on this.
He did engage with some of the groups at the square. Now could more have been? Sure maybe they should have but still. As for next I have no idea. I would guess he and public works are in talks about a larger idea of the square with some of the groups. As someone said yesterday long term the city could help build a great space with the old speedway.
I've been getting regular emails from CM Bender detailing what she's seen and the latest that she's hearing about the investigation. I'm not sure what you're referring to exactly, but her communication seems to be really excellent.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby uptownbro » June 7th, 2021, 8:15 am

I cant speak for what emails or communications you have gotten but I have gotten zero on this issue. Even the few times I have reached out to her office sometimes in support sometimes against things shes pushing for I only ever gotten one response that didnt address the question but did give me unrelated talking points. Frey and Goomdan both respond to most emails.
Her communication is one of a person who only likes to talk to ones own supporters as its comfortable vs being challenged.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby alexschief » June 7th, 2021, 8:25 am

I think you should sign up for the Ward 10 newsletter: ... wsletters/

Almost every CM does a newsletter, usually monthly or bi-weekly, and I can't recommend them enough, it's a very good way to keep tabs on what's going on in the city.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby uptownbro » June 7th, 2021, 8:58 am

I guess I dont see alot of value in reading stories written by a politicians staff in service of there boss. Thats like reading what was trumps twitter page and expecting insight into future US policy or critical analysis and discussion on issues vs a crazy persons 3am ramblings. But I can be pretty cynical on those things just like op eds as I used work in politics back in the day.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby alexschief » June 7th, 2021, 11:11 am

I mean, you can't complain about a lack of communication from a local leader and then go out of your way to avoid communication from that local leader! If you don't want to read what CM Bender has to say, that's fine, but then don't say you haven't heard from her.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby uptownbro » June 7th, 2021, 11:15 am

I have actively tried over the years to reach out to her office. Sometimes to say good things which she has done many with regards to planning, sometimes to complain. Her inability or unwillingness to reach back out after I attempted to communicate isn't on me. So yes I can as thats me actively trying to communicate. Now you prefer a new letter, thats fine I just dont find as much value in that stuff from many leader as you do. Thats just a difference in personal taste. Nothing wrong with it but it has clearly lead to very different views on this. Thats like saying me reading the startribune over watching kare11 makes it so I dont actively follow local news.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby grant1simons2 » June 7th, 2021, 7:18 pm

She's the city council president. Kind of a busy position to hold. I've found it pretty easy to set up a time to chat if I call the councilmemebers aid and schedule something. Sometimes emails just get mixed up in the mess.

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Re: George Floyd murder and aftermath

Postby Nathan » July 7th, 2021, 4:19 pm

The uncle of Darnella Frazier (the young girl who filmed George Floyd's murder) was killed by the Minneapolis Police department. He was hit by a squad car in a high speed chase.

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