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I still cannot believe some people are looking at SWLRT and BLRT as apples to apples. They are so much different from each other."We look at it as just normal coordination [with utilities], although this one takes a little more work," said Nick Landwer, Metro Transit's director of transit system design and engineering. "We're working with the Xcel team to simplify how to get the work done. It doesn't pose an issue at all."
Project opponents were not appeased: "It's just another example of the Met Council not doing their due diligence on these projects," said Matt Bruns, who lives in the 918 Lofts along 10th Avenue, now part of the Blue Line extension route in the North Loop.
Sort of tangential, but do people really think that abolishing the Metropolitan Council is going to do anything to make LRT projects cheaper? They do realize it is a countrywide issue, right? (also, doesn't MnDOT have appointed leadership as well? How is it any different than the Met Council?)