U.S. Bank Stadium

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby grant1simons2 » March 18th, 2016, 1:04 pm

Then I apologize. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby Didier » March 18th, 2016, 1:36 pm

Curiously, the latest Star Tribune article also failed to mention that Kirby Puckett Place was a commemorative name, whereas Vikings Way would be an official name. Isn't that really the only factor that matters here?

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby FISHMANPET » March 18th, 2016, 2:00 pm

Yeah, there's been really bad reporting on this. The closest I've seen anyone come I think I saw on twitter from someone at the Strib that the Morgue's new address would be Vikings Way rather than its current Chicago Ave.

Also, the comment the Vikings made about Twins Way is factually incorrect. I didn't know the history, but someone on the planning commission did. "Twins Way" was created when the stadium severed 3rd St. That meant that policy dictated that the 3 block stub road needed a new name. So totally different situation from here.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby tab » March 18th, 2016, 2:52 pm

If the Vikings can get Portland Ave closed to traffic between 4th & 5th Street, I'd be cool with calling that segment formerly known as Portland "Vikings Way."

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby acs » March 18th, 2016, 3:06 pm

They sounded pretty pissed off in the article so I doubt they are going to help the city with anything in the near future.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby seanrichardryan » March 18th, 2016, 3:14 pm

They asked, we said no. They're not entitled to anything.
Q. What, what? A. In da butt.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby acs » March 18th, 2016, 3:20 pm

You and I both know the city did a bit more than that. Read between the lines a little. Less of a "no" and more of a "F*ck you".

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby FISHMANPET » March 18th, 2016, 3:24 pm

Did the "city" actually do anything? I know it was voted against in the CPC,which is citizens, not the city. Did a city committee hear about it as well?

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby Wedgeguy » March 18th, 2016, 6:31 pm

I have no problem and I don't think too many on this site have a problem with the design of the stadium. it is the antics of the team and the MSFA that are pissing a lot of people off. They want 80 days guaranteed of park time. that is pure BS as they have no legitimate reason to have that much time using the park for the Vikings, 24 at most! As I have stated before the MSFA has no legitimate standing for any park time as they are a body that should not have anything to sponsor. They have a stadium to upkeep and that is it. If a trade group/concert wants some park time then they go to the city and rent that time. The MSFA has put NO dollars into the park so they get no time in return.

As far as the bridge to nowhere goes, the first person injured by a train would sue the Met Council and the Viking for not having safe passage. So yes the Queens can cough up some money as they are the reason we have to build the bridge for the new stadium. We now have 2 lines going thru this station instead of one like when the Dome was open. Things are not the same no matter how many would like to say it is still the same. Trains every 5 minutes will be a bitch and if they add trains even worse.

Anyone can correct me if I have stated anything wrong. But those are my beefs. The stadium is great inside and out. It is the "give me" that the team is still trying for after all that we have given them so far so that THEY can profit beyond what they already will, while we pay interest on bonds and get no help with those. The city, state or any other body did not guarantee the Vikings X amount ROI. Sorry they will have to put more money into their business model like any other profit seeking company does. No special treatment here. You got your money up front, no more gravy from us anymore.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby VikingFaninMaryland » March 18th, 2016, 7:13 pm

“The Vikings are in control and we take all the risk,” Dorfman said.

When talks began in 2014, the Vikings were not expected to contribute any cash toward the bridge. After pushback from the Met Council, an agreement was reached along with the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority that called for the team to contribute up to $3.5 million in exchange for half of the LRT station advertising revenue. But when bids were let over the fall, they came in higher than expected, so more negotiations were necessary.
http://www.startribune.com/met-council- ... 351929931/
“We were taken aback by the negative reaction at the city,” said Lester Bagley, vice president of the Vikings. “Frankly, I’m just not sure we have the stomach for the tenor that exists down there [at City Hall] on this particular matter.”
Bagley said the street name change was a part of the plan with Minneapolis for the last three years and had “never been controversial” until the last few days.

“It was a very practical and simple request and, frankly, the application was identical to the Twins,” he said, referring to a street named Twins Way near Target Field.
One need only look to earlier posts here and related posts on US Bank SkyScraperCity to see just a sample of cities, including Minneapolis, who freely named streets in front of their stadiums for the teams that play there.

What was Bagley referring to when noting “the tenor that exists there (at City Hall)?” What if the Vikings really were “taken aback by the negative reaction at the city” because “the street name change really was a part of the plan with Minneapolis for the last three years”? I believe Bagley’s surprise; there is no reason not to. Clearly the relevant planning office was shooting for a quid pro quo for the Vikings to give up property and usage rights they already secured from the State of Minnesota as the basis of the bargain when choosing to build in DTE. What Minneapolis pulled was a type of quid pro quo developers normally associate with a third world country. This type of thing does not go unnoticed by developers when factoring in future development efforts.

Without the Wilfs decision to build in DTE, the would be no MSFA, hence no MSFA parking ramp for the stadium, hence no Wells Fargo, hence no new urban park (the “Yard”), and hence no complete transformation of DTE that will bring tens of millions in new tax revenue to city coffers. At no time was there ever a “Yard” that did not envision Vikings usage. What is so bizarre is why the discussion is allowed to progress as if any of this was a technical contingent truth. This is obviously, factually, and legally true yet folks on this list will contest event that. Why? Because they would have to recognize that the largest expansion of Minneapolis’ downtown core would not have been possible but for the Wilfs decision to not only stay in Minnesota, but in DTE. In this, no contributor to the DTE redevelopment put put in more money than the Wilf’s - over $500 million. How about just a little integrity on this. By any metrics - the measurables - that future developers, a fair public, or a litigating attorney would use to measure what the Wilfs have and have not done, the Wilfs would win.

On the first quote block above, yes, the Vikings were to pay for $3.5 million for the bridge but later agreed to pay for $6 million of the $9.65 million bridge - almost 2/3 the cost - to be owned by a government entity in support of a state owned structure to ease foreseeable public transportation congestion. http://www.startribune.com/cost-of-pede ... 344172462/ The pedestrian bridge concerns that transportation grid of Minneapolis and the safe efficient movement of individuals in a downtown urban traffic environment. The Vikings will play in a stadium owned by the MSFA.

As the article notes, and as the MSFA budget demonstrates, the Vikings are paying for a substantial portion of the reconstruction of Chicago Avenue as well as the open space across the street from the stadium that will be fashioned into a parklike space transitioning to the “Yard.” The Vikings are, at this time, still the largest funders of the Yard ($3 million) and will probably contribute more as the development cycle progresses. This is the same Yard that the City of Minneapolis will neither pay for nor manage. As noted, the Wilfs are spending well in excess of $500 million on U.S. Bank Stadium itself. The stadium will be a top tier facility when it opens that already attracts national and international attention and will bring Minneapolis millions in unpaid-for advertising publicity that can directly translate into tourism dollars.

The idea that the Wilfs are, as one StarTribune comment in the comment sections said, greedy “shysters from New Jersey” simply does not survive contact with reality. Its not true. Does anyone think other major development programs don’t include the same give and take negotiations? Are the Wilfs guilty of negotiating outside the footprint of standard NFL development parameters? (No!) Why is it that its just for the Wilf’s that business negotiations and agreements are allowed to be externalized for the purpose of personalizing them in a nasty unfair ad hominem way?

By all means get yourself wrapped up in differences without meaning on the type of street Chicago is as opposed to Twins Way, pretend that’s what the issue is about - and act like the Vikings are asking for something for nothing, are being unreasonable, or are making unwarranted requests. Such rationales don’t help your point, they condemn them. (Its that nasty equal treatment under the law thing.) But alongside any of that, please help me understand the giant nothing sound associated with any related hostile rhetoric concerning the Twin’s stadium - Target Field. What’s worse, that folks pretend they don’t see the disparity or that they think they can just explain it away. (What if Bagley is telling the truth that the name change was part of the schema going back years? It is so much a part of this type of development package, why would anyone really doubt it?)

IMHO, which can easily be supported by the evidence, the Wilfs have been treated in a very shabby way, that they do not deserve, that is unwarranted. They have been good citizens, they perform on what they are on the hook for, and are actually trying to build a powerful NFL sports franchise in Minnesota, for Minnesota, and not on the cheap.

As ESPN notes, 50-plus years into their existence, it is only with the future opening of U.S. Bank Stadium that the Vikings have a stadium they can use to attract future players instead of create alibis for it - http://espn.go.com/blog/minnesota-vikin ... ree-agents As noted in an earlier post - and maybe there are others on this list who’ve been to other NFL venues who can attest - I don’t think many on this list appreciate how inferior the Metronome and Winter Park facilities were/are and how much this affected their play on the field and the quality of staff they could support - as a 2007 City Pages article demonstrates http://www.citypages.com/news/eye-of-th ... er-6688699 Having secured the stadium, they are now committing to building a headquarters and training facility in Eagan that will rival the Cowboys (as yet to be opened) facility - that will serve as the new team training facility benchmark http://www.vikings.com/news/article-1/V ... sf22724653 Reading Viking Bleacher Report and Viking Chat Sports during the recent free agent period, one can see how much players want to come to Minnesota to play for the Vikings. THAT WASN’T ALWAYS TRUE. They genuinely point to the amicable atmosphere. Remember Mike Lynn?

Although an East Coast corporation, the Wilfs contribute to Minnesota charities in a substantial way. As things go, if the Wilfs were cynical and contributed simply to make the news cycle and to secure hand claps at a calculated wine and cheese events, they could contribute around $150,000. But the Wilf Center at the U of M Hospital is substantial at $5 million. http://www.health.umn.edu/news-releases ... s-hospital In that same notice, it notes that the Wilf’s have contributed over $200 million over the period of their foundation. This includes providing needed healthcare like hearing aides to holocaust survivors. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nf ... /73045062/ Look at what else they do in the community; at how they helped Zimmer start up his local charity.

I think the Wilfs have made mistakes. When they originally bought into the Vikings, it was supposed to be as silent partners and they were not prepared. But I think they know that. I also think they are not always the best in terms of media presence. But they are learning and they are building and the sports world is taking real notice. Let we forget, the Vikings are easily the most popular sports team in Minnesota.

What we saw with the City Council - and the development agency just before it - is among the ugliest forms of populist pandering to a loathsome irrational hostility and it will tarnish the city, including in ways that may never be discussed. (Especially if Bagley is telling the truth.) Consider this, what if it becomes known that the same Minneapolis that fancies itself “cosmopolitan” ends up being seen in the development world as a petty, provincial and just downright unfriendly location that seeks to undermine bargained for property rights? What if talks in powerful development circles on the coasts take note of the Wilfs experience in Minnesota and not unreasonably conclude that no matter how much they spend, no matter how much they reach out to the community, they will aways be seen and treated as “shysters from New Jersey”.

Are you really telling me that no-body sees any of this? Really?

  • The Vikings negotiated and secured those 80 days park usage rights. The legislation that created the MSFA development includes the park. To deny the Vikings those usage rights, should they choose to exercise them, would be breach of contract. But really, and this is what is so bizarre, why wouldn’t that park be used the way the Vikings envision? Why not for tailgating? Why not for people congregating before a concert? Why not the equipment, time and material to make that a successful venture? Regardless of your beef, they are irrelevant to the rights granted. Its like having a beef because your neighbor bought a red sports car instead of what you’d prefer, a blue pickup. Not your car, not your purchase agreement.
  • The Vikings are the largest contributors to the park.
  • The City of Minneapolis as yet has not chosen to take possession of the park.
  • The Vikings would have zero liability in the event of an accident concerning the train.
  • The Vikings aren’t asking for gravy, they are expecting what they bargained for when they secured the contract.
  • If Minnesota wants an NFL team, they have to cowboy up their costs. No crime in saying no. But no team either. Minnesota and Minneapolis said yes. Deal with it. If you are still dealing with your unresolved issues on this, the entity that you should direct your ire towards is the State of Minnesota, the Governor, and the City of Minneapolis - all of whom worked hard to secure the Wilf's team in Minnesota - SKOL VIKINGS!
The City of Minneapolis and the State of Minnesota recognize that you have to spend money to make it. DTE is in development overdrive. Once the tax increment period suspends, it will be millions. Super Bowl, Final Four, two concerts already locked in.

As far as I can tell, all the Wilfs are guilty of is securing the rights necessary to maximize the Viking game experience for Viking fans attending U.S. Bank events, almost all of whom will be Minnesota residents. Its not as if they weren't executing on that plan! What's the real problem here?
Last edited by VikingFaninMaryland on March 18th, 2016, 7:41 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby grant1simons2 » March 18th, 2016, 7:13 pm

This is exactly what I'm 100% done with today.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby Wedgeguy » March 18th, 2016, 8:18 pm

Sorry, But do not all property owner pay an assessment when their streets are rebuilt? They are the only land lord so I would expect they the pay for there street rebuild like every other property owner. Their project tore up the street, they can rebuild. Again expecting others to pay for what others would have to pay for if they were not a sports team.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby VikingFaninMaryland » March 18th, 2016, 9:05 pm

Sorry, But do not all property owner pay an assessment when their streets are rebuilt? They are the only land lord so I would expect they the pay for there street rebuild like every other property owner. Their project tore up the street, they can rebuild. Again expecting others to pay for what others would have to pay for if they were not a sports team.
The Vikings are not landlords, they are tenants and as such are not beholden to any liens. On large construction projects, local governments usually cover that cost in large scale developments. Having said that, the Vikings are contributing an amount substantially in excess of what would be the assessment had there been a property assessment. What of the roads in/around Target Center and Target Field? Funny how that gets a complete pass.

The moment the Vikings move in to U.S. Bank Stadium, they will have the highest rental costs of any NFL franchise.

The idea that the Vikings are skating on costs is laughable.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby EOst » March 18th, 2016, 10:22 pm

Jesus, please stop.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby David Greene » March 18th, 2016, 11:14 pm


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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby VikingFaninMaryland » March 18th, 2016, 11:16 pm

I'll stop.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby Nick » March 19th, 2016, 8:58 am

So for the record, I, a person who does not really care about the stadium, made the motion to not rename the street because it...just objectively did not meet the criteria for a street renaming. The end! That's the whole game.
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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby Didier » March 19th, 2016, 12:42 pm

Now you've disheartened Lester Bagley. I hope you're happy.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby kiliff75 » March 19th, 2016, 2:27 pm

I personally thought renaming the street because it is affiliated with a rival was just a lazy argument. For that reason, everyone in this forum is now dumber for having listened to it. I award them no points, and may God have mercy on their soul. :lol:

But for real, they definitely just botched a possibly reasonable request with a terribly formed and lazy argument that failed to convince much of the public or the city council. Using different reasoning could've made it much easier for it to be approved.

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Re: U.S. Bank Stadium Construction Updates

Postby go4guy » March 19th, 2016, 2:53 pm

Seriously. There is not a nut job in the state of Minnesota who defends the Vikings like this. Have to go all the way to Maryland. Absolutely has to be an employee of the Vikings. No other rational explanation.

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