Stillwater Development News

Twin Cities Suburbs
Foshay Tower
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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby bubzki2 » December 28th, 2020, 10:14 am

The proposed development would remove the god-awful parking lot/ramp thing on Chestnut, which would be a massive improvement to the area's aesthetics. I enjoyed the neighbor's very NIMBY complaints about you guessed it -- parking.

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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby Mdcastle » August 20th, 2021, 7:06 am

39 unit apartment building adjacent to the parking ramp rejected by the planning commission. Developer wanted a variance to go 4.5 stories instead of 3. Planning commission said it's inappropriate in scale and materials for the neighborhood and makes the adjacent historic house (owned by the developer and would be used as an additional apartment unit look like a "doghouse" Planning commission said they'd approve a 3 story design that was tapered back from the house, developer said that wasn't economically feasible.


Foshay Tower
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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby bubzki2 » August 20th, 2021, 8:23 am

Location? Is this by the courthouse?

Wells Fargo Center
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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby Mdcastle » August 20th, 2021, 8:30 am

3rd and Myrtle. The site is currently kind of a surface overflow lot for the municipal ramp combined with two vacant lots and the 110 Myrtle Street house. The developer can't raze the house because it's historic but they bought it so they can build in the back yard and not have the residents complain about a 4.5 story building right next to them.

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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby Mdcastle » January 14th, 2022, 9:54 pm

The Chestnut Street pedestrian plaza will start construction late this summer.

Chestnut Street is still a trunk highway; MnDOT can't turn it back without a statewide referendum for a constitutional amendment occurring as the description for Constitutional Route 45 specified "Beginning at a point on the west bank of the St. Croix River at Stillwater". They also have concerns about being able to continue to drive heavy maintenance vehicles onto he bridge. So they're leasing the street to the city but have veto power over design.

The original design preferred to the city was vetoed by MnDOT as well as the state historic preservation office; basically the design looked too much like a "park" as opposed to a "street" which it historically was, the red pavers were introducing a non-historic color, and planting big canopy trees in the middle would block the view of the bridge from the city.

This delayed the project a year, here's the revised design
The "street" part for bicycles, pedestrians, and programming will be narrowed to 20 feet from the original 24 to allow for wider sidewalks. Benches and bicycle parking racks will be where the former parking was. The trees will be narrower columnar varieties as to not block the view of the bridge from the city. There is a project under development to replace all the lighting in the downtown with historic-looking warm white LED acorns, which will be the lighting here.

Foshay Tower
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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby bubzki2 » February 2nd, 2022, 11:12 am

Construction fences appear to be up around the 200 Chestnut street project. I guess it got approved? No demolition yet that I saw as of this a.m.

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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby Mdcastle » February 2nd, 2022, 12:17 pm

Yes, the project was approved last spring. The city is letting them build a 4th story and agreed to shut up about them not having enough parking in exchange for a $780,000 cash payment to help build the second parking ramp that the city wants ... f794e.html

Foshay Tower
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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby bubzki2 » February 2nd, 2022, 1:58 pm

FTA: “Every person living there — they need a car,” (CM) Junker said.

Classic Stillwater car-brain logic.

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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby Mdcastle » July 20th, 2022, 5:46 am ... 600191469/

Lift Bridge Brewery apparently abandoned plans to expand in Stillwater. After opening another brewery and taproom in New Richmond, co-owned with Big Watt Coffee, they're now building a new brewery and taproom at the site of the long defunct dog racing track in Hudson. The bulk of the production will be moved to Hudson, leaving Stillwater for event space and research.

Wells Fargo Center
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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby Mdcastle » April 1st, 2023, 5:24 pm

187 Unit rental townhouse prooposed on Manning Avenue and 80th, displacing four single family detached houses. . ... _id=120742

Although the area is guided for medium density residential, building this at this time will require a zoning amendment and a varience to the setback on Manning (currently required to be 100 feet), neither of which the city is obligated to grant. A planning commision member mentioned that surrounding residents are "approaching us with rakes and pictchforks" opposing this.

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Re: Stillwater Development News

Postby mamundsen » April 2nd, 2023, 6:39 am

How many units in the townhomes just on the north side of 80th? This looks good! I wonder if the wedding venue to the east of the site is the angry neighbor.

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