New Target Building - (1001 Nicollet Mall)

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New Target Building - (1001 Nicollet Mall)

Postby minneapolisguy » June 13th, 2012, 9:19 am

Scaffolding is going on on the front of the old Let It Be Records store on 10th and Nicollet - they are finally starting to make some progress on this project.


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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby Konante » June 13th, 2012, 9:31 am

Nice! I was there at the end of last week and didn't see anything. Happy there is progress.

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby minneapolisguy » June 13th, 2012, 9:50 am

I know they have been doing things on the interior and in the back - but this is the first work being done on the exterior front of the building that I've seen.

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby Wedgeguy » June 13th, 2012, 10:00 am

Glad they are finally doing something to what had been a major eyesore on the Mall. Now if they would only do something about City Centers lower 4 floors I'd be very happy.

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby John » June 13th, 2012, 10:44 am

Glad they are finally doing something to what had been a major eyesore on the Mall. Now if they would only do something about City Centers lower 4 floors I'd be very happy.
Yes, it will be great to have these nice old buildings opened up and alive again! City Center needs new owners who will give it TLC. The current owners have been woefully negligent of the property.


Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby nasa35 » June 15th, 2012, 9:51 am

I know a few of you have scoffed at my friend who works at Target, but we were at a charity golf tournament and we spoke in much greater detail about target development. He stated very clearly that you can thank the cry babies downtown worrying about the design and heighth of the Target tower. Jon said the initial design was MUCH taller than what we have. Target, in his opinion, is being a touch spiteful; that the plans in Brooklyn Park were much less than what we will be seeing. He also said that the fitness center will be there A LONG, LONG time.

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby Wedgeguy » June 15th, 2012, 10:00 am

I can live with that, As long as they make that corner section look not like it belongs in a slum I can live with without the tower for awhile. You get on the bad side of your businesses and they will have a long memory for when they next decide to invest in your tower. If I remember right, it was Lisa Goodman that was the biggest crybaby as it would be too tall. Then she could not see the IDS and Wells Fargo building from her condo. Time to get right of this roadblock and vote her out!!
Last edited by Wedgeguy on June 15th, 2012, 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby mnmike » June 15th, 2012, 10:11 am

Nasa, unless the original design was top secret and only between the company and the neighborhood group, that is false. Everyone saw the original designs and plans before the neighborhood even got to have input. The first plan they put forward was taller, yes, but not even that much. I want to say it was 40ish floors? I am not sure how there would have been this mysterious extra tall design that the neighborhood defeated, yet it was never mentioned?

Also, if Target is being spiteful...they are only hurting their employees that dont want to go to Brooklyn park, and the people that travel here to do business with them that will have an extra 30 minutes from the airport. Real smart strategy.


Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby Lancestar2 » June 15th, 2012, 10:46 am

call me crazy but I think Target Plaza is tall enough! I do like the top part of target plaza but could you imagine if the IDS building had something like that ( you thought the migrating birds were confused not :lol: ) I know most people just want to see tall buildings added but the look of the skyline is really special in Minneapolis!

Also I am disappointed about the fitness center at 1001 Nicollet. I wish they could have just used the 2nd floor and maybe the old Scientology building, while leaving the rest for RETAIL! Have we forgotten the purpose of Nicollet Mall is to be lined with retail and food places!

I remember watching a cable tv program about strange McDonald's and how some of them were very creative. Also Target is known for being inventive and creative! Having a one of a kind "Target Lunch Shop" where they sold Deli wraps, healthy drinks, Fruit bowls & mini veggie snack trays, and a mini bakery full of cookies, doughnuts, and other guilty pleasures would be very creative! Though selling coffee drinks may be a conflict of interest with the Starbucks.

I just think Target had a chance to do something very inventive even if it was as simple as throwing in a Target liquor store OR a combined SuperTarget style Deli & Bakery (and a Meat section if space provided) The problem is that building won't make a DIME for Target but will increase the overall productivity and enjoyment of their staff (and help with the obesity issues of their staff/ or help prevent obesity) However, with the creation of Lund's Target is going to loose a lot of their Grocery customer base simply because they don't offer the selection that Lund's can.

Target could have done so much more! they could have been making money to help off set the costs, and help keep their grocery customers.

Also what about creating a Target Fashion Clothing store! stocked with upscale clothes from many designers and selling unique items. The goal I am hinting at is creating a unique shopping store that makes visitors say "WOW I gotta go there! Or, WOW! that is unique for Target"

Kinda like how the "Target Commercial Interiors" is Unique though they have several locations and it's really not for the general public to shop at. I would imagine it would great for marketing and would help keep Nicollet Mall busy with life and traffic. Instead of a private gym That is 1 block away from a bigger gym :roll:

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby min-chi-cbus » June 15th, 2012, 10:58 am

From Nasa's comments (assuming they have some validity), what was the remark about Brooklyn Park designs? It sounded like Target (out of spite) decided to show design renderings that weren't actually what is going to be built? If true, what would the city of Brooklyn Park or nearby residents think about that, or what would people think of Target the NEXT time they proposed to build something?

Very confusing!

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby mullen » June 15th, 2012, 11:02 am

yes it was only a matter of a few floors. target wasn't proposing a 60 story building. so intead of a 40 something tower there is a 30 something tower.

that said, he is correct. it was a matter of a small group or residents having the ear of their councilmember. i remember she was very vocal in her opposition to target's original height proposal. i thought the whole debate was superficial. your view of the wells fargo tower is blocked? boo hoo cry me a river. and target is providing a nightly light show at the top of it's south tower which looks awesome. if you live in a city you shouldn't expect the views outside your window to never change.

i can't however, make the grand leap that because some executives were so pissed off at the city they suddenly decided to build more onto their sprawlville north campus. it's unfortunate the county is thinking of connecting this campus to downtown with a billion dollar rail line. space could've been found for these workers within the city and i don't feel the city was proactive enough years ago about target's future office space plans. thankfully in recent years, i think city leadership "gets" it.

the city has been generous to target and vice versa. (target's downtown store) i think it's a healthy relationship and the city recognizes what target means for downtown.

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby mnmike » June 15th, 2012, 11:33 am

It is sad that there are so many suburban corporate campuses...imagine the difference it would make if even just one of them had located downtown instead.


Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby nasa35 » June 15th, 2012, 11:48 am

yes it was only a matter of a few floors. target wasn't proposing a 60 story building. so intead of a 40 something tower there is a 30 something tower.

that said, he is correct. it was a matter of a small group or residents having the ear of their councilmember. i remember she was very vocal in her opposition to target's original height proposal. i thought the whole debate was superficial. your view of the wells fargo tower is blocked? boo hoo cry me a river. and target is providing a nightly light show at the top of it's south tower which looks awesome. if you live in a city you shouldn't expect the views outside your window to never change.

i can't however, make the grand leap that because some executives were so pissed off at the city they suddenly decided to build more onto their sprawlville north campus. it's unfortunate the county is thinking of connecting this campus to downtown with a billion dollar rail line. space could've been found for these workers within the city and i don't feel the city was proactive enough years ago about target's future office space plans. thankfully in recent years, i think city leadership "gets" it.

the city has been generous to target and vice versa. (target's downtown store) i think it's a healthy relationship and the city recognizes what target means for downtown.

Jon said it was going to be taller than 40 at the end of the day...and i forget the man's name he used, but I believe he was the ceo or someone close to that...but Jon was very adament that this guy was pissed and the whole attitude towards downtown changed after that. My friend is pretty high up in Target, and his info was coherent and detailed. I believe him. I also believe him when he says we will see action in Brooklyn Park and none downtown. Pisses me off!

Can you imagine, for instance, what United health could've built downtown? We might not see another significant building for a decade.

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby mnmike » June 15th, 2012, 12:48 pm

I am curious about what your response is to my earlier is it possible that there was this mystery extra tall Target tower proposed and blocked by the neighborhood, when it was never even presented? Everything presented to the neighborhood groups is public, and what they presented was 40 something...I think I rememeber it being 42. If they were successful at blocking a 60 story building, we would have heard about it. I am just curious as to what the explanation of this is? Why wasn't this taller tower presented to the neighborhood, and if it wasn't, how can they even be blamed for taking it down? If they had come with a 60 story building, I bet the neighborhood would have been appeased by a 45 story one.

And no offense to your friends...I am sure there intentions are good, but I seem to recall other "high up" folks you know promising things that never happened at other sites. I think it was someone in the construction business? I have plenty of acquaintances who are pretty involved in their companies and think they know exactly what's up, and what is going to happen, and usually they are I know how that goes. Just sayin'. Your guy could be totally different, and spot on...who knows. I am just saying I have met plenty of people who THINK they are in the know.

And again...if that is the attitude this guy your friend was talking to be immature and spiteful and act on it in such a way that affects his entire company's well being and future, he really shouldn't be in his position. Very unprofessional...but that's business for you! People do much worse I guess:)

PPS, with all of the expansion, I have really been wishing United had located in the city:(

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby Wedgeguy » June 15th, 2012, 2:06 pm

call me crazy but I think Target Plaza is tall enough! I do like the top part of target plaza but could you imagine if the IDS building had something like that ( you thought the migrating birds were confused not :lol: ) I know most people just want to see tall buildings added but the look of the skyline is really special in Minneapolis!

Also I am disappointed about the fitness center at 1001 Nicollet. I wish they could have just used the 2nd floor and maybe the old Scientology building, while leaving the rest for RETAIL! Have we forgotten the purpose of Nicollet Mall is to be lined with retail and food places!

I remember watching a cable tv program about strange McDonald's and how some of them were very creative. Also Target is known for being inventive and creative! Having a one of a kind "Target Lunch Shop" where they sold Deli wraps, healthy drinks, Fruit bowls & mini veggie snack trays, and a mini bakery full of cookies, doughnuts, and other guilty pleasures would be very creative! Though selling coffee drinks may be a conflict of interest with the Starbucks.

I just think Target had a chance to do something very inventive even if it was as simple as throwing in a Target liquor store OR a combined SuperTarget style Deli & Bakery (and a Meat section if space provided) The problem is that building won't make a DIME for Target but will increase the overall productivity and enjoyment of their staff (and help with the obesity issues of their staff/ or help prevent obesity) However, with the creation of Lund's Target is going to loose a lot of their Grocery customer base simply because they don't offer the selection that Lund's can.

Target could have done so much more! they could have been making money to help off set the costs, and help keep their grocery customers.

Also what about creating a Target Fashion Clothing store! stocked with upscale clothes from many designers and selling unique items. The goal I am hinting at is creating a unique shopping store that makes visitors say "WOW I gotta go there! Or, WOW! that is unique for Target"

Kinda like how the "Target Commercial Interiors" is Unique though they have several locations and it's really not for the general public to shop at. I would imagine it would great for marketing and would help keep Nicollet Mall busy with life and traffic. Instead of a private gym That is 1 block away from a bigger gym :roll:
I think Target and Lunds will compliment each other well. Target has your more budget minded provisions, while Lunds will have ready made "Grab and Go" solutions for people. Target will, in the short run, loss some business, but the population of DTWN is ever expanding. With more people coming into the south portion soon and lots more people in the North Loop will help the Whole Foods make a go of it in 222 Hennepin. IF Whole ffods is as busy as Lund's has been since it opened then both will do very well.


Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby nasa35 » June 15th, 2012, 4:40 pm

I am curious about what your response is to my earlier is it possible that there was this mystery extra tall Target tower proposed and blocked by the neighborhood, when it was never even presented? Everything presented to the neighborhood groups is public, and what they presented was 40 something...I think I rememeber it being 42. If they were successful at blocking a 60 story building, we would have heard about it. I am just curious as to what the explanation of this is? Why wasn't this taller tower presented to the neighborhood, and if it wasn't, how can they even be blamed for taking it down? If they had come with a 60 story building, I bet the neighborhood would have been appeased by a 45 story one.

And no offense to your friends...I am sure there intentions are good, but I seem to recall other "high up" folks you know promising things that never happened at other sites. I think it was someone in the construction business? I have plenty of acquaintances who are pretty involved in their companies and think they know exactly what's up, and what is going to happen, and usually they are I know how that goes. Just sayin'. Your guy could be totally different, and spot on...who knows. I am just saying I have met plenty of people who THINK they are in the know.

And again...if that is the attitude this guy your friend was talking to be immature and spiteful and act on it in such a way that affects his entire company's well being and future, he really shouldn't be in his position. Very unprofessional...but that's business for you! People do much worse I guess:)

PPS, with all of the expansion, I have really been wishing United had located in the city:(
No offense taken. If you will recall we had about 12 significant proposals that fell through. My Ryan contact was a good one. It is what it is. And it wasn't my friend that was bitter, it was the leader of Target.

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby mnmike » June 15th, 2012, 5:21 pm

thats what i said..the guy your friend was talking to. Anyway, oh well.


Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby Lancestar2 » June 15th, 2012, 11:10 pm

I think Target and Lunds will compliment each other well. Target has your more budget minded provisions, while Lunds will have ready made "Grab and Go" solutions for people. Target will, in the short run, loss some business, but the population of DTWN is ever expanding. With more people coming into the south portion soon and lots more people in the North Loop will help the Whole Foods make a go of it in 222 Hennepin. IF Whole ffods is as busy as Lund's has been since it opened then both will do very well.
yea, I do agree but also I havn't made my way down to Lund's yet :cry: I think this Sunday I will make it if not Monday! :D

I am excited about whole foods although their prices may be high they do bring a HEALTHY option to downtown!! :mrgreen: Even if I just get one or two things a week It sure would improve my overall diet. I just wonder what changes Target downtown will make in their selection of food items! being they are a unique design I doubt they are given a general format to follow (such as all Super Targets carry the same items, generally) I wonder if they will increase their Organic/healthy selection more to compete with Whole foods while at the same time try to pack more produce into their displays to compete with Lund's!

I don't doubt Target will continue to be successful but their grocery sales will have a sharp decline with a slow growth as the "Newness" of Lund's wears off. I still think the bulk of people will continue to shop at Target while going to Lund's for items they don't carry such as produce or for the fresher looking produce! That's what I will look into doing if the prices are affordable, otherwise I'll continue to drive my groceries in from the suburbs. It may be a bit more work but saving 10-30 bucks a week is well worth the workout, which would be one less day at the gym to.

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby seanrichardryan » June 16th, 2012, 9:03 am

Lisa Goodman can't see the Wells Fargo or IDS from her condo, it faces Hennepin.
Q. What, what? A. In da butt.

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Re: 1001 Nicollet - New Target Building

Postby seanrichardryan » June 16th, 2012, 9:16 am

Q. What, what? A. In da butt.

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