2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Who wanted to be mayor?
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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby twincitizen » November 8th, 2013, 12:40 pm

Cam Gordon (chair of elections committee) responded in the E-Democracy thread.

If you have strong feelings about this one way or the other, he's the guy to contact. Probably via email, not on E-Democracy.
There seems to be a growing interest in having the Council consider amending
the charter to raise the filing fee. From teh charter Commission action it
seems clear that they think this is an appropriate thing for the current
council to consider. This would put it at a great distance from the next
election. In order for the Council to change the charter there would need to
be a unanimous, 13 - 0 vote.

I am curous about how other people feel about doing this in December 2013. A
case could be made for waiting to make this decision untilafter there has been
more time for public discourse on it and that it is something the new coundil
should be allowed to decide. If you have an opinion on the timeing fo this I
would wlecome hearing it.

Also, in terms of the amount I think it might make sense for us to see what is
already required for other offices. I would like to use this as a basis for
any fee structure we set.

Here is what some of what state law says about filing fees:
"a filing fee shall be paid by each candidate who files an affidavit of
candidacy. The fee shall be paid at the time the affidavit is filed. The amount
of the filing fee shall vary with the office sought as follows:
(a) for the office of governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state
auditor, secretary of state, representative in Congress, judge of the Supreme
Court, judge of the Court of Appeals, or judge of the district court, $300;
(b) for the office of senator in Congress, $400;
(c) for office of senator or representative in the legislature, $100;
(d) for a county office, $50; and
(e) for the office of soil and water conservation district supervisor, $20.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby David Greene » November 8th, 2013, 3:42 pm

I'm a big fan of RCV, but with a caveat. RCV does not really make much of a difference in a one-party town.
I don't think that's true and we saw it in this election. The lack of a primary for mayor made a huge difference, I think. Remember that
Andrew almost got the endorsement until Hodges denied it by breaking quorum. At the time, I think Andrew would have won a primary
handily. By delaying voting until the general, the Hodges camp had time to organize a ground game that was big enough to overcome
the financal advantage of Andrew. I believe RCV is what allowed a diverse coalition of grassroots groups to take on the DFL machine.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby twincitizen » November 8th, 2013, 3:44 pm

Previously, did Minneapolis have partisan primaries, like statewide races, or "Top 2" primaries, like we do for Hennepin County Commissioners, where the top 2 finishers in the primary go to the general?

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby David Greene » November 8th, 2013, 3:44 pm

Yang seemed really sharp on the campaign trail, and I'm eager to see him in office. Also will be good to have a more rounded CM for this ward; I like Samuels but he's uninterested in every issue but crime and schools it seems.
Not just "it seems." Samuels was not well-liked in Near North. Just look at how the precincts voted. I met Blong Yang when he ran for county commissioner and he's really passionate about the ward. I'm very glad he won!

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby David Greene » November 8th, 2013, 3:45 pm

Previously, did Minneapolis have partisan primaries, like statewide races, or "Top 2" primaries, like we do for Hennepin County Commissioners, where the top 2 finishers in the primary go to the general?
Yes, I think you're right. I forgot about that.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby alleycat » November 8th, 2013, 4:32 pm

Yang seemed really sharp on the campaign trail, and I'm eager to see him in office. Also will be good to have a more rounded CM for this ward; I like Samuels but he's uninterested in every issue but crime and schools it seems.
Not just "it seems." Samuels was not well-liked in Near North. Just look at how the precincts voted. I met Blong Yang when he ran for county commissioner and he's really passionate about the ward. I'm very glad he won!
He won most of Near North and Camden, at least the higher density, African-American precincts. I am only making an educated guess, but you can pretty clearly see the demographic makeup of north in the precinct votes. The area pretty closely lines aligns at Penn Avenue to the west, I-94 to the east, Plymouth Avenue to the south and Dowling Avenue to the north.

I know a lot of people who like him, but they didn't necessarily vote for him as their first. He was my second (Hodges as my first). I didn't really appreciate his stance on public education and the Vikings stadium. I do give him and his wife credit for starting the Northside Achievement Zone, which interestingly mirrors the areas that he did very well in. At the same time MPS built there headquarters in his ward. Perplexing. I hope to see more of him at Jordan meetings since he's "retired."

I'm excited about Blong. I technically am in Johnson's ward, but the 5th ward council member has served Jordan better than Johnson who needs to step up her game. I was talking to her about the absurd per mile cost of the Nicollet-Central streetcar and her response was, "It's what the engineers came up with." I told her the per mile cost doesn't need to be that much, it's clearly been built out in many American cities at a lower cost. The engineers and city staff report to you. The supposed most powerful person in Minneapolis. Familial dynasties...

Scottie B. Tuska
[email protected]

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby David Greene » November 9th, 2013, 11:06 pm

Yang seemed really sharp on the campaign trail, and I'm eager to see him in office. Also will be good to have a more rounded CM for this ward; I like Samuels but he's uninterested in every issue but crime and schools it seems.
Not just "it seems." Samuels was not well-liked in Near North. Just look at how the precincts voted. I met Blong Yang when he ran for county commissioner and he's really passionate about the ward. I'm very glad he won!
He won most of Near North and Camden, at least the higher density, African-American precincts.
I stand partially corrected. :) You're right that he won much of Jordan and all of Hawthorne, which is not at all surprising. He also won about half of the Near North neighborhood and less of Willard-Hay.

However, I don't think it's correct to say that he won the "African American" precincts. There are plenty of African Americans south of there though the demographics may be a bit more diverse (I don't know offhand). Still, it's striking how his support erodes the further south you go.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby PhilmerPhil » November 11th, 2013, 11:36 am

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby twincitizen » November 12th, 2013, 2:55 pm

^That's going to be a fun show to watch in January. Lisa Bender almost assuredly has a shot at being Chair of Zoning & Planning, despite freshman status, as the article notes. I hope she also gets a seat on Public Works. We need her urbanist bent there as much as Z&P.

It sounds like both Lisa Goodman and Elizabeth Glidden could be angling for City Council President, regardless of if Barb Johnson still wants the job or not. If Glidden becomes council president, that means she's not on Ways & Means / Budget anymore, which results in 0 returning members of that very important committee. That sounds really, really bad. I guess I'd rather have her pass on Council Prez this time around and keep *some* consistency on the budget committee, if that even matters. I can't imagine a scenario where Lisa Goodman gives up chairing Community Development and doesn't want to be Council President. I found it interesting that no member of the council can sit on both Community Development AND W&M/Budget simultaneously. It makes sense, considering what the two committees do, as a sort of protection against unscrupulous spending items.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby mattaudio » November 12th, 2013, 3:06 pm

I heard there was a prohibition from someone being on both committees.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby twincitizen » November 12th, 2013, 3:34 pm

Downtown Journal put together some fascinating infographics regarding turnout, 1st choice mayoral votes by ward, etc. The disparities between wards in turnout are truly staggering. The City should make it a real priority to get more people voting in 4,5,6 & 9. I realize those wards have higher percentages of non-citizens as well, but that can't be the only reason. Wards 4 and 5 were hit especially hard by the foreclosure crisis, then the tornado came in 2011. Their current population is almost certainly lower than it was on April 1, 2010 when the census was performed.

http://www.journalmpls.com/news/2013-ci ... oice-votes

is great.
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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby MNdible » November 12th, 2013, 3:55 pm

Interesting that Andrew lost every single ward to Hodges except for 6, but in 6 he got almost three times as many votes as Hodges. Seems to suggest that the Warsame/Brian Rice team was able to strongly direct the Somali vote to Andrew.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby twincitizen » November 12th, 2013, 4:38 pm

I might've heard there were sample ballots...not sure how that works considering Warsame was DFL-endorsed and Andrew was not. Sample ballots would have to have come from an independent expenditure, right? Can one campaign legally endorse someone running for another office? I mean, I know Reich and Goodman publicly endorsed Mark Andrew too, but it's not like their campaigns were sending out literature or doorknocking for him.

Much less scrupulously, I heard that Somali translators and others hanging around the polling locations were just straight up telling people to vote for Mark Andrew.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby degersblogg » November 12th, 2013, 5:38 pm

^That's going to be a fun show to watch in January. Lisa Bender almost assuredly has a shot at being Chair of Zoning & Planning, despite freshman status, as the article notes. I hope she also gets a seat on Public Works. We need her urbanist bent there as much as Z&P.

It sounds like both Lisa Goodman and Elizabeth Glidden could be angling for City Council President, regardless of if Barb Johnson still wants the job or not. If Glidden becomes council president, that means she's not on Ways & Means / Budget anymore, which results in 0 returning members of that very important committee. That sounds really, really bad. I guess I'd rather have her pass on Council Prez this time around and keep *some* consistency on the budget committee, if that even matters. I can't imagine a scenario where Lisa Goodman gives up chairing Community Development and doesn't want to be Council President. I found it interesting that no member of the council can sit on both Community Development AND W&M/Budget simultaneously. It makes sense, considering what the two committees do, as a sort of protection against unscrupulous spending items.
I believe Glidden would still be able to sit on Ways & Means Budget even if she's council president. She's just not allowed to chair any committees.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby degersblogg » November 12th, 2013, 5:42 pm

I might've heard there were sample ballots...not sure how that works considering Warsame was DFL-endorsed and Andrew was not. Sample ballots would have to have come from an independent expenditure, right? Can one campaign legally endorse someone running for another office? I mean, I know Reich and Goodman publicly endorsed Mark Andrew too, but it's not like their campaigns were sending out literature or doorknocking for him.

Much less scrupulously, I heard that Somali translators and others hanging around the polling locations were just straight up telling people to vote for Mark Andrew.
I don't believe there are any prohibitions against co-campaigning. I know volunteers for Betsy Hodges were dropping lit for John Quincy in Ward 11. Wouldn't be surprised if Mark Andrew volunteers dropped lit for Kevin Reich in Ward 1.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby FISHMANPET » November 12th, 2013, 7:10 pm

I live in Ward 6 and I only got one sample ballot, the official DFL sample ballot with DFL endorsed candidates, so nothing for mayor.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby twincitizen » November 12th, 2013, 9:32 pm

I believe Glidden would still be able to sit on Ways & Means Budget even if she's council president. She's just not allowed to chair any committees.
Oh duh...I got a little wrapped up in my doomsday scenario and didn't think that through. Obviously she would continue to be a member of the committee even if Prez or VP. The Council could also amend the rules so that the President or VP could chair a committee. The MinnPost story kind of hinted that a rule tweak or two could be in order. Given his years of experience relative to others, it seems about time Cam Gordon step up and chair something semi-important, or perhaps VP. It's either him or Barb Johnson for Public Safety chair...I just don't know if he has the uh, fortitude for running that show. If Barb loses (or gives up) the presidency, I imagine she'd want to chair Public Safety. Cam Gordon would naturally move up and chair Regs, Energy & Environment in the scenario of Glidden being elevated to something else.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby mattaudio » November 13th, 2013, 9:57 am

In the past (especially since Greens used to have more seats, until 2 were basically kicked out by redistricting them into wards against a DFL incumbent) apparently the caucus was very important. So that probably explains why a DFL council pres would not give chairmanships to someone outside the DFL caucus. But I'm not sure how that will play out this year, considering a) Cam is in the minority of returning CMs and b) he seems to be safe, since the DFL didn't even endorse a challenger in his ward.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby degersblogg » November 13th, 2013, 10:51 am

So the major committees are Community Development, Public Safety, Civil Rights & Health, Regulatory, Energy & Environment, Transportation & Public Works, Ways & Means/Budget, and Zoning & Planning.

There are 6 major committees and 6 returning council members. Two of those returning CMs will be President & Vice-President and thus won't chair any of those committees. So that leaves 4 incumbents to chair 6 major committees. Using that logic, 2 incoming council members might actually get committee chairs.

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Re: 2013 Minneapolis Municipal Election

Postby degersblogg » November 13th, 2013, 11:05 am

Here is a breakdown of the major committees:

Community Development
Chair: Lisa Goodman (rumored to be giving up chair of this committee, signaling that she may want to be President)
Vice Chair: John Quincy
Other members who will be returning: Kevin Reich & Cam Gordon

Public Safety, Civil Rights & Health
Chair: Don Samuels (not returning)
Vice Chair: Cam Gordon
Other members who will be returning: Barb Johnson

Regulatory, Energy & Environment
Chair: Elizabeth Glidden (rumored that she wants to be President)
Vice Chair: Cam Gordon
Other members who will be returning: Lisa Goodman

Transportation & Public Works
Chair: Sandy Colvin Roy (not returning)
Vice Chair: Kevin Reich
Other members who will be returning: Elizabeth Glidden, John Quincy

Ways & Means/Budget
Chair: Betsy Hodges (not returning, will be Mayor)
Vice Chair: Sandy Colvin Roy (not returning)
Other members who will be returning: Elizabeth Glidden

Zoning & Planning
Chair: Gary Schiff (Not returning)
Vice Chair: Meg Tuthill (Not returning)
Other members who will be returning: Barb Johnson, Kevin Reich, Cam Gordon, Lisa Goodman

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